What Have We Become?

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"I gotta say, Marco... you must have some magic to have girls all over you like that! Not even Eclipsa was sleeping on my shoulder by 16" Globgor teased.

"I wish you stayed frozen..." Marco mumbled as he hid his face in his crossed arms.

"Well. I'm just sayin' it could have been worse, y'know how us dudes are in the mornings..."


"Someone please call Rhombulus..." Star said in agony.

"Jeez. You guys are cruel when it comes to comebacks" Eclipsa replied jokingly.

Star quickly ate her cereal and dashed upstairs in embarrassment.

"Marco... It's super obvious now. C'mon," Eclipsa said as she walked over.

"S-She didn't mean to... It's a total misunderstanding..." Marco said.

"Marco don't be like that. There is no platonic explanation for what I saw this morning" Eclipsa jeered.

"Maybe... you're right. I'll tell her eventually. But she's been opening up to me recently on how she's been coping with her breakup with Tom and the whole reason she was in my room was because she had a nightmare about it. I might be ready, but she certainly isn't"

"Okay, Marco. But when the time comes you know you can't just ignore how you feel" Globgor reassured.

"Thanks, guys. Sorry about the crystal jokes. We were just flustered"

"Hah! No worries Dearie. That was hilarious"

Suddenly, There was a banging at the door. Eclipsa and Globgor carefully reached for the door handle to see who it was.

When they opened the door, they saw a rather fat-looking bat thing. He called himself Mayor Handel. And he looked very scruffy.

"How... can we help you?" Globgor asked.

"L-Listen... I don't have much time. Toffee has returned... and he's convinced my small town to usurp me and... and... overthrow The Butterfly Kingdom..." The former mayor gasped.

"W-What? Who's... Toffee?" Eclipsa asked.

Marco suddenly dropped his bowl, causing it to shatter on the ground.

"M-Marco, Dear...?" Eclipsa asked worriedly.

Marco began hyperventilating. No... it couldn't be... he began to feel nauseous. Nono... Toffee... Toffee almost killed Star... Toffee had killed Glossaryck... Toffee had controlled Ludo... nonononononono...

Marco then fainted. Globgor was quick to help him up.

"O-Oh my... is your kid alright..?" The mayor asked.

"I-I think so. Thanks for bringing this up..." Eclipsa thanked.

"N-No problem. You don't suppose I could... buy a house here...? I have coins..."

"Oh! Go ahead! Welcome to the Butterfly Kingdom!" Eclipsa said as she hastily shut the door.

The bat creature gleamed and began walking away when...

WHHHCHIK! An arrow flew right into his head as it pierced his brain. He fell down the stairs and was quickly carried away.


"Marco!? MARCO!?"

Marco's head was pounding. He couldn't make out who was calling his name... it was...


"Marco!" Star said happily as she quickly embraced him.

Marco blushed and hugged back.

"W-What made you faint, Marco? Why did you faint?" She asked innocently.

"S-Star... we need to tell you something...." Marco gasped,

"Y-Yeah?" She asked nervously.

"Toffee... Toffee is back" he said grimly.

Star gasped and looked over to Eclipsa and Globgor.

"So we've heard..." Globgor whispered.

Star began breathing heavily, but calmed down.

"Okay... okay... so what now?" She asked.

"We... don't know where he is.... But when we find out... We'll handle it. We've heard the legend of the Septarians"

Suddenly, they all heard crying.

"That's Meteora. We'll be back..." Eclipsa said as she and Globgor ran off.

Marco blushed as he sat up on his bed. Star was sitting next to him.

"S-So..." Marco began.

"Y-yeah... so..." Star continued.

"What are we gonna do now...? Now that Toffee is apparently alive...?"

"Well... I don't think he'll be exactly pleased I zapped him to death for months..." Star admitted.

"Well... whatever happens... I'll be here with you..." Marco reassured, trying to break the tension.

"I can always count on you, Marco" Star said happily, the tension now gone.

"If you'd like... we can find the bat guy who told us... he lives here now apparently. He's gonna buy a house"

"Suppose we could... or..." Star said.

Star slipped into Marco's bed again.


"What? I didn't get a lot of sleep last night... and you don't mind, right?"

"Nonononono! Of course not!" Marco said bashfully.

"Well then, stop making it weird and maybe you'll get to sleep with me more often..." Star teased.

Marco ignored his dirty mind and smiled.


"What do you mean they know?" Toffee asked one of his generals angrily.

"W-Well... they know you're alive, and we mean business... but... we killed the mayor before he could spill any more info about our actual attack plan..."

"So much for anonymity... go fetch me a drink, general" Toffee commanded.

"Pure Mewman Brew, as usual, sir?"

"We don't use that word anymore, do we?" Toffee scolded.

"My apologies. Pure Monster Brew, sir?"

"Yes, thank you general. Make it snappy"

The general went to fetch Toffee's drink and left Toffee in his room to continue to draw up more plans to destroy The Butterfly Kingdom.

"So... they know we are a force to be reckoned with... so I say we use that to our advantage..." Toffee said to himself.

"Here you go sir... straight from the tavern..." the general said as he served Toffee his drink.

"Many thanks, general. Now. I want you to spread the word. The New Monster army is positioned on Earth, Echo Creek"

"V-Very good, sir," the general said as he took his leave.

"Good. No questions. Already more competent than Ludo's army..." Toffee muttered to himself.


Everybody gathered in the town centre. Masked individuals then hung the body of the mayor over a bridge over the street. Some monsters watched in pure joy, others gasped in horror. But, in their midst, only one really felt bad for him. That was the bartender. The one who had served Toffee.

"What have we become..." he muttered sadly.

♤𝕊𝕀𝔼𝔾𝔼 - 𝔸 𝕊𝕍𝕋𝔽𝕆𝔼 𝔽𝕒𝕟𝕗𝕚𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟♡Where stories live. Discover now