You Made Me Cry

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Writing Letters

Chapter 11: You Made Me Cry


As I write this to you, it is the second Sunday of my summer vacation and I am completely physicked about the adventures that shall happen! Imagine the summer romance I've always dreamed of and considering half of my friends have their licenses it shall be beach party's every weekend with the exception of the X-Factor of course! You have every right to fear me... and my tackle hugs! You scared the living shit out of me when I saw you get eliminated at boot  camp! Me and the girls were like silently crying as each and every one of the boys, a certain Mr. Styles especially for Katie and Justine, go!

Excuse this sudden change of topic but everything is just hitting me now and I'm so pumped for all of this and you made me cry over it! I saw footage of you crying and I swear my heart broke, but my spirits were lifted when you guys were all called back on stage. I wish you could have seen Lena, Justine, Katie, and me all jumping around hugging each other and shedding happy tears. It was a complete fan girl moment that was worthy of a photo shoot, no joke.

Alright and now aside with my little rant on the emotional roller coaster you and the boys put us girls on this weekend and back to business!

Sir, you shouldn't be ogling over a girl half way across the world and especially when you have a girlfriend! Don't giggle at my dumb little comments, be a man and chuckle, duh. On the other side though she shouldn't just completely block out your pen pal because whether she likes it or not I'm not going on till you say goodbye (which I hope isn't soon). I'm not one to just move because girlfriends come and go, friends should stay forever. Not to mention I'm amazing so...

Now that you are on the high road to fame with a boy-band I have no doubts in my mind that this little competition of ours will be just fine. Load up that wallet bub, your so taking me out to some fancy arse restaurant 'cause you've got the money! If you actually believe that I would pay for your dinner you've got another thing coming ;)

Considering that Dionysus is the god of Wine and er Ecstasy I'm not to keen on relating you to him. For Christs sake you are only 16 you silly little leprechaun. Sadly I must admit that you are really freaking adorable like those eyes! You should believe all of your friends when they tell you especially after me gaping at them. And that was totally not creepy... Why do I write in pen again?

I'm nothing special, I reassure you that! Maybe I might be something good enough for them boys though... HA. As if I would go for any overly perverted boy that is just disgusting and a complete turn off for me. I only date guys who treat me with respect and don't always act like a body guard for me, I am my own person and if you're going to date me then do it because you like me how I am, right? That in mind, don't let this adventure of yours get in-between you and Carrie.

From first hand experience, long distance relationships are a giant pain in the butt and if you're gone for more than a month I wouldn't have too much faith in your fling with her. I may have hit a sore spot and I'm sorry but that is just how us girls are. If we have a boyfriend we love the affection and feeling of them being close in-case of help so having you so far away can become difficult. Call her every night and wake her up with good morning texts that will surely work :)

Regarding my rant at the beginning I think you know my preference on your 'fatness' which by the way, doesn't exist. My friends were swooning over your hair also, a lot of "oh my god he is so cute" and I believe I heard Justine mumbling something such as "I'd tap that" I don't know... Hey but I can only keep my thoughts neutral due to you having a girlfriend and I'm not trying to make things awkward here. Long story short, you're reallying freaking cute!

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