Something Different

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Writing Letters

Extra: Something Different


My eyes darted back and forth between my laptop and bedside table that held my clock which at the moment was glaring 1:00 back at me. It was stupid of me to want to turn my head if a clock was held in the corner of my screen but the difference was that I had the chance to look outside in-case River showed up early.

Despite the huge internal debate I had with myself and then the real argument I had with my 3 best friends, I decided to go. Half of my head and Katie were all for me going on this date while the other half of my head and Justine and Lena were against it because of Niall. It was completely insane to even try and talk some sense into the two of them due to neither of them grasping the fact he lived in Ireland. I couldn't have myself waiting on someone who I would never meet.

So here I sat on my light blue comforter with my legs crossed and laptop sitting idly off to my side, Tumblr up and showing some dumb GIF of Justin Bieber. No, I didn't purposely stop to stare at his face it just so happened that my mind got distracted when I noticed how his hair was the same shade as River's thus beginning my nerves.

Would he really show up or brush this off as the girl who had patched him up? Nobody like him, and I mean toned, tan, and fit, ever bothered to take a second glance at me and then all of a sudden I decide to give a helping hand and as a thanks I'm getting taken out on a late lunch. Not to mention that he was clearly hitting on me at his attempt of keeping me in the bathroom and then telling me to wear something cute. Seriously, who does that? 'Cute' in my dictionary was a nice pair of shorts and a floral shirt, which was exactly what I was wearing. My only concern was whether or not this would be appropriate for wherever he was taking me. Why was I so nervous again? It's just a kind gesture for me being considerate to a complete stranger who by the way was absolutely quite the specimen.

"Amelia do you think I could stay over at Jason's tonight?" Evan asked as he pushed open my door and fell down into my desk chair. His fingers skimmed over the hard wood of my white desk before his eyes looked up to me with a blank, waiting, stare.

"Jason? You mean the one who stole your sneakers?" I questioned with a raised brow. Evan looked away from me, his bottom lip slightly turning in alerting me that I was right. He always bit the inside of his lip whenever trying to hide something and it was my job to know so of course I studied his actions.

"He gave them back..." His voice trailed off and I grinned at his attempt to persuade me,  "Please Amy?"

I gave him a blank stare before registering that he had used the nickname for me back when he was 6 because his two missing front teeth made the 'L' in my name hard to pronounce. My lips tugged up in a smile as his eye brows bridged together in anticipation of my answer.

"Yeah, go," I broke, nodding my head and shooing him out of my room. His eyes lit up like a Christmas tree though before jumping up and saying something close to a thank you before darting down the hall, door slamming shut behind him. I rolled my eyes at his sudden change in mood but smiled when I remembered how happy all of us had been when mom didn't take the job she had not to mention her boyfriend.

As I sighed at the realization of my boredom, I fell back onto my bed, head facing the clock and then eyes brightening as 2:24 shined at me. Had I really been that lost in thought this entire time? Evan was barely in here for 5 minutes and it's impossible for time to have changed so fast unless I read the clock wrong.

Shrugging it off, I heaved myself off my bed and stumbled down the hallway, my hand connecting with the bathroom door and pushing it open. I glanced into the mirror and winked at my horrible reflection which held a girl who's hair was bundled up on top of her head in a messy bun, a large hoodie adorning her upper body and booty shorts grazing over her thighs. Quite the hot mess if I say so myself.

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