The New Army

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Well... I better get to bed..." Marco stuttered to Star.

"Yeah... same... goodnight Marco..."

"Sweet dreams" he said as he left the room.

Star stared out into the sky some more before leaving the balcony to get to bed.

Marco silently closed the door and almost walked into Eclipsa.

"Oh, Marco! What were you two doing in there?" She asked sternly.

"Nothing! Just a little stargazing..."

"Oh, I bet you were doing some 'Star' gazing alright!" She said frustrated.

"H-Hey!" Marco stuttered.

"I'm still not impressed you went to that super dangerous dimension" Eclipsa said bluntly.

"I know you're angry and I'm sorry" Marco sighed.

"But... I want to know how you and Star are going..."

"Me and Star? What do you mean?"

I mean... how is your relationship going? I know you're still madly in love with her..."

"Well, She's... still hung up on Tom I think...but she rested her head on my shoulder if that's anything?"

"Oh, Marco you completely clueless boy. That's the #1 sign a girl likes you. Or you're neck deep in the friend zone"

"I'm neck deep aren't I?" Marco asked hopelessly.

"Nono! I think you and her have real potential! And I'm not just being nice, honest"

"If you say so... goodnight..." Marco muttered.

"Goodnight, Marco"

Marco opened the door to his room and got ready to sleep...


"Ladies and Gentlemonsters, what if I told you there was a way to fight back against this disease, this virus that has plagued Mewni for eons and eons!? These... 'Mewmans' have showed up unannounced years ago and have usurped what is rightfully ours! This land belongs to the monsters! The true race of Mewni!" Toffee called out to the large crowd.

A cheer could be heard from the audience. Toffee's plan was taking place.

"Now, my friends! We already know what we must do! Usurp the Butterfly Kingdom and seize what is ours! For monsters everywhere!" Toffee shouted to his new adoring fans.

"Your government is weak, if you truly want what I promise you, then follow me! We'll remove this pathetic leadership and I will guarantee a new life for you and your children!" He called.

The monsters cheered again and they all followed Toffee to the town hall of the village. The mayor helplessly jumped out of the window and fled.

Toffee stood outside the town hall triumphantly. The crowd cheered again.

"Now, we can begin..." he muttered slowly.


"Marco... Marco..." Star whispered.

Marco awoke with a jolt. It was Star. She was at his doorway and she looked distressed.

"I-I had a nightmare..." she said meekly.

"Oh... that's not good... tell me about it"

"Well... Tom broke up with me... and then you arrived. Suddenly... you both began to get... e-eaten by some weird dark magical goo... I-I can't explain it..."

"Hey! It'll be okay! Luckily for you, I am not dark magical goo and I don't think Tom is either..."

"C-Can I sleep with you tonight...?" Star asked.

Marco blushed and sputtered some nonsense.

"Well... I mean... I don't know- boys usually have a... big problem when they wake up sometimes and I don't know if-"

Star gave him the puppy dog eyes and Marco couldn't say no.

"Ugh... fine..." he whispered.

"Hooray!" Star said as she magically made a bed next to his.

"O-Oh! You're sleeping... there... o-okay!"

"What? Where else would I sle- MARCO UBALDO DIAZ!!!" Star shouted with a deep shade of red on her face as she realised what he meant.

"W-What? I-I just assumed-"

Star buried her face in her hands to hide her redness as Marco scratched the back of his head nervously.

"W-Why... Why would you even think that?" Star asked.

"I don't know!? We're mature enough!"

"Well... if you wanna then fine..." Star muttered.


"I said I'd do it, dummy! J-Just don't say a word..." Star stuttered as she poofed away the bed she had made.

"W-Wait! N-Nono! It's okay you don't have to if you don't want to and well OH OKAY" Marco rambled as Star hopped in his bed.

Marco flipped over so they weren't facing and wished her a Goodnight. She said it back and they both went to sleep.


The next day, Eclipsa walked around the temple worriedly. Star had disappeared! She speed walked to Marco's room to tell him and-


Eclipsa giggled and snapped a photo. Globgor also peeped into Marco's room and saw the view.

Star was resting her head on Marco's chest and Marco had his arm around her.

"Oh. Look at them, honey. They were just like us when we were young..." Eclipsa said wistfully.

"Yeah... but no guards are trying to kill them..." Globgor reminisced.

Marco opened his eyes groggily. He felt... something on him? He slowly opened his eyes and saw Star Butterfly, his longtime crush, sleeping peacefully on his chest. EEP. Marco quickly tried to cool down his beet-red face. He tried carefully to sort out his usual morning... y'know, and slowly began calming down. When he was calm, he was actually feeling rather comfortable. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the princess' company. Suddenly, Star woke up. She and Marco exchanged a glance, and Star quickly jumped up in shock and embarrassment,

"Ah! Sorrysorrysorry! My bad my bad!" She rambled.

"Nono! It's okay! It's okay!" Marco responded.

The two stood in silence for a moment in pure embarrassment.

"Star... seriously... It's okay... I was actually very comfortable..." Marco admitted.


"Yeah, really. Now, let's go get breakfast, huh?" Marco asked.

"S-Sure! Sure thing..."

The two awkwardly walked down the stairs and began eating their Captain Blanche's Sugar Seeds in silence.

"What's up with you two?" Eclipsa asked, knowing full well what happened.

"Pshhh! Nothing, nothing! " Star sputtered.

"I don't know... me and Globgor seemed to see something more than 'nothing'" Eclipsa teased.

"Oh... no..." Marco said as he face-planted the table.

♤𝕊𝕀𝔼𝔾𝔼 - 𝔸 𝕊𝕍𝕋𝔽𝕆𝔼 𝔽𝕒𝕟𝕗𝕚𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟♡Where stories live. Discover now