I Love You So...

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"I give up!" Eclipsa said frustrated.

"You can't just give up, Queen Eclipsa" Glossaryck said tiredly.

"I-I can't concentrate... not with all this emotion..." Eclipsa said as she walked towards the door.

"If you give up now. You realise you'll be paralysed without your magic" Glossaryck said calmly.

Eclipsa sighed.

"I'll manage..."


"It's okay if you don't want to come, but I'll be out there looking for Marco" Star said to her mirror.

She was speaking to the others. Marco's phone was now showing 'failed to call' instead of just ringing out. It worried Star even more.

"Of course, we'll help you, Star. Marco is our friend too" Kelly responded.

"Thanks, Kelly. If you wanna help, meet me outside the temple"

Star ended the call and sat down on her bed.

"Oh, Marco..." she whispered to herself, missing him badly.


Marco stared out from the balcony of Toffee's town hall at the large number of troops filling the streets, all lining up so they could hear Toffee speak. He sipped his Pure Monster Brew and wrapped a blanket around him. He watched closely as the soldiers marched into a file, like robots. He felt sick. He missed the temple. He missed feeling at home. But then he remembered what Eclipsa had done. How Star had hurt and lied to him. He picked up the wand on his bedside table and he felt his cheeks light up. He walked down the stairs and went outside. How saw a tree and decided it would be best to practise his ability with the wand.

"Mega Narwhal Blast!" He said sadly.

A pathetic singular narwhal slithered out of Marco's wand.

"I-I can't do this... it just reminds me of her..." he said sadly.

Then, he remembered. When he was subconscious when Meteora had sucked out his soul, he could still hear some noise. He heard some scuffling between Meteora and Star and... then Eclipsa using a spell. He could only remember it partially, but Eclipsa's spells had no emotional link to him, so maybe if he...

"Midnight... Weep?" He said. Nothing came out of the wand.

"Midnight... Sleep?" He said. Nothing again.

"Midnight... Shriek?" He said.

Suddenly, his wand had a black aura around it. Marco was unsure of what to do. He panicked and waved it around. With each wave, a dark slash shoots out of the wand.

"I-I did it..." he said happily.

"Midnight Shriek"

Again. This time he slashed the wand more violently and the black slashes were more precise.

Marco finally had a useful spell.


"Star! Where have you been?" Eclipsa asked.

"You already know..."

Eclipsa wanted to get angry with her but her sad and dull expression made it hard. She was out so late for a good cause.

"No luck?" She asked.

"I-I just don't know what to do..."

"Star... I promise we'll find him... and we'll make things right..."

"Eclipsa... Marco wanted to kill you... He was going to..."

"I-I know. Marco had a lot going on with you turning him down, my betrayal and his home destroyed"

"You didn't betray him, Eclipsa. You didn't mean to, at least. His parents are alive. But the others... I don't know..."

"His parents... they have no home to go to..."

"I say we use our magic and make things right when this all blows over..."

"Indeed. At least the Toffee problem is solved. Now we just need to find him. There's not a lot one Septarian can do alone"

"Eclipsa... do you think Marco is... alive...?"

"What? Of course, he's alive! Not only does he... sigh... Have the wand, he also is a tough nut to crack"

"I know... I just miss him a lot..."

"Hey, Star?"

"Yeah, Eclipsa?"

"Why did you turn Marco down...?"

"I just don't feel that kind of way for him. And I am already with Tom again so..."

"You're... with Tom?" Eclipsa said sadly.

"Yeah, why?"

"Star... do you have any idea how deeply in love Marco was with you?"

"I-I know he liked me"

"Star. I can't decide who you are with, but Marco has said such lovely things about you. He clearly loves you so very dearly, and he's even told me you kept him up at night when he was thinking about you. He's told me about his guilt when you confessed to him, and how he regrets 'Jackie' every day. He's wept on my shoulder so many times. He asked me for a spell to be rid of his feelings. I like Tom, but surely you must realise he will never give you the love Marco can. Or, well, could"

Star looked very sad and confused. She began crying.

"H-He doesn't feel that way anymore... not after all the lies I've told him..." Star cried as she sobbed on Eclipsa's shoulder.

"Shhh... we're gonna make this right"

"I-I don't know if.. sniff... we can..."

"We can. And we will"

"Marco... isn't gonna be Marco, is he...?" Star asked weakly.

"What... do you mean...?" Eclipsa asked as Globgor entered with Meteora in his arms.

"We... we have destroyed Marco in mere minutes, Eclipsa! He has no family, no friends, no one to turn to!" Star said painfully.

"You said his parents were alive"

"He left his scissors here... even if he wanted to he couldn't..."

"This all sounds very hard for you all" Globgor said sadly.

"It's been a ride, honey. Thank you for looking after Meteora through all this..."

"It's okay..." Globgor said as he kissed her.

Star watched them kiss and felt ashamed. All Marco ever wanted was to be happy with her. Se denied him and lied too.

"I will make this right, Marco" She whispered.


"If you're gonna help us, Marco. You need to be suited up. We have made you some armour. The metal is light and it's nice and flexible so you can do your spells" Toffee said as Marco followed him.

Toffee showed Marco his new armour. It was sleek and beautiful and it even had a sword in case things got messy. The helmet was also very pretty. It looks like a Roman helmet.

"Thank you, Toffee" he said as he examined the armour carefully.

"No worries. We plan to go in 2 days' time. Be ready and practise your spells"

"I-I will..."

♤𝕊𝕀𝔼𝔾𝔼 - 𝔸 𝕊𝕍𝕋𝔽𝕆𝔼 𝔽𝕒𝕟𝕗𝕚𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟♡Where stories live. Discover now