Chapter Twenty-Seven

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*Cassie's POV*
It's the weekend now. I haven't made an effort to talk to the guys or sleep with them. They also haven't made any efforts. I feel like I'm just another person living in the house. I walk up to the twins office and just lay on the couch, like I've been doing this entire time. I listen to them talk as I doze in and out of sleep. When I wake up the guys are no longer in there. I sigh and sit up. I put my hands on the couch next to me to steady myself. The guys walk in with Chick-Fil-A bags and I grin. They walk to their desks and set the food down and then Volkov walks over to me. He offers me his hand which I happily take.

"Oh, shit, Cass can you go to the kitchen and get Jen? We told her she could eat with us," Volkov looks down at me with a grin.
That easily wiped the grin off my face. I nod and walk downstairs slowly. I walk into the kitchen.
"Um Jen, the guys want you in their office," I tell her as soon as I walk in.

"Okay, thanks!" She giggles and runs upstairs.
"I'm going on a walk," I mumble to no one since I'm alone in the kitchen. I run up to my room and get changed and then leave. About 30 minutes into my walk someone throws a bag over my head and I pass out. When I wake up, my hands are chained to a wall behind me and it's dark in the room. I see a small line of light and I assume that's where the door is.

I've been kidnapped... and nobody even knows it. Will the guys come looking for me? Why would they bother?

The wall is cold behind me and I realize I'm just in my underwear and bra. I hear someone coming and then the door is opening. Light floods in and I squeeze my eyes shut.
"Oh good you're up, my printsessa," A man speaks, "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Mikhail Ivanov, you are welcome to call me whatever you'd like. I will take phenomenal care of you, my printsessa."

I glare at him even if he can't see me and rattle the chains on my wrists. He turns the light on and I get a good look at him. He's actually incredibly handsome. Blue eyes, jet black hair, sharp jaw, and freckles. He has on a white button up shirt that hugs his body so nicely. I can see the tattoos through it. He has to be standing at 6'3. He walks over to me and immediately takes the chains off.
"I specifically told them not to fucking chain you," He growls.

He catches me before I can fall. He carry's me over to the bed and gently lays me down. I immediately sit up and scoot away from him as he sits on the bed.
He sighs, "Are you thirsty? Or perhaps hungry?"
I stare at him and then nod.
He smiles, "Progress. Water okay? How about to eat?"
I don't answer, just watch him.

"Okay... water and a peanut butter sandwich?"
I nod again and he gets up. He leaves, locking the door behind him. When he comes back in, he has two sandwiches and a glass of water in his hand. He closes and locks the door behind him. He sits on the bed and hands me one plate with a sandwich. He sets the glass down on the nightstand and then sits on the bed. I sit crossed leg and stare down at the sandwich on my lap. I look up at him and he's eating the other sandwich.

"Don't be shy," He urges.
I slowly take a bite and then another. I continue to eat it until it's gone.
"How about a movie?" He smiles, reaching for my plate once he's done.
I shake my head. He sighs and gets up, "I'll leave you for the night then. I will be back tomorrow morning."

I watch him leave. I turn the lamp on and then get up. I turn the light off and climb back into the bed. It doesn't take me long to fall asleep. I wake up in the morning and see Mikhail already sitting on the couch in the room.
"Good morning gorgeous," He grins.
I groan and throw a pillow over my face.

"I was thinking we could go down to the kitchen to get some breakfast and then watch some tv."
I just ate last night but I'm starving again so I nod. I get up and he holds his hand out. I stare at it for a while before finally taking it. His hand is so warm and comforting around mine. We walk downstairs and there's at least 5 tall, muscular men standing. They're talking or cooking but it's still a little scary because I can tell they all have weapons on them. I press myself into Mikhail's side. He looks down at me and walks over to an empty chair. He gently sits me down and then kneels in front of me.

"Can you wait here while I make you something to eat?"
I nod and keep my hands in my lap. He stands up and walks a few feet away. I glance up at all the men. One of them makes eye contact with me and he takes a step closer. I jump slightly and quickly get up. I walk over to Mikhail and stand in front of him with my back pressed against him.
"Printsessa? What's wrong?" He asks as he turns me around.

I look down and shrug. I turn around again and look in the pantry. I see Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal and grab the box. I turn around with a questioning look and he just grins. He grabs a bowl, milk, and a spoon. I make myself a bowl and he makes himself one as well. We sit at the table since everyone else has cleared out.
"Are you mute?" Mikhail asks quietly.

I want to say yes, but why? It won't change anything. The twins aren't looking for me.

I shake my head.
"I understand. In front of my men, you will be mute, okay? In front of me, you are allowed to speak your mind."
I nod and finish my bowl. I pour myself more and eat it quickly. I wash my things and put them away. Mikhail puts his bowl in the sink and gently takes my hand again. He leads me upstairs and into a different room. He closes and locks the door behind him.

He starts walking to the bed when I finally speak up, "Miky?" I ask just above a whisper.
I watch his body freeze and then he turns around, "Yes little printsessa?"
"Do you know who I am?"

"Of course I do, Cassandra Vilseas. Younger sister to Daniel Vilseas and daughter to Liam and Elizabeth Vilseas who abandoned you and your brother when you were at a very young age. Your favorite color is dark green and you were dating Trevor Marks in your freshman year of high school. You dropped out of college a week into your freshman year to help your brother make the money you needed to pay back Volkov and Valentin Gusev. You couldn't pay back on time so they took you instead. They fell for you, you fell for them and you've been living with them since," He gestures for me to follow him and get on the bed, "I won't hurt you."

I hesitantly walk over, "Will they come looking for me?"
He's laying on the bed, comfortably. I crawl onto the bed and sit next to him, crossed leg, facing him.
"I don't know, little printsessa, I hope they do."
"I need them out of my way."
I frown and become quiet.
"Don't close yourself off again, please printsessa."

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