Chapter Fifty-Eight

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*Mikhail's POV*
"Why not let her rest until tomorrow? Make a decision then," Anton says dismissively.
I sigh, "Where is Ivan?"
"His bedroom."
I walk out of the office and let Maxim take over.

*Maxim's POV*
Mikhail let me have control again. I glance back at Kirill's office door before looking ahead and standing in front of Ivan's door now. I don't bother trying the locked door as I appear in front of him.

"I need Iso," Is all I say in a demanding tone.
He glares but let's Iso take over.
"What did Ivan do to my mate?" I beg him.
Iso grimaces, "Anytime you and her mate, it will drain her of everything in her body. The longer or slower pace you use, the more it drains from her. She'll crave it though. She'll ignore her fatigue every time she wakes up until she has your dick inside of her. It's the only thing that'll be on her mind."

"Fuck!" I yell, slamming my fists against the wall.
"He just cast it last night, on the roof, how many times could you have possibly mated?"
"Twice... slowly both times."
"Oh fuck. Next time you see her, I'm going to bet she's going to pale and thin."
"How can it happen so fast?!"
"He used a strong spell..."

"What do I do?! How do I fucking stop it!?"
"I wish I could say true loves kiss but that obviously wouldn't work... you have to reject her."
"What? But we've already mated."
"It'll hurt her physically for a day but then she'll get over the pain and she won't remember you at all."

"But... that's my mate. I can't hurt her."
"This curse certainly won't kill her, she'll most likely just be sleeping and fucking the rest of her life."
"There's no other way to break it?"
"Not that I know of."
I frown and leave the room. I head to the kitchen to make myself and Cass some food. After I finish eating, I bring Cass some with a glass of water. I walk into my bedroom and she's awake. She's terribly pale and definitely getting thinner. I frown and walk over.

She blushes, "Can we um..."
"I need you to eat and drink something first," I cut her off.
She frowns, "But I'm not hungry."
"Then I'm going to leave."
"No!" She reaches for the plate, "I'll eat... please don't leave me."
I hand her the plate, set the glass on her nightstand, and sit next to her, "I'm not sure what's going through your mind right now, but we need to talk."

She tilts her head but doesn't say anything.
"Ivan cursed you. I have to reject you for it to wear off. You'll be in physical pain for a day and then you'll forget I ever existed. You can go back to living with Daniel."
"B-But... I'd rather live cursed then away from you."
"You're so pale and way too thin. This is the effect of the curse, I need you healthy and happy."
"I am happy."

"But not healthy."
"Max... you can't do this to me. I need you and Miky..." Her lip quivers and tears fill her eyes.
"Bunny, you need to be healthy. If this is the only way to do it, then so be it."
She blinks and the tears start. I reach for her but she pulls away.
"You're leaving me..."

"You need!" I take a deep breath before continuing on as I get angrier, "You need to be healthy, Cassandra, end of discussion. It will cause you physical pain for a day, so prepare for that."
I finish as I get up and leave the room. I hear her sobs but I don't turn back. I text all my brothers to meet me in the living room. They file in a few minutes apart. Nikolai, Kirill, and Anton in human shifts while Iso and I stay in warlock shifts.

"I'm going to reject her," I start right off the bat, "Ivan cursed her and it's the only way to break it. She'll forget all about me in a days time."
"What?" Nikolai questions.
"That seems idiotic," Anton points out.
"I have no choice. She's unhealthy looking," I sigh, "I need her to be healthy."
"You know how rare it is for a warlock to find his mate?" Kirill asks.

"I know, but I need her to be fucking healthy."
"Most guys would die to be in your position. To have their mate want to fuck them all the time."
"She's not fucking healthy!"
"Let's find another way!"
I clench my jaw and stand up, "There is no other way!"

I walk out and head to my bedroom. I open the door and Cassie's passed out on the bed. I gently shake her awake and her eyes immediately well with more tears.
"J-Just... love me... please," She cries, "I'll lay outside in the sun every day. And I'll eat as much food as possible!"
I think it over for a second, "I'll give you one week."

Her cries suddenly stop, "Really? And you'll be with me?"
"No. We can't be together. It'll only make it worse."
She nods, not saying anything.
"I'll see you in a week then," I mumble before leaving.

*Cassie's POV*
My stupid brain won't work. I can think thoughts other than Maxim and his incredibly pleasurable dick but- where was I going with that? All I know is that I want to be fucked by Maxim now. Or Mikhail. One of them. Shit no. That's what I'm talking about! My thoughts always lead back to that. I don't want him to leave me. I only have a week to get healthier but I'm not sure I can do it... it's already day five and I'm just as thin and pale as day one. Two more days and then Maxim's going to reject me... why can't he find another way to break this curse? Why does he have to leave me? First my parents, then the twins, now my soulmate? The worst part of it? I'll forget him and Mikhail. I won't even be able to remember him and fight for him...

The throbbing in my pussy becomes painful as I lay out by the pool.

I've had to resort to masturbating to relieve the pressure and it still doesn't work that well. I'm starved for Maxim's dick and I don't even know where he is. He's not in his wing. I've been to Kirill's office with no sign of him.

I get up and head inside. I head to the community kitchen to get some food. I walk in and Mikhail's there. I blush and sneak up behind him since his back is to me. He's mixing creamer and sugar into his coffee as I wrap my arms around his torso, laying my head on his back.

I feel him tense up. I don't let go, assuming he'll relax in a second. When he doesn't I back off.
"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," I try to hold the tears in but I haven't seen Mikhail longer than I've seen Maxim.

"Go back outside or to my wing," He says softly but demanding and without turning around.
"Just do it now... I'm not going to get better," I whisper, looking down.
I cry out in pain and collapse to the ground.

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