A Bit About Me

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Amelia Walling

Chapter 1: A Bit About Me

Hey, Uhh, I'm not really sure how to start this. I guess I should tell you my name huh? Yeah... that's what a smart person would do in a situation where they had to write to someone they don't even know let alone look like! It would be weird if I just randomly started up a conversation and you were sitting there like, "What is wrong with this girl?" as I keep rambling... Oh crap. That's what I'm doing now D:

Back on track here! My name is Amelia, I'm from the United States specifically NC (North Carolina), not NJ (New Jersey) because that's apparently where all the cool cats are from. Wow I must sound like a complete loser, huh? I don't know, I guess it's easy to talk to someone about anything if you can't even see their face. This is weird yet exciting for me at the same time!

I don't want to make this too lengthy but all well, I just feel like ranting today considering my teacher decided that we would write our first letter today, in class. She's a little too excited about this project if I may say but all well, whatever makes her happy, right?

Apparently this whole entire 'pen pal' thing is because my teacher got in contact with her best friend who is your teacher and they decided that this would be a great idea for foreigners to get to know each other. I think it's dumb because what if one of the girls in this class end up falling for one of the people in your class and then they are doomed to never see each other? It would be so sad and tragic! Knowing that I said that it might just happen to me because I'm such a hopeless romantic...

The best bet here is to just get done about talking to you about how my day (weekend?) was, which by the way was stuck between amazing and horrid. Why? You may ask... well you see... I was just minding my time in the mall, reading a book at the food court and then out of no where some little kid comes up and demands a quarter. Now you must know that I am not one to just give away my money to some random little tart so instead I fished out a penny and tossed it at him. Yeah the poor kid has horrible hand eye coordination and the penny hit him dead in the eye. Long story short, the mother yelled at me and then literally forced me to give him a quarter! 

I really don't understand the reasoning behind forcing a random teenager to give a annoying kid some quarter. Is she so poor to the point that she can't fish out a piece of silver from her purse to give to him? Perhaps I'm blowing things out proportion but honestly, I don't understand that a bit!

Anyway, the stupid little brat stuck his tongue out at me when walking away. I was actually about to go and tackle him to the ground but my mom dragged me off to go to Victoria's Secret... that pretty much ruined my day. I'm not exactly the kind of girl who likes to hang around underwear and bra's all day. Depending on whether your a boy or girl, that might just intrigue you.

Gosh, look at how much I just ranted to you! I'm so sorry for all the use of big words and insanely long paragraphs but I am totally and utterly jacked up on Mountain Dew. No reference to Taladega Knights there in any way. Just letting you know!

Okay so I'll just leave this how it is, put my fingers to rest and allow you to dwell on the fact that you got an insane girl for your pen pal! Enjoy~



A/N: So this has actually been tweaked a bit not that anyone would be able to notice but I like that Amelia is portrayed as bubbly. She's got quite a personality that will be developed as the story goes on so I hope that you like what I've put down thus far.

Don't be afraid to let me know what could be worked on or added in the comments below although I must warn you, this is not your typical pen pal. If massive things are missing, I apologize.

-Trinity x

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