Chapter Three

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*Cassie's POV*
It's been a week since I've moved in with the Gusev twins. It's about dinner time and I walk into their office. Volkov isn't home but Valentin is. He's on the phone so I quietly go and stand in front of him. My hands are behind my back and I'm swaying back and forth on my toes and heels. I stare at him for a minute, admiring his features. Taking in his dark grey eyes, his sharp jaw, clean shaven face. He smiles down at me.

I patiently wait for him to finish and then give me attention. He finishes but goes back to his desk. I frown a little and wait a minute longer. When he doesn't acknowledge me, I go downstairs. I see Volkov roll up and wait by the door for him. He walks in and grins when he sees me. He gives me a quick kiss and then walks into the kitchen.

I follow him and see he grabs a beer and then walks upstairs. I follow him and watch him sit at his own desk. I watch the two work. Volkov glances up and gives me a smile before going back to work. My smile fades and I head to Volkov's room. I get myself all dolled up and then text my friends who texted me earlier today.

"Meet me out back. I'll be right there," I text them before climbing out Valentin's window and carefully making my way to ground level. We get in the car and head to a club. It's nothing too big. We get inside and everyone starts drinking. We start dancing and I get lost in the music.

*Volkov's POV*
I look up from my work to glance at Valentin.
"We should pause and eat something. And check up on Cass," I sigh, not wanting to take a break.
"We can't. We have to get this done," He tells me.
"I know, but we haven't spent any time with her today."
He nods, "You're right. Let's go."

We get up and check my room. She's not there so we check Valentin's. We frown and check the rest of the house, only to find she's no longer there. We start to panic.

*Cassie's POV*
I'm tired now, so I start looking for my friends. I check every where but can't find them. I call them, but no answer. I race outside and see the car is gone. Tears start to spill over as I pull my phone out.

"They're going to kill me... this wasn't supposed to happen..." I sob as I get Volkov's contact up.
I press the call button and hold it up to my ear. He answers on the first ring and before he can speak, I speak.
"T-They... left... m-me..." I sob, unable to stop.
I can hear his voice soften from his breathing, "Where are you?"
"I-I... don't k-know... V-Volkov I-I'm... scared!"
"I know baby girl, we're on our way. Just stay out of everyone's way. We'll be right there."
"D-Don't.... don't l-leave... m-me! Please..."

"Okay, I won't. Baby girl calm down please."
"T-They left me..." I hang up, sitting in front of the club.
I can't stop crying, scared. Scared of being alone. Scared the guys will be mad. Scared they'll hate and resent me. Scared I'll never see them again. I look up when I hear a car screech to a halt. I see the brothers get out of Valentin's car and run over to me. Valentin sweeps me up in his arms first.

"Baby girl, please don't EVER do that again..." He kisses all over my face.
I nod, "I-I won't..."
Volkov turns me to face him. He cups my face and kisses me.
"We're glad you're safe," Valentin gently sets me down.
We get back in his car, the two up front and me in the back.

"Why the fuck would you sneak out?" Volkov starts as soon as we get home, "Didn't we fucking tell you, you aren't allowed to leave the damn house!"
I start crying again.
"Maybe we should just forget about the fucking money and give you back to your brother. If you're going to cause so much trouble, it sounds like a good plan."

I knew it... I knew they would hate... I'll never see them again... why am I such a nuisance?! Daniel wouldn't have had to borrow money if he only had to support one person, the brothers wouldn't have to worry about me...

"I-I'm s-so... s-sorry..." It's all I can say before I start crying again.
"Sorry isn't going to cut it. You didn't listen to us and snuck out," Valentin's pissed off.
"I-I... I just w-wanted... a-attention..."
"The world doesn't fucking revolve around you. You need to grow up and realize you won't always have our sole attention."
"Y-Yes sir... I-I understand..."

"Go to my room and don't fucking leave it. From the door or the window," Volkov seethes.
I nod and quickly leave the office. I run into Volkov's room and take a quick shower. I get dressed in my pajamas and then grab my pillow. I lay it on the floor and then lay down. I just continue to cry.

*Valentin's POV*
"Were we too harsh?" I ask Volkov.
He looks at me with tired eyes, "Yeah... we had to have been..."
"Fuck... should we go talk to her?"
Volkov gets up, "Yeah."
I follow him and see his door open. We glance at each other and then we hear Cassie crying inside.
"T-They hate m-me... t-they're going t-to give me back t-to my b-brother and I'll n-never see them a-agin..."

I walk in and see her on the floor. I pick her up and place her on the bed. We sit on either side of her as she pulls her knees up to her chest.
"P-Please don't h-hate me..." She murmurs.
"We don't hate you baby. We could never," Volkov tells her gently.
"We were just scared something happened to you," I pull her into me.

Love Me, PleaseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora