Chapter Twenty-Eight

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*Cassie's POV*
Its been two weeks. I wake up on a warm chest and immediately start crying. Mikhail starts rubbing my back.
"Please don't cry, printsessa, it's okay."
I very slowly calm down and sit up, "They're not coming..."
"They'll come, printsessa, they'll come. If they don't, you still have me."

I look down at him, "You kidnapped me."
He sighs, "And yet, I've treated you better than they have. When haven't I slept with you? Or blew you off for another girl? Or let you go on a fucking walk by yourself? You say my name once and you have my full attention."
I sigh and get up, walking into the bathroom.

He's right.

I stare in the mirror and then walk back out.
"Miky?" I never call him his full name.
"Yes, printsessa?" He smiles.
He's laying on the bed still, under the comforter. His arms are behind his head and his legs are crossed at his ankles. He's really attractive actually.
"Why me?"
"Havent I answered this before?"
"Because you need the twins out of your way..."
"Good girl."

"But I think it's more than that. If you really needed them out of your way, you'd have done something by now. I mean, it's been two weeks and there's no sign of them coming."
He watches me climb onto the bed and sit next to him, facing him.
"I've had my eye on you for a while. Something about you makes me want to keep you at my side forever."

*Volkov's POV*
"Valentin!" I yell my twins name.
He comes running into our office, "What?"
"I've got something. Two things actually."
"What are they?"
"Her phones finally come back on."
He holds up her phone, "It was dead... I just charged it."

I frown, "Fuck. Okay, second thing, there hasn't been a sighting of Mikhail for two weeks. He's always out doing one thing or another."
"You think he has her?"
"I think so."
"Then let's go have a chat with him."
I get up, "Who's truck?"
"Neither. We're taking the Lambo."

I grin as we head out, Val driving. It doesn't take us long at all to get to Mikhail's base.
"We got so fucking swamped with work. We shouldn't fucking be here. We should be at home, watching tv and snuggling and shit with our girlfriend. Not here having to rescue her. We're fucking idiots," I run a hand through my hair as we walk up to the door.
"Tell me about it. It makes me sick thinking about how much of a dick we were," Valentin mumbles.

I shove my hands in my pockets as he knocks the door opens and there stands Mikhail Ivanov.
"Ah boys, it's taken you long enough," He smirks, "Please come in."
He moves out of the way and we walk in, "Make yourselves comfortable. Can I get you anything?"
"Our girlfriend," I snarl.

"Miky?" I hear my sweet baby's voice.
"I'll have to leave you two for a moment. I can't ignore my printsessa," He smirks, walking upstairs. A few of his men come in, guarding the exits.

*Mikhail's POV*
"Yes, my little printsessa?" I smile as I walk into the room.
"Who's here?" She asks nervously. She must have heard Volkov.
"No one, printsessa."
"They're here... aren't they?"

I sigh, I can't lie to her. As much as I don't want to let her go, maybe it's not worth it to keep her. Maybe she'll never be happy here. If only I had gotten to her sooner.
"Yes, my love, they are..." I tell her the truth.
"I want to see them."
"Very well."

I turn around and start walking downstairs when I feel her hand in mine. I look down at her but she's looking where she's going. I walk down the stairs in front of her but continue to hold her hand. I walk into the living room and dismiss my men right away, as Cassie has never felt comfortable around them.

*Cassie's POV*
Seeing the twins again, so many emotions flood through me. I take a step towards them.
"You're actually here?" I ask it, unsure.
"Of course we are," Valentin takes a step towards me but I retreat to Mikhail.

"We were swamped with work, not that it's an excuse. The moment we knew you were missing we stopped everything and started looking for you. We just got so caught up in work as it started coming in floods we could barely sleep," Volkov explains.
I nod, "Okay."
"Please come home with us."
"Now, now boys, we need to make a deal for that to happen."

"No," I speak up.
All of their heads snap to me.
"Seeing you two again, has brought back so many emotions, but it's not like I don't have any feelings for Miky."
"What? But he kidnapped you!" Valentin tells me.
"I didn't exactly go with you two by choice."
"Didn't you?" Volkov looks at me quizzically.
"I wasn't about to let my brother die! To me it was obvious, there was no choice."

"Then what do you want to do, little villain?" Valentin smiles.
"Your two groups are the most powerful groups, no?"
"They are, printsessa," Mikhail rests his hand on my lower back and I know he's willing to make a deal.
"Why can't you combine groups? You two walked in here like you're all buddies."

"You want us to work with him, baby?" Valentin speaks first.
"Yes..." I look down at my hands.
"So you don't have to choose?"

I nod. Mikhail takes my hand and leads me to another room as his men file back into the living room. He sits on a chair and pulls me into his lap.
"I want you to be happy. If it is with them, then so be it," He says as he rubs my thigh, "If it is with me, then I'll be happy. If it is us combining our groups and you having all of us, then so be it. I just need you to know, I want you to be happy."

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