Chapter Eleven

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(The picture above will be mentioned. It's meant to look like this for three and without the wall in between.)
*Volkov's POV*
We let Cass stay. And, I don't think we could be happier.
"Baby? Are you ready?" I yell upstairs.
Val and I are currently waiting at the bottom for her. We're taking her to the Bahamas so we can all get a break from everything. She appears at the top of the steps with her duffel bag in hand. She has the biggest grin ever. I glance at Val and then right back at Cass. Neither of us say anything as we admire her, walking down the stairs.

"Guys? Did you hear what I said?" She asks as she gets to the bottom.
I blink and then look at her, "Nope. Not a word."
She looks between us and then bites her lip, "Why not? What were you thinking about?"
Valentin pulls her lip from her teeth, "How fucking beautiful you are. And how lucky we are to be the only ones who get you."

She blushes and shoves her duffel bag at Val, quickly walking past us. We chuckle and follow her. She slides into the backseat and we follow suit, driving to the airport in a limo with a driver instead of one of us driving. I'm sitting on her right side with Val on her left. She lays her head on my shoulder and wraps her arms around mine. I put my other hand on her thigh. I glance over at Val to see if he'll care but he's busy on his phone. About an hour later we're boarding our private jet. I'm holding Cassie's right hand with Val holding her left hand. Cassie seems to be walking slower than usual. No matter how much I tug her along she doesn't speed up.

"Baby? What's wrong?" Valentin asks, noticing it too.
"Nothing, I'm fine, why?" She says rather quickly.
"You're just walking really slow," I smile at her.
"Oh, am I? Sorry!" She grins and catches up but then goes back to her slow pace.

*Cassie's POV*
I hate planes. I hate flying. I can't tell them that though because then they might get mad... My family got mad when I mentioned that I hate it so why wouldn't they? Also considering they're in the Russian Mafia, they might get really mad.

"Cass? Seriously, what's wrong?" Volkov asks me.
I snap my head over to him and stare at him blankly for a second, "Please don't get mad... but I um... I really hate flying."
They look at each other and I quickly pull my hands back, "Pretend I didn't say anything! I didn't mean to annoy you guys or make you mad. I'll be fine, really!" I grin, quickly running up the steps and getting on the plane. I see basically a bed, in the middle, and hop on it. It's clearly meant for three, plenty of room.

"Are you sure you are okay to fly?" Valentin asks me.
"As long as I have you two, I think I can handle it..." I look up at him.
He nods and they sit next to me.

*Valentin's POV*
Cassie fell asleep almost as soon as the plane started moving. Cassie's head is on my shoulder and from time to time it rapidly shakes. She bolts upright and I look at her. Her hair is stuck to her face, she's glistening in sweat, her breathing is heavy, and her eyes are frantic.

"Baby? What's wrong?" I ask, unbuckling her and pulling her into my lap, so she's straddling me.
Volkov looks over and his face immediately morphs into one of concern. She lays her head on my shoulder, facing Vee. Her breathing eventually evens out.
"Can you see her? Is she asleep?" I whisper to Vee.

He glances at her and grins, "Hi baby."
I feel her smile and then she sits up. She looks at me with the most shy, childish smile ever. She kisses me and then climbs over her seat to kiss Volkov. She ends back in her seat without saying anything.
"You wanna tell us what woke you up?" Volkov asks in a gentle tone.

"I had a nightmare. The plane went down and somehow I was the only one to survive... I was forced to watch your lifeless bodies float around too... I tried to swim away but they'd just follow me... it was scary," She admits, all in one breath.
One of our hands each goes immediately to her thighs. We gently massage them, working closer and closer to her core. She pushes our hands off when the flight attendant comes out.

"Mr. Volkov, Mr. Valentin, can I get you anything to drink? Eat?" She asks, giving each of us a slight bow.
"No thank you," I tell her, grabbing my book and opening it.
"I'm good," Volkov says grabbing his phone.
She nods and walks away. Cassie stares at her hands in her lap.

"Miss Vilseas, would you like something to eat? Drink?" Jason asks getting up.
I listen in, curious as to why he's speaking to her out of turn.
"Oh yes please, Jason, um... what is there?" She asks immediately.
"You wanna come look?"
I look at her and she nods, climbing over Volkov. He wraps his arms around her waist, "Where do you think your going?"

"To get food... I'm starving," She smiles, trying to remove his hands.
He just holds her tighter, "Why didn't you ask the stewardess? Why do you have to go with Jason?"
"Before you start accusing her of anything, the stewardess didn't ask her. She didn't even look at Miss Vilseas," Jason cuts in.

"I'll go with her," I say putting my book on her spot and getting up. I walk around the bed and take her off of Volkov's lap. We walk into the back of the plane's food storage room.
"Take what you'd like," I tell her, leaning against the counter.

She gets out a bowl and puts some Oreos in. She puts some chocolate chip cookies in and pretzels. She grabs a granola bar and potato chips. She looks around and then grins, grabbing an apple and a banana. She grabs skittles and sour patch kids and Swedish fish as well.

Jason walks in and nods his head in approval, "I love the bowl method, Cassie."
I hit the back of his head and glare at him.
"Uh, Miss Vilseas," He corrects himself.
"You can call me Cassie if you'd like, and if he hits you again for it, let me know," She grins.
"Your name is reserved for only Vee and I," I whine.

"Mmm fine, my name is reserved for my boyfriend actually, so I guess you'll have to call me Miss Vilseas as well," She smirks, grabbing a water and walking out.

Since there's a wall, or headboard type thing between the bed and the food, she can't see Volkov right away. She walks over and I see her mouth drop open. I walk behind and grin when I see the flowers and chocolates Volkov got out.
"Cassandra? Will you be our girlfriend?" I ask, putting my hands on her shoulders and whispering in her ear.

She puts her bowl and water bottle down on the table behind us. She throws her arms around my neck and kisses me. She pulls away and jumps on Volkov, causing him to lay down and wrap his arms around her waist. She kisses him as well and then sits up, straddling him.
"Um, by the way, the answers yes," She blushes, looking back at me and then him.

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