It begins with 'N'

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I know that this was updated today but it's only because I am kind of having an iffy day and want to see if this can cheer me up! So enjoy this and tell me what you think! :D


Writing Letters

Chapter 4: It begins with 'N'

Unknown 'N'

I shall make a mental note to never duct tape my mouth shut or let anyone do that to me. I don't really think I would do anything to anyone to make me do that but who knows! Maybe they would because I over eat and want me to stop by  starving me. Who knows...

You really don't think you're funny? The amount of times I got weird looks from reading and even rereading the letters I've gotten from you are countless. I can already feel a good friendship blossoming from this dumb idea our teachers came up with. Yeah you could say I'm blessed to have a pen pal such as yourself, especially considering that Andy got another lecture from Rachel all about cheesecake. Poor lad decided to tell her at the end of his letter that he thought cheesecake was delicious.

Yes, I really am not going to tell you my name because what fun would that be? I already get a few dumb jokes about it and such so I'll just hold yours out a bit longer ;) I know it's cruel and I apologize... not really but no need to fear my deary, you'll figure it out sooner or later.

I think I now understand what you're talking about. The Jersey Shore is always getting trashed over here about how they drink even more than we do, and we're Irish! It is really funny that the one short girl is always complaining about things and gets her way still! I would watch it if it aired over here but only to laugh my ass off at it! (I'm allowed to curse ha-ha)

Bummer. I don't like that! Almost all my friends that have gone to the States are always talking about the possibilities and crowds and how amazing it is. Sad that my dreams of singing can't be fulfilled there but I heard about this show, The X-Factor that is going to be airing here soon. I really want to go out and try for it but mum says no every time I ask! Come on crazy lady, invent a plan that will get her to say yes :D

How would you know that I deal drugs? I bet you're stalking me and know all about my secret underground base where I have little kids rolling up bunts as I write this. Nah just kidding with you, I've watched a few cop shows before and nearly died from laughter when I saw the cop shoot a drunkard. The guys face said hello the floor right before he flopped around like a fish out of water. It was hilarious and I don't think I've laughed that much for a while.

That's right! Be envious of the fact that I can eat and eat and eat and barely gain any weight. To top off all the envy, I don't work out but I do play soccer, sorry love. Now I must leave because now I am shunning you! You've never heard of Nandos? And you can't function your fingers to type into the google search: Nandos. Girl you have got a problem. Yes, go dig that grave. Now. Don't even delay anymore and stop writing me letters.

(I can't send links via letters. Smart one. You sure you're a brunette 'cause you just pulled a blond move. What are you doing looking at porn sites missy? Don't you know that you can get arrested for that stuff?)

Me? conceited? How could you ever guess something like that? I am the hottest guy to ever grace Mullingar so you can just go and eat your own words. Damn straight that you should be bowing down to me and that is Sir oh mighty hotness to you, Amelia.

If you're so interested in what I look like I mine as well give a description. I'm about 5 foot 7 in your terms, my hair is blond with some brown highlights in it and no it does not reach to my knees! I keep it a little below my ears but not much. People say that my eyes are a really 'amazing' blue but I beg to differ. They are nothing special. There you are you little beggar.

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