Chapter Nine

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*Cassie's POV*
Valentin's already in his room when we get up there. I change into one of his shirts, nothing else on. I sit on the bed while Val goes into his closet and Vee goes into the bathroom they share.
"I have something to tell you guys," I finally speak up.

They peak their heads out of the rooms their in at the same time, "Yeah?" They ask in sync.
"Um... well at dinner tonight, I was sitting next to Eric and... he had his hand on my thigh. Then, when you told me to go help him, he had me pinned to the wall... he had his hand in my shorts and then he was about to take my bra off."
Valentin walks over and puts his hand on the side of my face. I smile and lean into his touch.
"Baby, Eric would never do that. He's been with us since the very beginning. I get if you might not like him, but what did you think you would get out of lying?" He's not smiling.

"What? I'm not lying Val!" My smile falls.
"We've known Eric longer than we have you, and he would never hurt a girl. Let alone our girl."
I nod, "Yes sir. S-Sorry for lying..."
Valentin walks back to the closet. I stare down at my hands, trying to fight the tears.

They don't believe me... they never will... he'll just keep touching me... I'll have to get proof.

I climb under the comforter and hold it up to my chin. They turn the lights off but I fall asleep before they even get in the bed. I wake up in the morning, the twins still asleep. I carefully get up and walk into Volkov's room I change and sneak downstairs to the living room. I set my phone up, recording, and hide it.

I sit on the couch, under a blanket, and watch tv. Eric comes down and sits uncomfortably close. He pulls the blanket off and lays me on my back. He starts kissing my neck and running his hands up the inside of my shirt. I push him off but he doesn't move. His hand goes into my shorts and I start crying.
"Get off! Get off please!" I push at him with everything I have in me.
Jason walks in and pulls Eric off.

"What the fuck man?!" Jason yells, throwing Eric into a chair.
I quickly get up and grab my phone. I stop the recording as Magnus walks in, another guard. He hides me behind him. He ushers me into the kitchen and then goes back to the living room. I quickly write the twins a note. I leave it upstairs along with my phone. I walk into the living room, still very shaken up.

"Magnus? Jason?" I ask quietly.
Their heads snap to me.
"Can you come with me? I want to go for a run..."
They glance back at Eric and then nod. They follow me out and we start with walking.
"Did you tell the twins?" Jason asks.
"I wrote them a note," I smile.

*Valentin's POV*
I slowly wake up and notice Cass is gone. I bolt up right and punch Volkov's arm. He groans and rubs his arm.
"What?" He asks sitting up.
I look at my nightstand and see a note along with Cassie's phone. I grab the note and hand Volkov the phone.

"Open it," I say, "This is what her note says, 'I went for a run with Magnus and Jason. I hope you'll believe me after watching the video, but you don't have to. I simply hid my phone but you'll see in the video that I didn't ask for this at all... I already have the video pulled up, all you have to do is open my phone and press play.' Hurry up and play it."

Volkov hits play and we watch it. We watch Cassie sit on the couch and cover herself. We watch Eric come in and sit too close to her. We watch him lay her down and slip his hands into her shorts. She cries for help and Jason runs in. He pulls Eric off and then Cassie grabs her phone and stops the video. Volkov and I are up and dressed in 30 seconds. We get downstairs and find Eric in the kitchen.

*Volkov's POV*
I grab Eric by the collar of his shirt and punch him in the face.
"You fucking bastard! You touched my girl?!" I yell, punching him again.
Jacob, another one of our guards, walks in. I throw Eric towards him.

"Lock him in the cellar," Valentin demands and then we leave.
I pull my phone out and text Jason, "Send me your location. Now."
He does as I say and we head towards him.

*Cassie's POV*
"Why don't we walk? Or take a break?" Jason asks as we jog.
"Yeah, okay. Let's stop," I say panting.
Magnus hands me a water bottle. I look up at him skeptically.
"You're the bosses girl, you expect me to let you pass out from dehydration? Drink up," He smiles.

I grin and take it. I start drinking when the twins jog up. Valentin beats Volkov by a second, scooping me up in his arms. I drop the water bottle.
"I'm so sorry. For not believing you. For letting it happen a second time," He says right away.
He gently sets me down and Volkov picks me up.
"You scared us baby. Please don't ever do that again. Note or no note," He buries his face into my neck.

I giggle, "I'm sorry... I just needed to get out of the house..."
"Was that the first time he made a move on you?" Magnus asks as Volkov sets me down.
I shake my head, "Dinner last night and he asked me to go to the med room with him..."
"Did you tell the twins?" Jason cuts in, looking between his bosses.

I hesitate and that's all the answer he needs, "You two knew he had made moves on her and what? You didn't do anything about it?"
"Who do you think you are talking to us like that?" Valentin snaps.
"Your best friends!" Magnus snaps back.
The twins sigh in sync.
"We didn't do anything about it," Volkov whispers.

I take their hands, "You knew him longer. It's understandable."
"Is that what they told you Cass?" Magnus asks making me turn around to face him.
"What?" I ask him.
"He may have been with us longer, but they didn't do shit with it for him. They never needed a doctor and if they did, it was a small thing they could care for themselves. They didn't know him. No one did. He just treated those who needed it and that's it. They should have believed you. They had no reason not to."

I look back at them and they have their heads down.
"I know it's true, and that's why I'm so fucking mad at myself baby," Valentin tells me gently, looking up at me.

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