My Apologies

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Writing Letters

Chapter 12: My Apologies


I forgot that over in the US you get 3 months off... you lucky twats! Not that it matters much considering I'm pursuing my dream and summer vacation could mean less to me. Hey but don't give up on a summer romance because they can happen unexpectedly at any given point of your life. At least you have friends who can drive, I don't know when I'll be able to go for my license but when I do I'll be cruising around in some nice car that is way too expensive, most likely crash it, but enjoy the thrill anyways. I'm such a strange boy huh?

Tackle hugs? I'm shivering from fear! I didn't mean to scare you like that but honestly I had no control over what was going to happen to me. Thank you for rooting for me although who wouldn't, I mean, I'm adorable duh. Alright I'm trying to picture you and your friends crying over all of us (not working out to well because I barely have an idea of what you look like) and to say the least it looks rather pathetic yet quite cute at the same time. Yeah we've all already felt that random rush of having fans, especially Harry, and it's so strange hearing girls screaming for us. They gather around outside and wait for us but it's only a few people maybe like 25 because we're a newly formed band.

They aired that film of me crying?! My reputation at school is officially ruined oi. I can already imagine the texts I'm going to be getting later about that from the lads back in Mullingar. At least they aired us getting formed because that was a moment I don't think I will ever forgot mostly due to the fact it was a second chance. I really thought all I worked up for just went down the drain when my name wasn't called. I was crushed inside and out but being called back up I was so jumpy and then BAM we were thrown into a group!

We're all currently practicing for the show this week, most of it is just us getting to know each other and just like you, they're all growing on me. Louis is quite the hilarious boy and when you pair him up with Harry it's just something to watch. There will be a serious bromance going on there if we make it to the big leagues, no joke I mean they always sit next to each other! It's so weird because we've barely known each other for a week!

Okay no more spoiler alerts here on my side plus the boys are kind of looking at me like I'm mental because I'm laughing while I read your letters. Why must you be so funny? It's just not fair... Oh as an add on here, tell your friends that the boys are aware of the fan girling you do because... they kind of stole the letter that you wrote to me and read it out loud. Rather embarrassing on my part when you mentioned Dionysus, smooth one Amy.

Now, who said I was ogling over you? I know that I didn't although saying that I loved you is a little bit close to that but you just hush up about it, I was trying to be sensitive. For your information I am a man and you admitted it yourself when you called cute and said your friends would... tap me... awkward.

Just because you're a girl means nothing! If I win then you have to pay, fair and square because you set the rules in the first place so you better follow them. Although I am a gentlemen so I would probably choose a dumb place like McDonalds just because. So basically make sure you have $10 on you? Yeah! Cause your going down girl so come at me!

My dear Amelia, you totally have the hots for this blond so just stop trying to deny it because it's inevitable that you are going to fangirl over me. First you make a comparison with me to a Greek God and then you admit ogling over my eyes then have the confidence to say I'm far from fat. Lia has a crush on me! (just imagine me sing-songing that)

Thank the sweet lord baby Jesus that you know what type of guys to avoid. You shouldn't go for anyone who is below your standards because then you are just shrinking and trying to fit in, like you said, don't be anyone but yourself. I agree with being over protective, to a point though. I don't take any shit with guys who hit on my girl, especially if they keep on making suggestive faces and actions. I don't plan on letting this crazy event in my life get in between me and my girl, she is just too important to let fame take over.

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