The Epilogue

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1 Month Later...

A lot has changed since the events of our main cast of friends. Star and Marco were still in a healthy relationship and living in the yurt together like an old couple. Star had retrieved their rooms from the Monster Temple and attached them to the yurt, even if it looked a little silly. Tom and Janna had finally rekindled their love for one another and Janna was happily living in the Underworld amongst its oddities and studied them carefully. Eclipsa had more time for her family with Star and Marco's absence but admitted that it did get a little boring without their shenanigans. Marco had finally forgiven himself for his misuse of the wand and his alliance with Toffee. He also finally saw Alfonso and gave him support and shared his experiences with their lost friend Ferguson. He saw Jackie and promised her he would go on a double date with her, Star and Chloe. He also gave Nachos, his dragon-cycle, a nice place to stay in the Yurt Village. Moon had finally located the Monster Village and convinced them to trust Eclipsa and her husband and to live in the Butterfly Kingdom.

After everything, life in Mewni still continued to thrive.


"Me and Eclipsa are going to help rebuild Echo Creek, okay, Pookie?" Star asked her boyfriend.

"I told you to never call me Pookie again"

"It's funny when you're mad, though~" Star teased.

"Just go and help Eclipsa..." Marco moaned.

"Okay, see you soon, Marco!~" she said as waved goodbye.

Now, with time to himself, Marco walked towards his desk in his and Star's yurt. He opened the drawer, took out a piece of paper and began to write.

To Eclipsa,

Hello, Eclipsa. I know it has been a while since everything went down. I'm so sorry for trying to hurt you. Even after everything I should have known that wasn't the way to handle my situation.

But, even after all this, I've managed to find some solace. I know you and Star have been working hard to right the wrong you made back in Echo Creek when you destroyed it. I appreciate that more than you know.

I hope this letter gives you some comfort. Star has told me about your regret, and how you didn't know Echo Creek was populated and my home. I see that now after time has healed my grief. Luckily, the attack didn't kill as many people as I had predicted. I did, however, lose one of my closest friends, Ferguson. The pain is unbearable when my thoughts drift to his best friend and mine Alfonso. He was like a brother to Ferguson and vice-versa.

But, after all this heartbreak, I want you to know more than ever that I know it wasn't your fault. I know it wasn't even your proposition to destroy Echo Creek. I know you never meant to hurt me.

That being said, I don't think things could go back to normal. The pain of losing people close to me still haunts me when I shut my eyes. Maybe someday we could finally move forward but for now, my heart is still aching.

I also have great news. There's no point in telling you because you for sure know already but, me and Star are finally dating. You believed in me and you never stopped, even when I had chosen to harm you. I appreciate all you've done for me and her.

Overall, I want you to know you don't have to blame yourself anymore for all this. I want you to know there's a part of me that misses you. Even after everything.

Please, send my love to Meteora and Globgor

With love,

Marco Diaz


Eclipsa put down the letter with tears of happiness. Even after all this Marco still had a heart of gold. Even after all this, he wanted to forgive her, even if it was hard.

Eclipsa walked to her balcony and watched the snow fall rapidly onto Mewni's soil.

Peace at last...


Marco finally took off his bandage. His arm was... scarred but fine! He threw the bandage away and watched the snow fall onto Mewni's earth.

Even after all this hurt, He was finally free.

The rain was over and he could finally be happy...



Thanks for reading!

Be sure to look out for FALL OF MEWNI.

Coming... In a long time...

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