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Marco fell to his knees. His attempt to attack her was pathetic and he knew it.

"Marco. It's over. The question is what do you do now?" Star asked.


The others watched in agony as their friend gasped in pain at his torched arm.


Janna stepped back in horror.


"I-I don't know..."


"Just let me rot in peace. I'm never getting out..."

Star and the others stared at him one last time and walked away.


"Toffee of Septarsis" Hekapoo said grimly.

"You know me. You know what I want. Just freeze me and be gone"

"I'm sure we can arrange that..." Rhombulus said grimly.

"There's not much to say I suppose. You failed, Toffee. Now everyone will watch you freeze along with Marco in Rhombulus' crystals"

"So be it"


"You're going to be frozen. For a long time" Hekapoo said sadly to Marco.

"I see..."

"In front of everyone"

"I have nothing left anyway" Marco said grimly.

Hekapoo sighed sadly.

"I'm sorry it went this way, Marco. If I was in your shoes, I'd have done the same..." Hekapoo said sadly.



"So, The MHC has decided to freeze him in one of Rhombulus' crystals?!?" Star asked crazily.

"It would seem so" Eclipsa said sadly.

"Publicly as well?"

"Yes... I'm afraid so"

"Eclipsa we can't do this!!! Toffee can freeze for all I care, but Marco is a hurt little boy who is grieving!"

"Star... so many people have died in this pointless war. So many people in our little village are bleeding... they call out for such dreadful things... if we don't freeze Marco, I'm afraid the people might riot..."

"Marco is my friend! And I thought he was your friend too..."

"He was. We will get through this. But for now, Marco is a threat to my family's safety and my people's safety"

Star stormed off. She felt like crying. She had felt like crying for a long time now.


It was the next day. Marco and Toffee and a few other high-ranking officials were led out on stage. The surviving Mewmans booed and shouted at them  and threw things like a pack of wild animals

Star and Eclipsa were watching from a balcony of the Monster Temple.

"Marco... we might not have won... but I give my thanks to you..." Toffee whispered.

"It's been an honor" Marco replied.

Toffee nodded to him as he was the first to be frozen. Rhombulus fired at him and the crystal engulfed Toffee as he stood still as a rock.

♤𝕊𝕀𝔼𝔾𝔼 - 𝔸 𝕊𝕍𝕋𝔽𝕆𝔼 𝔽𝕒𝕟𝕗𝕚𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟♡Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat