Love Wins

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"Marco it's okay! I'm here for you..." Star cooed in his ear softly.

I-I never wanted this! I-I just wanted to be a family" he cried.

"But we can't be. Eclipsa has hurt you and you have the right to be angry! "

"Star... why are you being so kind to me...?" Marco asked sadly.

"Because if I were in the same shoes as you... I'd have done the same. Eclipsa might not deserve forgiveness from you, but she's being honest when she says she didn't know it was populated in Echo Creek..."

"It wasn't even right anyway... Toffee wasn't even there..."

"I know. But war is over. We can move on..."

Marco sighed and closed his eyes.

"Star... I don't know how you put up with me... but I really do appreciate it..."

"Of course, Marco... of course. We are free now. We don't have to worry anymore..."

"I know. Thank you, Star..."

There was an awkward silence. Marco was smiling but Star was feeling flustered. Star giggled to herself a little and looked at Marco. He wasn't even flustered at all, even though they were staring at each other's eyes. Star's heart jumped. She began to lean into Marco. Surprisingly, Marco did too. They slowly leaned into each other until they finally kissed. It was very passionate and full of love. Star pushed Marco on his back and-

"Ah! Star! W-What are we doing?!?!!" He asked shocked.

"Ah! Sorry sorry sorry, Marco!" She gasped as she got off him.

"W-We can't do this! Y-You're with Tom!!"

"Nono! We broke up again... It's okay..."

"B-But... why...?" Marco asked helplessly.

"I-I thought you liked m-me!?"

"I-I did! but... but..."

Marco stood up and walked outside. Star followed.

"Marco, I'm sorry I shouldn't have-"

"Star. You don't have to pretend to like me to stop me from harming Eclipsa. I've already said I'm not going to..."

"No! That's not why I did it..."

"So, Tom breaks up with you and you immediately come to me. I'm not falling for that"

"Marco no I genuinely-"

Marco silenced her and looked into the inky abyss of night.

Suddenly, it began... snowing?

"Snow...?" Marco asked.

"It's winter, Marco. We always get heavy snow" Star responded.

They both watched as the first snowfall hit the Yurt Village.

"Marco I didn't mean-"

"It's okay. It's okay. I'm just missing some people"

Star looked at him sadly as he stared into the darkness of night.

"I wish I got to see Ferg again... and bow to my Sensei again... and even beat Jeremy one last time but..."

"Marco I know this hurts... I'm trying to help you..."

"Rebounding on me isn't helping me Star..."

"No, Marco I truly do feel that way about you. I thought Tom was the one because I was only rebounding off him. I hate to admit it but it's true. After I left for Mewni I was crushed and I hurt you just because I thought you didn't care about me..."

"Doesn't matter now..." Marco said sadly.

"What? W-Why?"

"How could you love me after all I've done, all I've said? I said I'd kill you if you were in my way!"

"Marco that wasn't you! You were acting on hate and anguish..."

"It still hurts, Star... Ferg, Sensei... I failed them..."

"Eclipsa failed them, and she failed you. But she didn't ever mean it..."

"Star... I still think I should take my punishment. I need to go to Rhombulus and hand myself over..."

"No! Marco, we saved you because we care about you! The MHC are idiots and would never understand what it was like for you, how the monarchy failed you..."


"Stop talking, Marco. I forgive you, Tom forgives you and so does everyone else. We can't change the past but we can change the future"

Marco sighed and watched the snow carefully fall onto the ground. Star rested her head on his shoulder for support and Marco didn't back away. He just stood in silence as he reminisced his old life without worry.

"Star... Eclipsa was my friend"

"I know that, Marco"

"But... after everything... Even if she didn't mean it...I don't think I'll be able to-"

"I've already said this, Marco. I understand and I'm sure she does as well"

"Star... I need to see Alfonso. Ferguson was his best friend"

"I'll see him too. We could go tomorrow, but we don't know where exactly he is"

"I'll see if I can reach him on my cell tomorrow..."


"Yeah, Star?"

"Do you... still feel the same way about me?" She asked innocently.


"Do you still... Like me?"

"No, Star. I love you. I've loved you for a long time now. Which is really bad. I know you-" Marco began.

"What? Marco, why does it have to be bad?" Star interrupted.

"It is bad if you don't want it..."

"Okay, can we kiss?"

"Uh... please?"

Star and Marco kissed again. This time they truly meant it. After all they'd been through, Ludo, Toffee, Meteora and even Mina, they were together at last.

"Wow... I wasn't... wow" Marco said breathlessly,

"Just shut up, nerd..."

Star and Marco laughed and went back inside. After everything they'd been through they always knew that they had each other. Lovers or not, Star and Marco's friendship had triumphed over the forces of evil that plagued Marco's mind and the evils of their oldest foe, Toffee. Even after highs and lows, the two were inseparable. It wasn't a curse that brought them together, it was fate.

♤𝕊𝕀𝔼𝔾𝔼 - 𝔸 𝕊𝕍𝕋𝔽𝕆𝔼 𝔽𝕒𝕟𝕗𝕚𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟♡Where stories live. Discover now