Chapter Twelve

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*Cassie's POV*
The twins just asked me to be there girlfriend and I'm still so happy. I'm laying between them now, watching a movie. Vee's on his phone, Val's reading a book, and Magnus and Jason are playing a game. I sigh, suddenly bored. I climb over Volkov, rubbing my ass on his dick, and then I get up. I sit in one of the extra chairs at the table Magnus and Jay are playing at.

"Watcha playing?" I ask them.
"Monopoly," Jay says, counting the money.
"Ooh, can I-"
I'm pulled out of my chair and placed back on the bed. I pout and continue to eat my food. They're both still doing their own thing.

"If you two don't wanna give me attention, fine, but you can't keep me here. So what if I wanna play a game with them? I'm YOUR guys' girlfriend, after all," I sit up and turn around, moving to the end of the bed to face them.
"You were too far," Val looks at me.
"Then why don't us three play a game? Or we can go join them!"

Magnus and Jason groan. I look over at them.
"Nobody likes playing monopoly with them. They take it wayyyyy to seriously," Magnus explains.
I giggle, "Okay fine, you guys play monopoly."
I reach over Val, my stomach on his legs, as I grab my purse. I pull out Dutch blitz and sit up.
"Do you guys know how to play?" I ask them, opening it. They nod.

"Good luck, Miss Vilseas," Jason laughs.
They pick their colors and we set up. We start playing and a few minutes in they start going really fast. Val wins by a second. We reset and play again. Vee wins this time. We keep playing and they just keep winning.

"Okay okay, I'm done. You guys win, point proven," I say annoyed, putting my cards down. I climb over Vee and go to the bathroom.
"Shoulda let her play monopoly with us," I hear Jason laughing.
"And let her get closer to you two?" Valentin asks.

"No thanks," Vee finishes for him.
"She's bored, wants to play games, and you guys don't want to. So just let her play with us, you're overreacting," Magnus tells them honestly.
I come back out and see blitz cleaned up. I lay between the twins and close my eyes. I pull my blanket over my head. Valentin picks me up and lays me on him.

"Do you wanna play games? We'll actually play this time," He tells me.
I shake my head, "I wanna sleep now."
"Okay baby," He lays me back down between them. I fall asleep quickly.
"Baby... baby time to get up," Volkov whispers in my ear.

I sigh and snuggle deeper into him.
"Baby, we're landing and you have to be sitting up and buckled."
I let out a deeper sigh and sit up. Valentin turns my head and kisses me while Volkov buckles me in.

"You're hogging her!" Volkov whines when I wrap my arms around Val's neck.
Valentin pulls away and Vee immediately turns me to him and covers my mouth with his. I moan and Val's hand finds my pussy. He slips two fingers in, using my wetness as a natural lube. I push against his hand as Vee's tongue explores my mouth. Vee pinches and rolls and flicks my nipples through my shirt and bra.

I whimper as the pleasure just crashes through me. I push my breasts against his hands and forget all about Jason and Magnus. I beg for more, pushing my body into their hands for more. I cry out at the pleasure when Val picks up speed. My arms go around Vee's neck as I attempt to ride Val's fingers. I pull away to try and catch my breath.

I moan Val's name and then Volkov's. The pressure building in me is almost too much. I come undone but they aren't done with me yet. Val makes me ride out my high while Vee kisses my neck. They finally leave me alone and I sit there. It's just then that I realize we've landed. I glance at my twins and see they're hard.

I blush as I remember Jason and Magnus are sitting a few inches behind us, on our left. Once we're allowed to get up, and the two guards walk past, I notice they're turned on as well. I blush and slowly stand up, using Vee for support while Val grabs my bag.

"Where are we going first?" I ask as we walk down the stairs.
"If it's anywhere but the hotel, you three are on your own for a little," Jason says as he and Magnus follow us when we get to the bottom of the stairs.
Valentin looks back, glaring, "We don't pay you to jerk off."

"Yeah, well, we weren't told we'd have to listen to her sweet little whimpers. You can't tell me you two aren't just as fucking turned on," Magnus smirks.
I blush and put my blanket over my head, not caring if I can see or not.
"Mr. Valentin!" The flight attendant calls to us.
I remove the blanket as we all turn around.
"Yes Miss Martin?" Valentin asks.

She walks over with a grin, "You forgot your phone, sir."
She hands him the phone, intentionally touching him longer than needed.
She rests her hand on his bicep, "Um, sir, are you paying for the crews hotel rooms?" She asks with a sweet voice and seductive smile.
"Yes," He responds.
"Oh, thank you!"

"Um, hi, yes, can you please stop flirting with my boyfriend?" I finally cut in, wrapping my arms around his right one, as she's on his left.
She looks at me innocently, "I wasn't flirting. The crew asked me to ask Mr. Val."
"It's Mr. Valentin to you. Or better yet, Mr. Gusev."

"Then they won't know who I'm talking to," She removes her hand and puts them behind her back, pushing her arms together to push her breasts together.
"Then maybe get someone else to talk to them. Someone who would respect that they're in a relationship. Not you, who would flirt with someone's boyfriend in front of their face..." I get mad.

"I would never ever do that."
"Then why'd you touch him more than necessary?"
"I did not!"
"It looked like something a whore would do."
She looks extremely offended.
"That's enough," Valentin says turning me around and pushing me away from her. His hands are on my shoulder as we walk.

"What? I wasn't done!" I put my head back and look up at him.
"You called her a whore. You were done," He doesn't even look at me.
I look forward again and then over at Vee. I hear snickers behind me so I look around to see Jason and Magnus laughing.
"What are you two laughing at?" I call to them.
"You, Miss Vilseas. You called her what she is!" Magnus laughs.

Jay puts his hand on his chest and makes an offended face. Magnus and I laugh.
"Stop making fun of Miss Martin," Valentin is pissed.
I keep my head down the rest of the walk to the limo. We get in and I look Vee.
"You haven't said anything about anything," I poke his arm.

"He doesn't like talking about Miss Martin. Neither of them do. Especially around other girls," Magnus smirks.
They glare at him and tears well up in my eyes. I stay quiet the entire drive to the hotel. My tears have dried as we get out.
"I can carry my bags!" I put on a smile.
"Nonsense, Miss Vilseas, we'll get them," Jason smiles warmly at me.

Love Me, Pleaseजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें