Chapter Forty-Three

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*Cassie's POV*
I walk downstairs, yawning. The storm stopped some time when I was asleep. I hear some crashing in the living room so I quickly walk in. I see Daniel beating Miky up. I run over and before the guys can stop me, I attempt to pull Daniel off. He ignores me and raises his hand to hit Miky again but his fist collides with my face. Just strong enough to surprise me and knock me to the ground. Valentin rushes over to me as Mikhail pulls Daniel off of Vee.

"You hit your fucking sister!" Miky yells at him. Daniel's eyes widen in horror but I ignore him as I quickly crawl over to Vee. I cradle his bleeding face in my lap.
"Vee..." I whisper.
"I'm okay, baby," He smiles.
Valentin throws a rag at Volkov who jokingly glares at him. He spits blood into it and then holds it to his nose. I gently push him up so I can stand up. I hold my hand out and help him up. I lead him out.

"I had good reason, Cass. I'm sorry I hurt you, but I'm not sorry I hurt him," Danny tells me.
I turn around to face him, "No reason you could possibly have is good enough."
"Even if, in the long term, it would hurt you?"
"Even if it hurt me."

I turn around again and walk out with Vee. I sit him on a chair when we get to the med room. I get two new clean cloths and them to him. He spits the rest of the blood from his mouth into one of the rags and then throws it in the dirty laundry. I gently touch his left eye and he flinched away from me, turning his head to the right. I put my hand on his chin to turn his head back to me but he refuses. I try again but it fails as well.

"Volkov Gusev, look at me."
He sighs and turns to look at me. I wet a third rag and gently clean a cut above his black eye. I wipe off dried blood as well. I subconsciously look down at his lips a few times before finally just kissing him. His hands goes to my hips and he pulls me down onto his lap. I pull away and giggle when his bloody nose rag falls.
"Using me to hold that up for you, huh?" I smile.
He chuckles, "Guilty."

I very gently run my finger over the bottom of his black eye. He watches me the entire time.
"Why did the fight happen?" I whisper.
He doesn't respond right away, just looks around the room, "Mikhail beat your parents up because they hurt you, I was jealous Daniel got to see the hurt side of you, and so I went at him. He went back and yeah... that's how that went."
"Mikhail... did that for me? You did that for me?"
"What do you mean; for you? Of course we did. We love you baby."

I give him a quick kiss, "Ready to go back up?"
"Yes ma'am."
"And I hope you know, I'm so not sleeping with you tonight... or for a few nights until your eyes healed more."
"What? Babyyyyy!" He whines.
I giggle, "I'm not risking hurting you. You'll survive."
We walk upstairs, hand in hand. Daniel's still here.

I walk over to him and cross my arms, "I can't believe you were mad at Miky for beating our parents up. Who's side are you on? Theirs?"
"What? Fuck no. I will never be on their side. I was just pissed because by doing that, he's putting you in danger. Their retaliation will affect you, not just him," Daniel explains quickly.
I sigh, "I'll survive. Anywho, Maddy's coming over..."

"That's my que to leave," Daniel smiles, kisses my head, and leaves.
I'm about to sit on the couch when Jace takes my spot. I glare at him and move over but Jason and Magnus sit down. Volkov and Valentin take the other two person couch and Mikhail takes the arm chair.

"Come onnnnnn," I groan, standing in the middle.
"My laps always open," Mikhail smirks.
"Maybe after you wash your hands," I smile, pointing to his bloody knuckles.
He looks down at them and shrugs, "I risk you taking my spot then."

I'm about to sit on Val's lap but then the doorbell rings. I walk over and open it. There hands a grinning Maddy with a few bags in her hands.
"Are you spending the night?" I laugh, taking a few bags.
"Probably, but this is to show you how to really party," She smirks.

"You're not getting her drunk," Volkov says sternly, appearing behind me.
"Lighten up, Volkov, she's at home."
"Yeah! Lighten up!" I smile, patting his chest and then walking into the kitchen.
"You're not getting fucking drunk," He says, following us and raising his voice a little.
"Yes, she is," Maddy says, leaving no room for discussion...

"The fuck she isn't," Valentin joins as he walks into the kitchen.
"Come on you, assholes, let her live a little. You're all here to supervise!"
"Can you fucking drop it? If any of us smell a drop of alcohol on you at all from now to when Madison leaves, you're in trouble," Mikhail ends it, walking in and grabbing a beer.

I frown, "Y-Yes sir... I won't drink tonight, I promise guys," I quickly put a fake smile on.
They nod, grab drinks, and leave again. I get on a stool at the island as Maddy empties the bags.
I play with my fingers, "I'm sorry... I know you came over here for a fun, distracting time, and I'm going to be nothing but boring..."

"Hey, it's totally okay. I just won't spend the night and I'll go to club after here," She grins.
"Go now. Don't even bother with me, just go. I'm not going to be any fun anyways," I tell her genuinely.
"What? No way!"
"Seriously, I'm a little tired anyways. Then, I really wouldn't be any fun."

"Okay... can I leave this food with you? I won't eat any of it unless I'm with you anyways."
"Yeah, sure. Go have fun! Distract yourself and dance with some hot guys for me," I giggle.
She throws her head back and laughs, "You got it sister!"

She hugs me and then leaves. I put the food away and then the alcohol in the guys' alcohol cabinet. I go the back way upstairs so I can avoid the guys. I get in my own pajamas and walk into a guest room. I climb under the covers and just lay there.

I know I'm underage but I thought since they were all home, plus the guards, maybe they'd let it slide. Was me just asking totally stupid? They have my best interest in mind, and I was just a stupid child. Their house, their rules. I need to go apologize. It would have been though... maybe I should have risked it...

I sigh and go back down to the living room. Their backs are all towards me. I take a deep, deep breath and then walk around to stand in front of them.
"Vee, Val, and Miky, I'm really sorry for pushing the alcohol tonight. I know I'm underage so I don't even know why I asked in the first place. I'm going to bed, but I really hope you guys can forgive me... it won't happen again, I swear," I say kind of all rushed but slow enough to be understood.

No one says anything for a while. I just stand there. Every second gets harder and harder to hold back the tears though.
"Goodnight," I mumble quickly, walking back up to the guest room. As soon as my head hits the pillow, I let the tears go.

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