Chapter Forty-Five

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*Mikhail's POV*
Cassie just admitted to liking me more than the twins and fuck it messed me up. She moment she finished her statement, my hips jerked and I came. I continued to make love to her until she came though. I walk into my bathroom and get a warm rag, cleaning her up. I quick wipe myself off as well. I throw it in the laundry and then get back in my boxers. I lay down and she's on me in a second.

"I... I only want you, Miky, but I'm scared to tell the twins that," She tells me after we lay in silence for a minute. I didn't even realize she was still awake.
"You're scared of the twins?" I whisper, rubbing her back.
"No, not at all. I'll never be scared of them, I'm just scared I'll hurt them..."

"Baby girl, as cruel as this might sound, they won't mind as much as you think. Sure, you'll all be heartbroken, but they'll be able to go back to their awful ways of sleeping around."
She kisses my chest, "I wish I gave you my virginity..."

"This is going to be so fucked up. We should have told you way fucking sooner. We should have fucking told you before it happened..."
"Before what happened?" She lifts her head to look up at me.
"The night you lost your virginity... I was the one who took it. I knew the twins were planning to take it soon, or ask to, do I threatened them. It was a big threat and that's why you were blind folded for it... I'm sorry we didn't tell you sooner. We're- no I'm fucked up."

She stares at me for a few seconds, "The day I met the twins, I had a dream that morning. It was the exact same thing as when I lost my virginity. A man came in but I couldn't see his face. He took Val's place above me and the moment he touched me, I felt more at home with him than I ever had with the twins. I wasn't afraid, I wasn't mad, I didn't even ask questions, I just let him take me.

I woke up but I so badly wanted to fall asleep again and just stay in his warm embrace... then, that exact moment started playing out in real life and when Val got off the bed and then back on, I knew the touch was different. It made me feel just like I did in that dream. Really, truly loved. Really, truly at home with someone. I should be mad, but I guess we're both fucked up. I love you, Miky."

"I love you more, printsessa."
She lays her head back on my chest and I wrongly assume again that she fell asleep.
"I think I should call them first thing in the morning..." She's so quiet I can barely hear her, "I um... I've been working, and like getting paid for it, and I wanna move out..."
I go stiff under her, "Move out, huh?"

"I just don't want to live in the twins house anymore. I thought maybe we could get an apartment together or something?"
I immediately relaxed and chuckle, "Don't even think about spending a dime on an apartment. Do you think I sold my mansion when I moved in here? We can just move back there."
I feel her body relax as well, "What about Magnus and Jason? They've helped me so much when the twins were in moods or anything."

"I can see if I can get them to work for me, but no guarantees. Or, since we still have an alliance I could probably get them to come with. Why don't we worry about this tomorrow? Get some sleep printsessa."

She nods and I listen to her breathing even out, telling me she really is asleep now. I know she's asleep but I continue to rub her back, comforting myself more than her. I eventually stop and wrap both arms around her, holding her closer to me. I don't get a wink of sleep the entire night. I can't risk letting go of her. She's the only thing keeping me sane.

I love her so fucking much. Before I know it, the sun slowly starts coming up. At around 10, Cassie finally starts stirring. Someone knocks on the door and I instinctively tighten my arms around her. She slowly lifts her head and glances at the clock on the nightstand. She sighs and looks at me. Her eyes widen and she runs her left hand through my hair before rubbing her thumb under my left eye.

"Didn't you sleep at all?" She murmurs, her voice still heavy with sleep.
The person knocks on the door again and I sigh.
"I did baby, I'm just stressed. Don't worry about me, pretty girl," I smile, gently pushing her off of me.

I turn my head to the side to look at her before getting up. She traces her thumb over my bottom lip, smiling. I give her a quick smile and then get up. I cover her up to her chin and then throw on sweats. I open the door and step out, closing it behind me. There stands Jason, smirking,
"What do you want?" I grumble as I walk down to the kitchen.

"As much as the twins are my best friends, I want to work for you. They'll be gone for a year, or longer, and I don't want unclear instructions. Magnus also wants to work for you," He cuts right to the chase, which I appreciate.
I start the coffee as soon as I get to the coffee maker, "Is it only because the twins are away?"

"Maybe it's about keeping Cass safe too... the twins hurt her emotionally a lot of times, and one of the biggest times, she came to us for help. She didn't feel safe with them and instead came to their guard friends that hit on her constantly. We don't want that to happen again."

"Fuck, I would never. She's my air. I can't fucking breathe without her."
"Good. I still want to work for you."
"I can absolutely do that. Tell the twins."
"Wow that was a lot easier than I expected."
"Cass is breaking up with the twins today, we're moving back to my place, and she really wanted you guys to stay with her."

"Ah-ha! So she doesn't trust you fully."
"No, I think you guys mean so much to her because of how you protected her from the twins. You were there for her when I couldn't be."
"Too bad she doesn't know why she's so attracted to you."
I glare at him, "She won't find out."
"You need to tell her."

"How? She's going to be fucking pissed."
"The sooner the better."
I sigh, "I hate when you're right."
"Just tell her. And while you're at it, tell her about Magnus, Jace, and I."
"Ah so you just want me to do your dirty work, huh?"
"Exactly! Good luck," He grins, pats my shoulder, and leaves the room.

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