Chapter Thirty-Two

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*Mikhail's POV*
I'm watching my beautiful printsessa sleep peacefully, it's the middle of the night and I can't sleep. She's on her side, facing me. My head is propped up on my left hand, as I'm on my left side. My right hand is rubbing the top of her left thigh. She lefts out a soft moan and snuggles closer into me.

I kiss her forehead, "I love you, printsessa," I say kissing her forehead again, "I wish I was brave enough to tell you that when you're awake..."
I roll onto my back and stare up at the ceiling, "Your twins don't like me. They never will. It's them or me, and I won't make you make that decision. I need to make it for you. I'll miss you, printsessa, but I need to go. You'll be better off without me."

I very gently slip my arm out from under her and get up. I change into actual clothes and grab my phone. I don't bother taking any of my clothes, I can buy new ones. I look down at my printsessa and kiss her forehead again. I quietly leave and head downstairs. I grab my keys and get in my car. I'm pulling away when I see Cassie standing on the porch, holding a blanket tightly around herself. I'm just close enough to see the tears on her face as I leave. She's still standing there when I drive away.

*Cassie's POV*
He just drove away. No explanation. He just... he left me... what did I do? I know I did something wrong. Everyone I love eventually leaves... my parents, Daniel's going abroad, Miky's leaving... why can't I keep someone?

I stand there for a few minutes before going back in. I quietly go into Val's room, I should have probably done Vee. I gently push at him until he wakes up.
"Yeah baby?" He asks groggily.
I take his hand and pull him up. We walk through the bathroom and I lay down next to Vee. Val gets on my other side and falls asleep again. I lay awake the entire night. The sun starts to rise and the guys wake up. Volkov reaches over me and punches Valentin.

"Why are you and her in here?" He asks, grumpy, "What'd you do?"
"She woke me up and brought me in here," Valentin snaps back.
I get up and run downstairs. I run right out the front door to find it's gloomy and rainy out.
"Cassandra!" I hear the twins calling after me.
I can't stop crying and running. Eventually, when I get to the end of the driveway, the twins catch up and Volkov catches me. I just keep screaming and crying.

"He left me!" I try breaking away from Volkov.
His arms are wrapped around me, pinning my arms to my sides. Valentin stands in front of me, cupping my face and wiping my tears away.
"He left! Like everyone else!" I go limp in Volkov's arms.
"Mr. Volkov, it's an emergency!" Jason calls from the house.

Volkov kisses my cheek and then passes me onto Val. I cry into Val's shoulder.
"I... I'm sorry. You don't want to hear me crying about another guy," I carefully get off of him.
"You're hurting and need someone to talk to about it, I'll always listen," Val smiles.
I shake my head, "It's pointless. I disappointed him and he left. Everyone leaves," I say as I start walking back to the house.

"I doubt you did anything wrong. Why don't you give him a call?"
"He doesn't want to hear from me."
"So? You deserve an explanation, baby."
I sigh, "I guess."
I walk up to my room and grab my phone. I sit on my bed, staring at Miky's contact. I finally muster up the courage to press call. I hold the phone up to my ear as it rings.

Miky picks up on the third ring, "Printsessa?"
"Miky... why'd you leave?" I can't beat around the bush.
"Your twins don't like me and I came last. I can't just move in and expect it to be easy. I couldn't deal with it anymore."
"D-Deal with what?"
"Being talked about behind my back, called names to my face, given rude looks, I was sick of it. It was constant, never ending."

"That's not it."
"What do you mean?"
"You seriously let that stuff get to you? You don't seem like the type."
"It's best you forget about me and move on. Continue your life with the twins and pretend I never existed."
"Just like that?"
"Just like that. I was already there until you called."

I stop breathing, "What?" I can very barely choke out.
"I was already over you."
"You don't mean that," I say once I get my breath back.
"Goodbye Printsessa."
"No! No! You can't call me princess and then hang up!" I say to a dead line.
I wrap my arms around myself. I glare at the floor and then get up.
I walk into the twins office, "I need someone to take me to his house."

They both get up immediately. We get in Vee's truck and leave. As soon as the car is parked I get out and march up to the front door. I bang on it until one of Miky's guards opens it.
"Jace, is Miky home?" I look up at him, no longer intimidated by them, I'm far to pissed for that.
"He is, but he doesn't want to see you, Miss Vilseas," He smirks.

"That fucking sucks to be him. Get out of my fucking way," I push past him and storm up to Miky's office.
I burst in and see an older replica of Miky sitting across from him. I glower at the man and walk around Miky's desk. He turns his chair and faces me. I bring my hand up and slap him, hard, across the face. Well, I'm about to anyways. He stops my hand right before I touch his face.
"Do it. Fucking slap me and see where it gets you," He growls.

"You lay a fucking finger on her and-" Valentin says walking in.
"Who are you?" I ask the older man, sitting and watching in amusement, cutting Val off.
"Mikhail's father, Ivan," He smirks.
I turn back to Mikhail, "Get on your knees and beg for my forgiveness. Forget about whatever threat your father told you and beg. For. My. Forgiveness."

"I wouldn't fucking dare," He glares at me, standing up.
I pull his gun out and point it at his father.
"Cass... put the gun down..." Volkov says softly, slowly walking towards me.
"Not until Miky begs for forgiveness, on his knees."

Something in Miky changes. I don't know if it's something I said or did, but his body language changes. I can't explain how I just know it does.
"Get that useless girl under control, son," Ivan demands.
Miky gets on his knees and takes my free hand in his. He kisses my hand and looks up at me.
"Mikhail, Mikhail what the fuck are you doing?" His dad roars and goes to get up but the twins hold him down.

"Please forgive me, I made an awful choice leaving you last night. And an even worse one telling you I'm over you. I let my father influence over me sway my decisions and I hurt you. I don't expect you to forgive me right away, or any time soon, but I'm truly sorry for what I did and said. I truly am.

You may not forgive me right away, but I need to know I still have a chance with you," He looks down but right back up at me, "Fuck me. I need you to forgive me, baby, I can't live without your forgiveness. Watching you stand on the porch with tears in your eyes because of me, already had me begging for your forgiveness. I was hoping you'd see through my bullshit excuses and come rescue me. I wasn't planning on getting on my knees, but I'll be damned if I said I wouldn't do it again. I need it baby, I need your forgiveness."

I lower my arm to my side, as it's getting tired. Miky gently takes the gun from my grasp and places it on the desk.
I lean down and kiss him, "I forgive you."

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