What Happened?

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Writing Letters

Chapter 14: What Happened?


It had been 3 weeks to date since I sent out a letter to Amelia explaining that I wouldn't have much time anymore to send out letters. On the daily mail day though there was nothing for me, the same as the following week, and now I sat in the X-Factor contestant house staring off into space whilst caught in deep thought.

I must have gotten her upset or angry at me that I couldn't do the letters for a little while and now she's spiting me by not responding. Feelings of dread came to me as I realized that she was my support considering Carrie had become distant as well but now I was losing Amelia too. All the past letters from her can only do so much before their effect wears off and I'm left with nerves and those horrible things called thoughts to deal with.

"Ey mate. Still no letter from Amelia?" Harry came in, patting me hard on the back and collapsing on to the couch beside me as I shook my head.

"I think she hates me," I groaned and leant my head back with my hands retreating to my face.

"Don't say that because you don't know for sure," Harry paused, taking a bite of an apple he had magically gotten, "Why don't you get ahold of her somehow instead of a letter." He shrugged and looked at me hopefully.

I let out a sigh and bit the inside of my lip as I tried to think of a way to talk to her without the use of the phone because of international charges.

"What's up with Niall? He looks constipated," Louis smirked as he entered the living room and sat down next to Harry with his arm lacing over the back of the couch.

"Ha-ha you're so funny," I called with a click of my tongue and smug look to which Louis winked at me.

"He's having Amelia issues," Harry answered for me as I got lost in my thoughts again.

"Oh," Louis drawled out, "Why not just call her, lad?" He piped up and I cocked my head to the side to glare at him.

"I've already thought of that but there's this thing called international calling and having to pay for it," I rolled my eyes and puffed out a sigh while staring up at the ceiling with a groan.

"Look mate, you're obviously becoming depressed so just call her already! We can help pay the bill," Harry offered up and I raised an eyebrow at his sudden change of character. Being the youngest of all of us it was rare to see Harry taking a mature choice and clearly Louis was surprised too by the horrified expression on his face.

"I never said I would help pay!" Louis yelled and scrambled back to look at Harry with a dumbfounded expression. Harry simply looked at Louis with amusement before looking back at me with a wink, "Just call her."

There was some hesitance in my actions, my thoughts instantly taking over my actions with dreaded feelings that she wouldn't pick up or worse, hang up on me. If there was anything I've learnt about Amelia it's her strong back bone and sassy ways which quite reminded me of Louis himself but she held a edge that I couldn't pin point. It was a huge 50/50 chance that she would talk to me or hang up thus proving my mind right.

I was pulled from my thoughts as a phone was shoved in my face with a pair of green eyes giving me a stern glare.

"This is our only free day, it's now or never," He grinned cheekly and I gave another sigh before snatching the phone from his hand and standing up to go to my shared room with Liam. I made sure to close the door behind me before rummaging around my room and holding one of the many letters from Amelia in my hand.

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