Guess Who?

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This takes place in a reality where magic isn't destroyed. Star and Marco also aren't dating... yet ;)

It was a cold and dark evening in Mewni. The winds were calm and gentle, the sounds were as quiet as a mouse, and the moonlight glistened over Mewni beautifully.

Suddenly, a sound could be heard from afar. The sound of dirt rustling. Then, a grey hand punched right out of the dirt. The soil began pushing upwards and a figure emerged.

It was... Toffee.

"Months... and months..." He panted.

"Months regenerating under the dirt... and I still survive..." he gasps.

He dusts the dirt off his suit and groans.

"That girl... Star... and her boyfriend too... I will have revenge..." he panted.


"Marco! Marco!" Star shouted down the hallway.

"Oh, wha? Hey Star" he said to her.

Star quickly rushed up to him and embraced him.

"So, how are you doing?" Marco asked calmly.

"Great! I'm great thanks! What about you, Marco?"

Marco pondered for a moment before responding.

"I'm... okay, I guess"

"Great morning for an adventure, huh?" Star asked him.

"I suppose I could do with some classic Star and Marco hijinks"

"Sounds good!" Star said as she grabbed his and ram off.


"S-So... that armour will be 50 coins..." The tailor said.

Toffee handed him the coins and admired his new armour.

"D-Do I recognise you from somewhere?" The monster tailor asked.

"No" Toffee responded bluntly as he left into the streets.

Toffee had found himself in a small, dirty village not too far away from the Monster Temple. It housed all kinds of people, but most of them were monsters. Radical monsters. Monsters who wanted full supremacy over Mewmans. Toffee knew this all too well.

Toffee walked down the dilapidated and cramped streets of this village, eying up stores he could browse. He eventually settled in a tavern where he could eat and drink. He sat down at one of the stools and ordered a glass of pure Mewman brew.

"So... bartender..." Toffee asked the bartender. He was a monster.

"Can you tell me about this place?" He asked coolly.

"What is there to say? It's a mess. But... it is known to be filled with radicalised monsters... with a distaste for Mewmans..." The bartender said as he cleaned a cup.

"So I've seen. But... why here? The Butterfly Kingdom has become more popular for monsters nowadays, or so I've heard"

"Well... most of the monsters here have originated from when the Monster-Mewman war was lost. Being a monster some time ago meant you weren't welcome in The Butterfly Kingdom. So, they all ran here eons ago and made a village of their own. So, after a while of course, not only do they hate Mewmans, but they also have plenty of generational stores, farms, etc. Why leave for the kingdom if you have stuff here, y'know?"

"I see..." Toffee pondered.

"Well... we can't complain. We aren't starving, but we aren't really living, y'know?" The bartender sighed.

"I see... tell me, what am I drinking?" Toffee asked.

"Pure Mewman brew"

"But... this mixture was invented by monsters"

"Welcome to the world, traveller..." The bartender said as he walked away.

Toffee finished his drink, tipped the bartender and went looking for a hotel to stay in. He finally found one and booked in.


Star and Marco came tumbling out of a portal right in front of Eclipsa. They were covered in some kind of slime and Marco looked like he had been on fire.

"And just where have you two been?" Eclipsa asked sternly.

Star and Marco looked a little guilty.

"We went to Nervilon Prime..." Star admitted guilty.

"What have I told you about Nervilon Prime!? It's the one dimension I told you not to go to! The slime creatures there would have roasted you if you got caught!" Eclipsa scolded.

"We know..." Marco said sadly.

"Look, I'm okay with you two having your own little adventures but, as your basically adopted grandmother I have to make sure you don't get yourselves killed"

"But... we- we" Star stuttered.

"Go to your rooms!" Eclipsa bellowed.

Star and Marco gave her the puppy dog eyes as they walked away sadly.

"Damn! We got caught..." Star said sadly.

"Yeah... it was fun though!" Marco cheered.

"It was, but we need a shower now... yuck..." Star said as she inspected the goo on her dress.

"Yeah... but getting that cool crystal was so worth it!" Marco said as Star pulled out said crystal from her purse.

"It is very pretty" Star said dreamily as she stared at the crystal.

Marco resisted the urge to call her pretty. He failed.

"You're very pretty..." Marco said subconsciously.

"Marco!" Star said surprised.

"Gah! Sorry sorry!" He sputtered embarrassingly.

"Nono! It's okay! I... needed that... after me and Tom broke up..." she said bashfully as they both entered Star's room.

Star walked up to her balcony and stared out into the black Mewni sky. Marco followed.

"You're... still thinking about that huh?" Marco asked.

"Yeah... I just don't understand..." she sighed.

"It's not because he doesn't think you're pretty, Star. It's because he knows he needs someone who can be his best friend"

"I don't know... we were super close! We were best friends! Don't you think so, Marco?"

"Well... yeah sure, you were, but... when you wanted to go on that trip... You came to Earth. To me" Marco whispered.

"Well... Earth is my second home, Marco. It felt right"


"Y'know Star... we've been through a lot, huh?" Marco chuckled.

Star felt her face heat up as she saw Marco stare into the inky abyss of the Mewman night. She didn't know why, but she just did.

"Star... can you promise me something?" Marco asked.


"Promise we'll always be like this... forever.."

"Of course, Marco. Nothing will ever stop us from being the bestest besties ever"

"Of course..."

The two then just stared into the sky, dreaming.

Marco suddenly felt Star's head on his shoulder. He blushed a little but he smiled and continued to examine Mewni's beauty.

"We'll always be like this, Marco..." Star sighed.


♤𝕊𝕀𝔼𝔾𝔼 - 𝔸 𝕊𝕍𝕋𝔽𝕆𝔼 𝔽𝕒𝕟𝕗𝕚𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟♡Where stories live. Discover now