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The next day finally came and Star was getting ready.

"Hey, Star. Whatcha getting ready for?" Eclipsa asked.

"Me and Tom are going to Britta's Taco's to... talk about some stuff"

"Oh..." Eclipsa said sadly as she thought about Marco.

"What's wrong? Something bothering you?" She asked.

"No, No! Go on! Have a nice time!" Eclipsa said as she waved goodbye.

Star waved goodbye and used Marco's scissors to cut a portal. She stuffed it in her purse and walked through the said portal.

When she arrived, she saw Tom waiting for her. He waved happily as Star sat down next to him.

"Star! So good to see you!" He said happily.

"Me too! So... you said you wanted to talk about some things...?"

"Yeah... well... I do. Please, make yourself comfortable. I'll grab you a taco" he said as he got up.


"Hey Eclipsa! Have you seen Star? I asked Globgor and he didn't know..." Marco asked.

Eclipsa looked over at him with pure sympathy.

"No, I can't say I have, dear... I think she's out"

"Well.. okay! As long as she's safe..."

"You care about her a lot don't you?" Eclipsa asked sadly.

"Well... yeah. She's my best friend/Crush"

Eclipsa sat down and stirred the baby formula she made for Meteora.

"Why'd you ask?" Marco asked worriedly.

"Oh! Pshhh... no reason. Just love hearing about your dilemma"

Marco looked confused but then smiled.

"Well... yeah... I'd say it's a dilemma but I'm working on it! You go up to Meteora. I'll finish this formula for you" Marco offered.

"What a gentleman. Thank you, Marco"

"No worries. It was how I was raised. ser siempre un caballero!" Marco said as he stirred the formula.

Eclipsa chuckled and frowned as she realised the sad truth that was coming his way. Eclipsa doubted that Tom called Star for no reason. She watched as he happily prepared Meteora's bottle without a care in the world. She sighed and went upstairs.

Marco made Meteora's bottle and took it upstairs to the crying kid. He then went to his room and lay on his bed. Thinking about him and Star. Mostly Star. Suddenly, his phone rang.


"Tom... I'd love to try again with you! I know I was a pretty crappy girlfriend but now I know I need to be better. This time we will work, I promise..." Star said happily as she held Tom's hand.

"Oh, wow... I'm very happy, haha..." Tom giggled nervously.

"Why are you so nervous, Tom? We were like this not too long ago..."

"Yeah... well... I have a confession..."

"What's that?"

"Me and Janna might have dated for a little bit..."

"Oh...?" Star said shocked.

"I ended it because I thought of you. I wanted to see if we could try again and we are!" He said happily.

Star smiled and embraced him.

"So... I'll give you a date for a date, mister. Be there or be square" Star teased.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world..." Tom said dreamily.

"See you later, boyfriend..." She giggled as she walked through the portal she made.


"Queen Eclipsa... you need to stop 'thinking' and start 'doing'" Hekapoo said sternly.

"I know. It's just... I'll admit I don't know what this 'Toffee' is capable of..."

"He's capable of a lot. We need to destroy his little insurgency and be rid of him" Omnitraxus spoke.

"Okay... prepare the bombers for this Echo Creek, Urth" she sighed.

"It's done. It'll be a while until they're ready. The bombers have only just been approved for construction after all" Hekapoo mentioned.

"Well, that's settled. Good day to you all" Eclipsa said as she left the room.


"Mewmans. So easy to manipulate..." Toffee laughed as he sipped his Pure Mewman... sorry, 'Monster' Brew.

"Indeed, sir. They are preparing bombers for Echo Creek already" the general said.

"Ha! Bombers!? This will be a show that I won't forget..."

Toffee sipped the rest of his brew and sighed.

"Are the troops ready for action, general?" He asked.

"They are ready, sir. The iron chest plates have been smelted, too. As soon as they cool down they'll be ready to wear. The swords too"

"Excellent. Why don't you take the rest of the day off once you bring me another brew?" Toffee smiled.

"Why, thank you, sir. It will be done"


"Star! Where the heck have you been?" Marco asked.

Star pondered for a moment. Does Marco really need to know about her and Tom? Nah. He'll be fine.

"Nowhere. Just been walking around..."

"Okay...?" Marco said, unconvinced.

"So, what have you done today...?" She asked.

"Nothin. I woke up, noticed you weren't next to me, panicked, asked Globgor where you were. Then Eclipsa. Made Meteora her bottle and then I decided to lie down for a bit"

"About what you just said... I don't think I'll have to sleep next to you anymore, Marco. My nightmares have completely stopped" Star mentioned awkwardly.

"That's great, Star! If you have more nightmares, my bed is always just big enough for my best friend!" he said happily.

"Thanks, Marco. I can always trust you..." Star said happily.

"So, why were you walking around randomly...?" Marco asked confused.

"Well... I was just... thinking about some stuff so I walked around...?" Star lied.

"Okay...? I'm here if you wanna talk about anything!" Marco reassured.

Star bit her lip and thought about telling Marco about her and Tom, but decided against it.

"Thanks, Marco. I'll talk if I need to"

"Okay, Star. I also forgot to tell you that Kelly and Janna called the group chat today. Tom and you didn't answer but they want to meet up and go for some Goblin Dogs or something"

"Oh! Tomorrow...?"

"Yeah. You wanna go?" Marco asked.

"Sure thing!" Star said.

Marco smiled and left her room. Then she decided to call Tom. He picked up instantly.

"Hey, Star!"

"Hi, Tom! I assume you heard about tomorrow?"

"I sure did. What do you say? Do we make that our official date? We can tell everyone..."

"Wait! No! I mean... I just don't wanna tell anyone just yet..."


"I just don't want everyone else thinking they're third wheeling and make them not have a good time. But for sure we can make it our official date. It'll just be our secret. How about it?"

"I don't mind. See you tomorrow, Star!"

"See ya!~"

Star ended the call. She stood silently in her room. Was this a good idea?

♤𝕊𝕀𝔼𝔾𝔼 - 𝔸 𝕊𝕍𝕋𝔽𝕆𝔼 𝔽𝕒𝕟𝕗𝕚𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟♡Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя