“Boom…why did you do this to me?” Yin sobbed. War looked and saw tears’ streaming from Yin’s closed eyes.

*He still not over that bastard.*

Morning came and Yin woke up with headache the size of Australia…his head is pounding and ringing as if someone just put a giant bell inside his skull.

            “Good morning Anan…” War said walking into the room.

            “Phi…not so loud…my head hurts…” Yin cringed. He lay back on the bed and pulled up the covers.

            “Get up Yin…we have a long day ahead today…” War pulled the curtain open, lighting up the room. He went towards Yin and pulled the covers too. “Get up!”

            “Ah phi!!” Yin whined.

            “Nope…get up or I’ll get a bucket of water and I have you shower in your bed…”

            “You wouldn’t dare…” Yin said curled up hugging a pillow.

            “You wanna try me?”  War crossed his arms.

            “Fine…I’m beginning to regret letting you know the passcode to my place…”

            “Too late for that my love…” War ruffled Yin’s hair. “Wash up…I’ll get the breakfast ready…” War said and walked out from the room.

Yin was thankful for War. They’ve known each other for years; ever since their college days…even though War was 4 years older, they never had any problem in communication. They’ve been together through thick and thin, and Yin couldn’t see himself living without War.


Yin get out of his car and head to the elevator. He stepped into the elevator and pressed the button.

            “Hold the elevator please…” a woman’s voice called from outside.

Yin quickly pushed the open button.

            “Baby, hurry up…” the woman said rushing into the elevator. “Thanks…” she smiled at Yin. “Baby!”

            “I’m coming, I’m coming…”

The voice.

Yin’s breath hitched at the view. Boom was standing in front of him…with a woman next to him. He cowered to the back trying his best to ignore.

            “I think our honeymoon is the best…I wish we go back to Maldives…” the woman said, linking her arm with Boom.

Maldives…that’s the place Yin and Boom planned to go during the summer vacation. He always wanted to go there but looks like Boom went there first…without him.

Loud ding sound woke Yin from his thought. He quickly made his way out of the elevator. The pain inside his chest was unbearable…the sheer anger, sad and hurt attacked him all at once.

War saw Yin walked past his door. He called but the latter just ignored him.

*Something is not right…*

Tears brimming Yin’s eyes. How could Boom act like nothing is wrong? Is he the only one that feels the pain?

            “Yin…” War opened the door. He walked towards Yin and saw the tears at the corner of his eyes. “Hey, what’s wrong?”

❤LOVE IS YINWAR❤Where stories live. Discover now