Chapter Thirty

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*Cassie's POV*
The pool was a nice experience. I was going to sleep with Mikhail because it's his first night, but then I realized I missed my guys... so here I am, laying between my guys. Miky came in anyways. He's laying between my legs, using my thigh as a pillow. Val's head is on my stomach and Vee's head is on my chest, shoulder area. They're all really adorable. I play with Miky's and Val's hair and kiss the top of Vee's head a bunch of times before I finally fall asleep.

"No! Please! Stop!" I beg, crying, "It hurts! Please stop!"
"Baby, we're right here. You'll be okay," Valentin whispers in my ear.
"It's nothing, printsessa. Just like the last two weeks," Miky gently kisses my forehead.
"Wake up, little villain," Volkov murmurs, pulling me into his arms.
My eyes slowly open.
Volkov is smiling down at me, "That's it baby girl. Nothing to be afraid of."
I let out a small sigh and start to fall asleep again.

I'm chilling in the living room, scrolling through Instagram. I come across a reel of a girl and her boyfriend.
"He looks a lot like Val," I laugh. I get up and go to the office that now holds Miky as well.
They all look up at me.
"Hey printsessa, watcha need?" Miky grins.
"I came to show Val something. I found his triplet," I giggle.

I walk over to Val and he's got a semi-panicked look. Volkov has the same look.
I give him my phone, "Looks just like you."
I look between him and the phone and start to realize, it IS him. I clear my throat and take my phone back. I walk over to Vee and sit on his lap.
"So, what are you doing?" I ask taking and playing with his hand.

"Looking over everything that revolves around our bars and clubs," He says kissing my bare shoulder since I'm wearing a sleeveless crop top that hugs my torso and ends just below my belly button.
"How many clubs do you have?"
"How many bars?"
I nod, "You want me to leave? I don't want to distract you."

"You can come over here," Miky smirks.
Vee pats my hip, giving me permission to go. I get up and walk over to him, sitting on his lap.
"Do I get a turn?" Valentin asks hesitantly.
"Do you want a turn? I know a girl that'd give you a turn," I smile sweetly but my words had a little venom to them. I open my phone and the reel is still there. I glance down at the caption and mentally slap myself. 'Missing this guy every day. Our 1 year of taking a break. I'm going to get him back.'
"Do you still want a turn?" I ask meekly.
"No, it's fine," He tells me before going back to work.

Deserved. You're a fucking asshole Cass.

I give Miky a quick kiss and then leave them to their work. A few hours later, when it's dinner time, I walk back into the office. I have on small Diamond earrings and a matching necklace. I'm wearing a tight black dress that stops about knee length. I have a sparkling silver clutch to match the earrings and necklace. I'm wearing black lace heels for shoes.
"Damn baby, you look good," Volkov looks up first.

"I made dinner reservations..." I blush.
"Printsessa, you're a whole meal," Miky says getting up and walking over to me.
"For right now?" Valentin gets right to the point.
"In an hour... but it's 30 minutes away. We don't have to go, I can always make you guys dinner here."

"I'll be ready," Miky kisses my forehead, leaving.
"Me as well, little villain," Volkov follows Miky.
I stand there, fidgeting with my clutch and dress and earrings.
"You're dismissed," Valentin says looking down at the papers on his desk.

"I-I'm sorry I was such a bitch... I-I should have let you explain..." I whisper. When he doesn't respond, I'm sure he didn't hear me. I drop my head and grab the door handle, "Sorry sir." I say before closing the door.
"Wait," He says right before I close it.
I open it and take a small step in, "Yes sir?"
"Don't call me that, baby, come here."

I walk over to him and he pulls me into his lap, "Apology accepted, I'm sorry as well. Just because I was mad, doesn't mean I can treat you like another one of my employees."
"Apology not accepted," I smile.
He raises an eyebrow.
"I require a gift."
He smirks and moves my hand to his hard dick, "How's that?"
"Not good enough."

He pushes my dress up to my hips and pulls his cock out. He rips my panties off and sits me on his dick. I gasp and my hands go to his shoulders. He pulls me off and stands up. He turns me around and presses me down on the desk. He pushes back into me and I moan.

His hands go to my waist and he slams into me, faster. He pulls out again and flips me over, keeping me bent over the desk though. He makes me cum first and then he follows shortly after. He sits down, pulling me with him. I slowly, carefully get off.

"You need to get ready," I whimper, already sore.
He grins, "Yes ma'am."
He shoves my panties into his pocket and then carry's me bridal style to his room. He pulls out another pair of my panties and helps me get them on.
"I thought all my clothing was in Miky's room?" I ask, sitting on his bed.

"We all have some of your clothing in our rooms. Never know who's going to fuck you and then need to redress you," He smirks, changing into a suit.
I flop backwards on his bed. Once he's ready he walks over and helps me up. We walk out as the other two were about to walk in.

"Ready printsessa?" Miky pulls me away from Val, into himself.
I nod and we leave. We get to the restaurant and get seated. I try to ignore them, but somehow I see every single dirty look given to me.
The waiter comes over, "Can I get you guys started with some drinks?"
"I'll have a water please," I glance up at him and then go back to looking at the menu.
"I'll have your IPA," Volkov tells him.
"Can I see some ID?"

Volkov pulls his wallet out and hands his license to him.
"I'll have the corona," Mikhail tells him next.
Mikhail hands him his license as well.
Val pulls his out while ordering, "I'll take the corona as well."

The waiter nods, "I'll be right back with those."
"Who's paying?" Volkov asks looking between Val and Miky.
"I am," I look up from the menu.
Their heads snap over to me.
"What? This place is fucking expensive, you don't have to," Valentin is quick to say.
"I made the reservations without asking you guys so why would I expect one of you to pay? So anyways, get what you want."

The waiter comes back over with our drinks, "Are you guys ready to order?"
We all look at each other and I nod, "I'll have the shepherds pie please."
He nods and writes it down. The guys order their meals and I notice they're all really cheap meals, not their usual expensive taste in food.

I thought they'd like this place more... I have the money to pay for it...

"Please excuse me," I mumble getting up and going to the bathroom.
I'm in a stall when two more girls walk in, "Did you see that girl that came in with three guys? You think they're all fucking her?"
"They have to be. If she's got a chance to pull guys like that, we have no problem," The other girl laughs.

"Exactly! Like how'd she even manage to pull three guys like them? Maybe she's just an easy keep for when they get bored and need to fuck something."
"It's gotta be that. I mean they're probably fucking other girls but need her in between."
"Yeah. Oh! And I bet this dinner was her idea because she thinks they love her as much as she probably loves them."

They laugh and then I hear the door open and close. I wash my hands and go back to the table.
Valentin rubs my thigh since I'm sitting next to him, "Hey baby, you okay?"
I smile, "Yeah, I am now."

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