Chapter Twenty-Six

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*Cassie's POV*
Magnus took me out grocery shopping. We get home and I go up to the twins' office. I knock on the door.
"Come in," I hear Val's yell.
I walk in and see a girl standing in front of their desks.
Vee looks up and leans back in his chair, "Hey baby," He smiles.

"Hey Vee," I blush, walking over to him.
"Your application looks great, Jen, we'll get back to you as soon as we have an answer," Val tells the girl.
"Thank you!" She giggles and leaves.
"Where have you been, little villain?" Valentin looks at me.
"Shopping, hey um why'd you sleep in my room?" I look at Vee.

"Just wanted the bed to myself for a night," He rubs my back since I'm now standing right next to him.
I nod, "Who was the girl... Jen?"
"Possible new assistant. Works been getting a lot more hectic and it would be helpful to have an assistant," Valentin answers this time.
"I could do it!" I get excited.
"I'll think about it."

"Okay, well, I'm going to help Marcus make dinner."
"Have fun," Volkov smiles before going back to work.
I head downstairs to help Marcus. I send Jason up to get them.

"Oh! Marcus, try this and tell me your thoughts!" I say as I finish washing my hands. I get a little brownie batter on my finger and hold it up to his mouth. He puts his mouth around my finger and then tastes it as the guys walk in. I don't notice but they don't seem to care.
"So?" I ask, washing my hands again.

"Oh, that's delicious. Does it have chocolate chips in it though? Because that makes it all the more better," He smiles, making everyone a plate.
"Shoot! I knew I was forgetting something. I'll have to have someone run out to the store for them."
"We have some actually. The bottom corner cabinet."

I open it and spin the shelf. I find the chips and open them, dumping half the bag in. Once I've mixed them all in, I dump the other bag in. I mix it up real good and then put it in the oven. I sit at the table, between my guys, as Marcus serves us dinner. We eat in silence and then they go back to their office. I take a shower, get in my pj's, and go to sleep in my room. When I wake up in the middle of the night again, I'm clutching onto one of my extra pillows.

I want to cry. They're becoming so distant. It's only been two nights though, maybe they're just in a funk.

I get up and walk into my bathroom. I go to the bathroom and notice the blood on my underwear. I groan and grab another pair from under the sink. I put on a pad and then wipe and flush. I wash my hands and check the bed, thankfully there's no blood.

I really just want to snuggle with one of them... but I don't want to make the other one mad... but my rooms so cold without them... it's fine, I'll just go sleep on the couch.

I grab my favorite pillow and shuffle downstairs. I get comfy on the couch and fall asleep.

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