Chapter Forty

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*Mikhail's POV*
I hate having to share the beautiful girl under me with two twin idiots, but it's the only way I get her. I slowly push into her and she tenses up.
"Baby girl, relax. I won't hurt you. All you have to do is tell me to stop," I say, kissing her forehead.
She visibly relaxes and I push in further. I remain still when I'm finally in all the way. She stares at my chest and I can't tell what she's thinking.
"Baby?" I whisper, moving her hair out of her face.

She looks up at me, "Yeah?"
"What are you thinking?"
She remains quiet for a second, "It...  it kind of hurts..."
"Do you want to stop?"

She shakes her head and adjusts herself under me. Her lips part and she whimpers. I slowly pull out just a little and then push in causing her to moan again and I know I'm hitting her g-spot. I continue to go at that pace as she seems to have no problem with it. Her whimpers quickly become begs and I very carefully give her more. She doesn't last long and I groan when her pussy tightens around my dick as she cums. I pull out and get up.

"Miky?!" Cassie calls in a drowsy voice which I can hear panic in. I quickly turn around and walk over to her. I lean down and kiss her forehead.
"I'll be right back printsessa," I smile.
She nods and I slip into a pair of boxers before walking into the bathroom I grab a washcloth and turn the sink on. I get it wet with warm water and then walk back out to Cass. I clean her off and then throw the washcloth into the dirty laundry basket. I lay down next to her and she falls asleep again.

We spent the rest of the day in my room. The next day, I took her out for the day. We're walking around the mall when we pass a Victoria secret.
"I wanna go in," She points to it.
I groan, smiling, "Can I wait out here?"
She giggles, "Okay. I'll only be a minute!"
I watch her walk into the store. I leaned against the railing across from the store and admire her until she disappears.

"Hello?" I hear a girl say but I'm so caught up in thinking about Cass I assume she's talking to someone else.
She waves a hand in front of my face, "Hello?"
I look down at her, "Hi?"
"My names Claire," She smiles sweetly.
"What's your name?"
"None of your business."

She pouts and I think she's trying to be cute. I look into the store and see Cassie still browsing.
"C'mon, do you have to be so rude?"
I get a text notification. I ignore her and look at it.
"Get a picture with or of her please," I read the text from Cass. I look up to look at her but can't find her, "What do you want?" I look at Claire again.
"You're number."

"Can I get a picture of you and then I'll give you my number?"
She looks at me confused but shrugs, "Sure."
I take a quick picture and then give her Valentin's number so I don't have to deal with her.
"Cya," I mumble, walking into the lingerie store with a sigh. I keep a hand over my eyes, barely peaking out between my fingers. Once I find my perfect girlfriend I remove my hand and wrap them around her waist. She looks up at me and smiles.

"Hi baby," I mumble leaning down and kissing her.
She blushes, "Hi."
"Why'd you want a picture of that girl?"
"Oh, she's just someone I met when it was just the twins and I."
I subconsciously tighten my grip on her.
"Miky..." She mumbles, "Your holds a little tight."
I quickly loosen it, "Sorry."
"I can't find anything, ready to head home?"
I nod, "Yes ma'am."

We get home and walk into the living room to see the twins chilling on the couch. I don't know how she can tell but she walks up to one, sits on his lap, and calls him Val and he doesn't tell her she's wrong.
"Oh! Miky can I see your phone?" She looks at me.

"Of course printsessa," I hand it to her. It's already got her Face ID on it so she can unlock it herself. I hope the twins feel bad. I've heard how they still haven't let her use their phones. They'll take pictures for her and then send them to her before she can even ask to see them. One time, she forgot her phone and saw something that made her want to call Daniel, and they said when she got her phone back she could call him.

*Cassie's POV*
"Guess who's back in town," I frown, showing Val the picture on Miky's phone.
"Claire?" He looks surprised.
"Yeah, Miky and I saw her at the mall today. She was hitting on him."
I delete the picture and put the phone on the coffee table.
"I'll deal with her, baby."

I nod and go to my grab my phone but as soon as I see the Lock Screen as a car, I realize it's Val's. I put it back and get up. I walk into the kitchen where Vee's making homemade pizza. I come up next to him and rub his back.
"Mmm homemade pizza. My favorite," I smile.
"Hey baby, what's going on?" He glances down at me, grinning.

"Just wanted to see what you were doing. Oh, someone's calling you," I say when I feel his phone buzzing next to me.
"Can you answer it?"
I look up at him, "And then put it to your ear?"
"No, silly, talk to them."
I blush, "Sure."

I pick the phone up, answer it, and put it to my ear, "Hello? Volkov's phone."
"Who is this? I need Volkov."
"This is Cassie, can I take a message?"
"Fine... tell him it's Sebastian and him and the others have until 7 tonight to make a decision."
"Um, okay," I hang up and out the phone on the counter, "It was some guy named Sebastion and he said you have till 7 tonight to make a decision."

"Ah shit. Can you go tell the guys?"
"Yeah, sure!"
I smile and rub his back for a few more seconds before going back out to the living room.

He... he let me answer his phone! Maybe we're getting somewhere!

"Um, Vee wanted me to tell you guys that Sebastion just called him and said you guys have to make a decision by tonight at 7," I can't stop smiling.
"Why are you so smiley?" Val looks at me with his eyebrows creased.
"Vee let me answer his phone," I giggle.
"Oh nice."

I look at Miky, who's relaxing behind me. He gives me a sympathetic look and pulls me into his lap. I lay my head on his shoulder. Val gets up and walks into the kitchen.
"He'll never come around," I whisper.
"He will," Miky smiles.
Volkov walks out with a sigh, "Baby, can you give me a massage?"
I smile, "Of course."

I give Miky a quick kiss and then sit on my knees next to Vee. I start rubbing his back and he groans.
"I want one next!" Miky smiles.
I giggle, "Okay."
"Ooooh just like that," Volkov moans.
"Volkov, Mikhail, let's go," Valentin demands as he walks back in.
"Just let Cass finish."
"We've gotta go."

I look up at Val, taking my hands away. Miky and Vee sigh but get up. They head upstairs to change and Val quickly makes his way over to me. He picks me up and holds me extra tight against him.
"Val? What's wrong?" I look at him and he puts me on the couch, so I'm standing up.
"I'm sorry I've been such an asshole. You can go on my phone whenever you want. And I'll put your Face ID on it like Mikhail's," He mumbles, burying his face in my neck.

I giggle, "You don't have to. It's just nice to know I have your trust."
"Of course you have my trust. I was just scared you'd find something to embarrass me..."
I stop chuckle, "What?"

He sighs and pushes some hair behind my ear, "It's happened. In a past relationship, she found a text conversation between me, Volkov, and your brother... we were talking about the money he owed us and how he didn't want you to find out. I think I said something about not wanting you to find out but also how much I wanted you... it just embarrassed me because I was really hoping no one except those two would know how much I'm obsessed with you."

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