It's Like A Color

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Writing Letters

Chapter 22: It's Like A Color


Happy Christmas Amelia! I just got back home from the X-Factor and I'm so hyped about everything and had time to spare so here I am. I'm very aware that it takes me near to forever to write back to you and I have to thank you for sticking around. There are so many things ahead of me, I'll just inform you know that Simon Cowell signed us! I'm going to be famous! I don't know what to think about anything it's like my brain is bouncing around with excitement. Aside from all the crazy stuff going on right now, I've missed you so much. 

I'm going to add my own gift onto here and I hope that it tops what you got me, although I highly doubt that because this American flag shirt is pretty amazing. I've been wearing it for the past two day and yes, I have taken a shower. It arrived exactly after we came in third and I threw it on right after the show, of course earning these weird looks from the lads but I pushed those aside.

To sum up how I felt with semi-finals and finals in itself; nervous. When that heart beat goes it feels like it's in sync with your own and the minute it goes off, so does yours. Literally I've never been more terrified than I was in that very moment that the light on us went off. It was like air was immediately drawn back into my lungs when our name wasn't called. 

You are just too adorable okay? You wrote to me while watching me perform on stage yeah I can totally say creeper alert. Liam is an amazing singer though so it makes sense that he would be up in your charts but me? Amelia I know your going to fight me on this but I'm really not that good and I don't know if you noticed, but I've never had my own solo throughout the entire competition. I'm strictly a background voice. Louis has gotten better by far and I let him read that part, he took the letter and photocopied it before sticking it into his bag.

If you want to come out here then by all means, I'll keep on wearing tuxedo's on stage. Darling, I would love to see your beautiful face in person, which I will soon because I'll be bringing in the stacks! I wouldn't buy you a therapist though cause I enjoy writing and receiving letters from you, so please, let me know all about how 'hard' your life is.

As far as friends go, don't sweat it. My absence back home made me realize who my true friends were and weren't, that being Ryan and Andy. Those two tackled me in a bro hug the minute I stepped into my own house, it was really nice. You're completely right in how family comes first and that has been expressed so many times with Zayn having to leave in the semi-finals. You didn't do anything wrong Amelia, alright?

Long story short, you are such a creep. I know I said to follow him around and be a spy and such but to really go and visit his teacher? Woman you are going crazy. Take a step back and just flat out talk to him, you would be surprised at what you hear back. Being a boy myself I can see where he's coming from so I personally believe that he'll open up to you.

The ''James Problem" can go both ways but I think it depends on how long he's been around. If it's been over 10 months then I think you should start to give in because this guy isn't going anywhere any time soon. I know that spending time with your mom is going to be even more difficult but suck it up for a while, show her that you are in it for the long run and maybe she'll see what you want. Let me know if any issues around that come up and I'll be there. 

Ironically right after I finish up this letter I'm going to head over and surprise her. I'm going to try and make this work, somehow. I know I said that I shouldn't worry anymore but she is too important in my life to let go so quickly and I'm going to fight for us. I'll take your word on telling her how I feel and report back how everything goes, here's hoping it runs smoothly.

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