Heartbreak and Terrors

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"I'm sure you wanna know why we're out here, Star..." Tom said as he looked at the beautiful sky.

"Go ahead, boyfriend"

"Star... I don't think... this is gonna work..."

"Oh... I see..." Star said shocked.

"why do you think that?" She asked, hurt.

"Because... Janna is staying at mine while Echo Creek is destroyed and well... we are in love again..." he admitted guilty.

"Oh... oh no..."

"But Star. That's not the main reason"

Star looked over to him with tears in her eyes.

"That boy in there is better than I could ever be..."

"Tom... don't say that..."

"No. He is. He cares about you more than I ever could, without being rude"

"W-What are you saying...?"

"Star. It's clear now, after all this drama, all this searching and all this hurting you are in love with him. I don't think you ever wasn't in love with him."

"W-What?" Star asked shocked.

"Star. You are in love with Marco. You might not know it, but you are. And besides, I couldn't date you again after what I heard just before all this drama"

"I-I see... at least we'll still be friends, right?" She asked.

"Of course, Star. We'll never not be friends"

Star and Tom hugged tightly before returning.

"That went surprisingly well!" Star said to him as they walked inside.

Marco didn't notice them until they came close from his blindness.

"Hey guys!" He said, his arm dipped in magical residue.

"So, mom. You brought the magic to him, huh?" Star said to Moon.

"Who's... mom?" Moon asked.

Star looked worried until she saw her mom's face light up into a laugh.

"Ha Ha. Very funny" Star said deadpan

Marco felt his arm return to normal.

"Look, guys! My arm!" Marco said happily.

"Good for you, Earthturd" Ponyhead said.

"Star... is my other arm gonna ever get better?" He asked sadly.

"Well... It'll be scarred, but I think it will heal enough so you don't have to worry about it..." Star said as she examined his arm.

"If you say so... what now?"

"I'm not sure. I think me and you can be happy here..." Star said as she held his hand.

Marco blushed a little and nodded.

"Yeah... I can live in a little yurt like this. I think you should still get your old room though..."

"I'll get yours too!" Star said.

"I'm not sure 2 teenagers can live in the same house alone..." Moon said suspiciously.

Star and Marco blushed a little

"MOM!?" Star said bashfully.

"I promise we won't do whatever you're thinking, Queen Moon" Marco said sternly.

"You'd better not. Anyway, a lot of people here aren't fond of Eclipsa so they kind of see you as a hero for trying to kill/overthrow her..." Moon mentioned.

"I guess I could live with that..." Marco said, thinking of the possibilities.


"So, Star and the others have set Marco free...?" Eclipsa asked.

"Yes. I think we should go after him in case he tries anything fishy..." Rhombulus said sternly.

Eclipsa picked up her compact it was a message from Star

Star: Eclipsa, I know you might be a little mad right now but we're talking to Marco and he seems to be coming to his senses. He seems pretty weak right now from Crystal Sickness so he's not going anywhere. We're at the Yurt Village right now so don't go there. I don't think he's 100% sane but we're working on it. Please don't tell the MHC.

You: I won't. Just stay safe.

Eclipsa put down her compact and turned to Rhombulus.

"We don't know where he is. Besides, without the wand he's helpless" Eclipsa explained.

Rhombulus grumbled and walked away. His head still hurt from the impact he experienced.

"Oh, Star... I hope you know what you're doing..." Eclipsa said to herself.


"Here, drink this. This should help" Star said as she gave Marco a bowl of soup.

"So... do you know what happened to Toffee's village...?"

"Toffee's... village?" Star and Moon asked in unison.

"Toffee... he brung me to a village after I passed out when I ran. He saved my life and introduced me to the worn down little village he planned to make great. I don't care for Toffee, but those people deserve to be happy even if they're not fond of Mewmans..."

"I'm sure we can convince them to join Eclipsa's little town" Moon reassured.

"We will see..."

"So...? Where can I find this village?" Moon asked.

"Just east of the Monster Temple..."

"I'll go there soon and rally them... see if I can get them to live in Eclipsa's town"

"Many thanks..." Marco said to her


Night had finally fallen in the Yurt Village. Marco finally shut his eyes and went to sleep, with Star asleep next to him.

Suddenly, Marco started having a nightmare. He saw Star's hurt face as they faced off on top of the Monster Temple. He saw Eclipsa's face of horror when he arrived and got ready to kill her. He grunted as beads of sweat dripped down his forehead. The raindrops dripping on him when he and Star were ready to engage took form as goosebumps. He tossed. He turned. He felt alone.

Star woke up next to him. She quickly jolted up and saw her friend in distress. He was dripping with sweat and was turning. She went down to his ear and whispered to him telling him that it was okay and she was there for him. Marco jolted upwards and gasped. He breathed quickly and tried to calm down, only failing in the process.

"No! Nononononono!" Marco gasped to himself.

"Marco it's okay! I'm here!" Star said as she patted his back.

Marco began tearing up. He was overwhelmed with emotion.

"What have I done?!? What have I done?!!" He asked crazily,

"Nothing! You've done nothing! Nothing that can't be fixed..."

Marco felt Star hug him, his head on her shoulder as he cried a river...

♤𝕊𝕀𝔼𝔾𝔼 - 𝔸 𝕊𝕍𝕋𝔽𝕆𝔼 𝔽𝕒𝕟𝕗𝕚𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟♡Where stories live. Discover now