I prefer 'Unique'

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Writing Letters

Chapter 7: I prefer 'Unique'


You're the jokester too? Oh god! Yet another thing we have in common although I am the jokester and the most sarcastic, go figure. Me. Sarcastic. Ha! Would you really be the hulk though? I know he's a mean green beast but wouldn't you rather be Tony Stark or something like that? There is no argument when I say I would totally be Elektra, cause dude, she is a freaking boss.

Alright I guess I can't fault you for hanging with your girly-friend but try and think about 'Lia' sometimes alright? I need some love too! I bet that you only 'forgot' because you two were having that lovey dovey couple stuff that I read about in teenage romances. It's so freaking adorable so I can forgive you this once but if it happens again me and yo gurl, yeah we gonna go at it!

True that to spontaneously combusting from food because that is probably how I would go. I know I said I wish I could eat like you, and I can, but I still have to watch my weight for sports and for my own health. I do gain pounds from eating unlike some people. You, cough cough.

I promise I won't make fun of your name but I will make fun of you for pretending that you don't go out and illegally drink with your friends. You're a 16 year old boy living in Ireland, the country with the most bar songs, there is no way in hell you don't get wasted every now and then. I bet you do act black when you get drunk just because you said that and if I were there to witness it I would probably laugh my butt off.

So you do have friends that are girls! (Sam) Still, you're friends are pointing out the historical and geographical facts about this not-so-exciting country. Unless you're all interested in our history over there in Ireland then it is probably a really boring country besides Chicago, NYC, and LA.

Tumbling? Well you really are a nerd if you came up with something like that. Sadly though you've caught me as I also watch a lot of Disney Channel. You know I be hitting up that Wizards of Waverly Place every night! Who couldn't when you can stalk that gorgeous face of Mason because oh dear lord those British accents are too irresistible.

I wouldn't tell you're girlfriend that you have a fallback girl, that might just tick her off but again, I shall laugh at the point you made. Coming up with a fallback person being a celebrity is pure genius and I am ashamed for not coming up with that sooner but now that it has been laid out on the table my fallback is Alexander Ludwig, all the way.

You're conceited-ness just hit the shore of Jersey and caused a hurricane to strike, congratulations on you're giant achievement you lovely little blond. Now that you caused all these giant waves to come crashing into our little state why don't you hit them up since you're such a 'surfer dude' eh? I bet you'll catch a bunch of babes if you're hiding a six pack under that shirt of yours ;D

Don't mock me and my singing habits! My teddy bear adores my singing and tells me all the time that he loves cheese just as much as me and that is big. Like if you make it big on this show then you should totally make a song about cheese just because you can. Imagine the insane response you could get after making a song like that!

I'm so excited about getting to see your 'gorgeous' face that I actually sat down and thought long and hard about how you could bribe your mother to take you to auditions. It may be a long shot but maybe you could save up to pay off a few of her bills, I know that parents really take that kind of thing to heart and it's a guaranteed pass to the X-Factor. My suggestions for getting the money is talking to some close friends, maybe seeing if they could pitch in a bit and raise maybe $500 dollars(don't know conversions, do it yourself :D).

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