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Writing Letters



-3 years later-

As creepy and strange as it may sound, I loved to watch Niall when he slept. His lips would always pucker the slightest bit and his eyebrows would furrow before his face set peacefully again. Sometimes he would blindly reach for me or other times his body would curl into a ball and a content smile would creep over his face. Anyway that I saw him though, I couldn't help a grin from forming on my face.

Leaning back against the headboard of my bed I stared down at the tufts of blond hair on my lap as Niall began to doze off. It's not as if I could blame him either since it was nearing 2 in the morning. We'd just gotten back from a short cruise with the other boys for a kind of end-of-a-tour celebration and it was quite something.

It's crazy when I think back on how Niall and I had met, how we had shared almost five years of our lives together, two spent in mere letters. But it was all worth it, every single word and tear and fight - all of it for moments just like this one. He knew me better than anybody at this point and I don't think that I'd want it any other way.

The loud ring of the phone brought Niall jumping up with wide eyes and an arm being wrapped tightly around my waist. A laugh burst from me and my hand clamped down on his shoulder to bring his attention to me.

"It was just the phone," I giggled.

His eyes grew smaller at this, a sheepish smile peeking on the edges of his lips, "Well everyone should know that I was trying to sleep."

At this I scoffed and shoved him away from me, "The world doesn't revolve around your sleeping schedule."

"It should," He muttered. My eyes did a complete 360 this time, legs swinging over the edge of the bed to retrieve the still ringing phone.

I heard a slight groan of protest at my body leaving the bed but I swatted at Niall as he attempted to grab me. His large sigh of defeat caused me to laugh again but the cool plastic of the phone in my hand caused me to hush.


"Mrs. Horan?" The woman on the phone questioned.

The air in my lungs hopped out of my chest at the name, a slight gasp coming from me as I caught myself, "No, no I'm just his girlfriend."

"Oh!" She exclaimed, "I'm so sorry I didn't- the papers said-, sorry."

Of course the papers said something about me possibly being engaged - let alone married - to Niall. It wasn't exactly a engagement but a sort of promise that at some point in the future there would be an actual wedding band set on my ring finger. Although it was just as flashy as a wedding ring itself.

"It's fine, just a small mishap," I waved her off, "but if you don't mind, why are you calling at this hour?"

"What? It's only- oh dammit," She huffed, "These stupid time differences keep on messing me up. I apologize again, I wasn't thinking when I called your house since I'm in a bit of a rush."

"Well don't keep apologizing," I chuckled, "what do you need?"

"This is absolutely horrible of me but I was wondering if I could schedule a photo shoot for you and Niall. My agency has been going crazy trying to find young celebrity couples that are willing to do some advice and fashion articles. You two are the biggest thing since Jelena and we'd love if you would come and do this for us."

My brows furrowed at the idea of standing in front of a camera doing silly things with Niall, or even posing dramatically. We were used to doing that kinda thing since we were deemed a camera couple but it's not as if we posted anything around. 

Turning to face Niall I found his head barely tilted towards me, a single blue eye staring back at me as I smiled softly. He looked like he could fall asleep at any minute although I know he'll wait until I get back into bed to actually pass out.

"What do you think, babe?" I questioned aloud, "Do you wanna do a photo shoot with me for a magazine?"

"A what now?" His brow rose, body rising up from the fluff of my bed spread.

"A photo shoot for this company. They're looking for young celebrity couples to give advice and model, all that typical mumbo jumbo."

The woman on the other ends snorted but her laugh encouraged me to grin and stare at Niall intently. It sounded fun to me and what better way to spend an afternoon with my boyfriend. Just imagining the funny poses and secretly glances that would be caught made my stomach flutter.

"I don't see why not, although it's up to you," He shrugged, rubbing at his eyes.

"Well," I spoke into the speaker, "what day would you like us to come in?"

Following that was nearly fifteen minutes of planning, arrangements for a flight to London and a whole bunch of apologies. As soon as I hung up the phone I launched myself into bed and straight into Niall's arms, a light kiss being pressed to my forehead.

"A photo shoot, huh?" He said softly.

"Right?" I agreed, "and who would've thought we were a 'hit celebrity couple'?"

"Exactly! I'm the famous one here," He pouted.

"Sorry?" I snorted, "I do believe I wrote a young adult book that's sold almost 700 thousand copies."

"Yes but I was your inspiration for Ryan," He stuck his tongue out.

"Shut up you goof."

"Oh come on!" He argued with me, hands tightening around my waist, "a story like that could only ever be based on our own. After all, we were the real ones writing letters."


And end, no sequel so I sincerly hope that you liked this ending! I know it's kinda rushed and a tad bit cheesy with a bit of 'wow I expected more' but I wanted a good light for Amiall. 

Thank you so much for reading this story, I couldn't have done it without your support and crazy comments and love. I hope you're all leaving this story with a happy smile and precious thoughts of our crazy blond clouding your head. 

Thank you again!

-Paige xo


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