Chapter Forty-Two

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*Cassie's POV*
Another thunder strike hits and I stiffen. It's not thunder storms themselves, it's the trauma that comes with them. Many times I was locked in the basement, or the all too small hallway closet when thunderstorms were happening. Every lightening bolt or thunder they saw or heard, they took it out in me and Danny. I was always the thunder and he was the lightening. They liked him more than me, but he always tried to take as much as he could for me. For a while, I loved thunderstorms. I'd sit by the window and count as many lightning strikes as I could. But then I was reminded of what happened to me and ever since they scared me.

"Cassandra?" Volkov calls my name, waving a hand in front of my face.
"Danny..." I manage to croak out before tears start falling.
"We're right here, baby, how can we help?" Valentin moves in front of me, trying to wipe my tears.
I push his hands away since it's useless, "I want Danny... please..."

There's a banging on the front door. We all walk downstairs and Magnus opens the door. In walks a soaked Daniel. I don't care how wet he is as I jump into his arms. His arms immediately go around me and he holds me extra close.

*Daniel's POV*
Mikhail gave me some dry clothes to change into. Cassie fell asleep in my lap once I sat down. She's shivering like crazy so I cover her with a blanket.
"T-They're going t-to hurt me..." She cries out in her sleep.

I rub her back as her three guys look at her with nothing but worry in their eyes.
"Our parents beat us every thunderstorm. She got the worst of it. No matter how much I tried to shield her, they always got to her," I sigh, explaining.
"Where the fuck are they?" Mikhail growls.
"I don't know. I don't even know if they're still alive."

"Do you guys have Vaseline?"
"Why?" Valentin looks at me confused.
"I always put some on the scratches and whip scars on her back... every thunderstorm, it makes her feel better, especially psychologically."
"I'll go check the med room," Jace says walking away.
"I think we ran out," Jason smirks.
Jace turns around, glaring, "I'm not going outside."

"You wanna help her, no?"
"I'll go out, it's not that big a deal," Mikhail rolls his eyes.
"Well fuck you," Jace groans.
"Don't worry about it, Jace. I'll go by myself."
"No, now I need to come."
Mikhail kisses the top of my little sisters head and then leaves with Jace.

*Jace's POV*
Mikhail's driving and despite the storm, he's going at least 20 over the speed limit if not more.
"Mikhail, what the fuck are you doing? It's Vaseline, not life or death," I speak over the storm.

"We're making a quick stop first," He clenches his jaw. His knuckles are white on the wheel.
We pull up to a ginormous, well lit up mansion. He barely puts the truck into park as he gets out. I quickly follow him. He knocks on the door but doesn't wait for an answer as he walks in anyways. I hear a woman's gasp and then I see who it belongs to. She looks a lot like Cass. I can see Daniel in her too. The man standing next to her as well, looks like the siblings.

"Are you Mr. and Mrs. Vilseas?" Mikhail glares at them.
"Who's asking?" The man tries to act brave.
He's probably 5'7 giving 6'2 Mikhail plenty of space to tower over him.
"I fucking am. Answer me."

"Y-Yes we are!" The woman answers quickly.
Mikhail punches the man straight across the face.
"Fuck man! You can't do that!" I say quickly pulling him back.
"Why the fuck not?" He fights me.
"They own basically this entire town. You can't just go around beating them up."

"They hurt my printsessa. They deserve to get hurt back."
"Your princess? Are you talking about that Cassandra girl? What ever happened to her and her brother? I thought, and hoped, they were dead," The man speaks up.

I don't even bother holding Mikhail back. He grabs the man, who's name I just found out is Liam, by the collar of his shirt. He slams him against the wall and then throws him onto the ground. He slams his foot down onto the older man's chest and then walks away, towards the mother, whose name is Elizabeth. He wraps his hand around her throat and squeezes until her face turns purple. He drops her and then leaves, with me trailing behind.
"Don't tell Cassandra about this," Is the only thing he says the entire time until we get back.

*Daniel's POV*
Mikhail and Jace walk in as Cassie starts to wake up. Weird, the store isn't that far away but it took them an hour... Cassie snuggles deeper into me and shivers.
She slowly lifts her head, "Can you..."
She trails off, still sleepy.
"Of course. Where do you want to do it?" I ask rubbing her back.

"Vee's room?" She looks at him, questioningly.
"Of course, little villain," He smiles.
She gets up and Mikhail hands her the Vaseline. We go upstairs and I shut the door. She lays on the bed, face down, and I push the back of her shirt up a little. I open the jar and get some on my hand. I gently rub it on her scars. I continue to massage her back, even after I'm done, until she falls asleep. When I know she's in a deep sleep, I quietly get up and leave, turning the lights off and closing the door behind me. I go back downstairs and all the guys are now sitting down, but they all look anxious.

"What's wrong?" I look at them, confused.
"Mikhail stupidly went to your parents house and beat them up when we went to get the Vaseline," Jace says through clenched teeth.
"You did what?!"
Mikhail just shrugs, "He was being an asshole."
"You can't just fucking do that. They're too fucking well known for you to be able to just go around beating them up without them telling someone."

"Then I'll take the consequences. They don't get to abuse my printsessa and get away with it."
I shake my head, "Fucking idiot."
Volkov lunges at me and we both go tumbling to the floor. He lands a hard right handed punch to my face before I flip us and punch him right back. I feel two sets of hands on my shoulders and then I'm being pulled off of Volkov. Mikhail and Valentin are holding me back but before Jace and Jason can grab Volkov, he runs at me and wraps his arms around my torso, ramming me into the wall. I shove him back but Mikhail and Valentin hold him back.

"Stop getting in the fucking way. I'm not done until he understands that he's only hurting my sister. As much as I hate the twins, I like them better than you," I tell him before pulling Mikhail and Valentin off of him.
I shove him into a wall but he bounces right back. He grabs my shirt and throws me into the table that's right next to the couch. I trip on it and hit the ground. Volkov gets on top of me and repeatedly hits me until I flip us and do the same to him, only harder and faster.

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