Chapter Fifteen

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*Cassie's POV*
Volkov has his arm around my shoulders, Valentin is now carrying the bag.
"Cassandra?" I hear Trevor's voice right behind me.
"Keep walking," I mumble.
That makes the guys stop immediately and turn around. I turn around with them.

"Hey Trevor..." I smile, looking up.
"It's been a while," I can hear the hostility in his voice.
"How do you know her?" Valentin asks, getting protective.
"She's my girlfriend," He smirks.

"No, I'm not. I broke up with you," I glare at him.
"In a note. I feel like it doesn't count."
"It does," I tug on Val's arm and turn around with Volkov. I start walking, pressing myself into Volkov as much as possible.
"Don't walk away from me, bitch!" Trevor yells.
Valentin shoves the bag at Volkov and punches Trevor. He shoves him back as well, "Call my girlfriend that again, I fucking dare you."
"Bitch," Trevor threatens.

It's Volkov this time who drops the bag and whirls around, punching Trevor's jaw hard. My hands fly up to my mouth.
Trevor grunts, "Assholes! If you're willing to punch someone in public, what are you going to do to her in private when she gets on your nerves?! You're sure acting fucking abusive right now!"

Valentin grabs the collar of Trevor's shirt and pins him against the side of a building. He pulls him off and slams him against it again.
"If I have a damn headache, Cass would get a fucking concussion," Trevor doesn't stop.
Valentin slams him against the wall again.

"Val! Val stop, please!" I tug on his arm before Vee pulls me away, "Volkov! Stop him!"
"He deserves it," Volkov mumbles, right next to my ear.
His arms are wrapped around my waist, pinning my arms to my sides.
"Val!" I nearly start crying.

"You see red, don't you? Cass calling out to you is only making you angrier. Take it out on her," Trevor smirks.
He's once again slammed against the wall, this time Valentin adds a punch to the face again.
"Valentin!" I scream, "Keep this up and we're over!" I threaten him, unable to do anything else.
"Ah, the sweet sound of break up. You're going to keep this up and let your brother have her all to himself?" Trevor taunts.

Valentin throws him on the ground and stares down at him, "You should learn to keep your mouth shut."
Valentin picks up the bag, still pissed. He walks towards us and I immediately start walking the direction we were going early.

"Cass, wait up!" I hear the guys call after me.
They catch up, on either side of me. I move to the other side of Volkov, farther from Valentin.
"Cass? Come on, I stopped," He defends.
"After throwing him down on the ground," I retort.
"I was defending you."
"By hurting someone!"

"Why don't you go back and check up on him if you still fucking care about him that much?! And why don't you carry your own shit for now on?!" He roughly hands me my bag and goes back to Volkov's other side.

I stare down at the bag in my hands, hot tears burning my cheeks. I can't even look up as we walk. I can't see anything anymore. It's all blurry. My shoulders slump, I stop trying to keep up with them, my thoughts are all over the place. When I finally look up, they're nowhere in sight. I frantically look around and keep walking but I just can't find them. I dig through my bag to find my phone but then I remember, I asked Volkov to carry it some time back. I walk in every store near us and check on the beach. I decide to just go back to the hotel and then I realize I don't have a key.

"My fucking luck..." I mumble. I knock on the door but no one answers. I slide down and sit in front of the door. I pull my knees up to my chest and rest my head on my knees. I hear some people coming and glance up to see a couple. I sigh and then another wave of tears hits me. A few more people walk by until I pass out.

*Volkov's POV*
I look to my right to see Cass suddenly gone. I hit Val's arm and he glares at me, "What the fuck?!"
"Where's Cass?!"
He looks around and shrugs, "Probably went back to that Trevor guy."

"You just had to push it, huh? I mean shit, we did a whole ass background check on her and you know she hates violence, but hey, let's do it right in front of her face! And then you have the audacity to get mad at her."
"Clearly she still likes him!"
"Fuck you man."

We walk back to where Valentin went all crazy to see Trevor still nursing his headache, sitting against the building, but no Cass. We walk away before he can even get a word out.
"I'll call her," I get my phone out and call her, only for my pocket to start vibrating. I pull her phone out and sigh.

Valentin continues to run a hand through his hair, and I know he's fucking worried now. As mad as he was, he loves her. We check all the stores near where we lost her. We wait at the restrooms for a while, check the beach, back track, until we head back to the hotel.
"She's got a key, right? It would make sense for her to head back," I questioned.
Valentin shakes his head, his hand in his hair, "She doesn't have a key..."

"Shit," I don't bother with the elevator, taking the stairs two at a time. As soon as we get to the top and walk into the hallway, we see her sitting in front of our room door. I jog over and kneel next to her, "Baby?" I whisper. She doesn't respond so I very gently pull her into my arms and stand up. She's sound asleep with red cheeks, puffy eyes, and tear stains, "She's been crying. A lot."

"She'll never forgive me. I'll never forgive myself," Valentin sighs, opening the door.
I gently lay her on the bed and change her into one of my shirts and leave her in her underwear. I cover her and then get myself changed, "She'll forgive you."

"How can you be so sure? I was awful," He throws his sweats on but stays shirtless.
"She loves you. A shit ton. She may need time, but she loves you," I lay down next to her and hold her close. Valentin lays in the extra bed. She starts shaking and mumbling in her sleep. She pushes against me.

"Volkov?" She mumbles quietly.
"Yeah baby? I'm right here," I gentle put her hair behind her ear.
"Where's Val?"
"He's in the other bed."
She nods, snuggles into me, and falls asleep again.

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