It Takes Time

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Writing Letters

Chapter 25: It Takes Time


Daylight sucks. Night time sucks. Friends suck. Family sucks. Boyfriends suck. Boys suck. He sucks. No, life sucks!

That was it, life just sucks in general with all of its add ons. Emotions have got to be the dumbest thing in the world. They trick people, make them feel lost or happier than they should be. Sometimes all they do is cause drama that absolutely nobody needs in their life, especially when their so young.

I turned my head to the side slowly, taking in the glowing numbers on my clock. A deep groan let out at the new found knowledge that it was 1:27 in the morning. Sure it may be the weekend and I had no plans but that didn't mean I didn't want to go to sleep. That was the only thing I ever looked forward to anymore and now it's being taken away because of the damned things that are always getting stuck in my head.

It's been like this for a really long time now and I'm not talking days or weeks, no I'm talking colossal like months now. Everyone says it's because of Niall, everyone says that it's a with-drawl, everyone says that I need to get over him, everyone says I need to just let him go. The problem with all of that is the simple little line that we've all heard many times before, "Saying it is one thing, doing it is another."

If anything I've missed having a life and being able to hang out with my friends and not feel like something is out of place. Thankfully the girls are hanging in there for me but it will only last for so long until they have another hissy fit and leave me again. I'm not sure what to do though. Forgetting is near to impossible for me to do and I'm absolutely positive that a hypnotist wouldn't be able to crack me.

My eyes fluttered shut and I took in a deep sigh, trying to relax my body and let the comforts of sleep wave over me. I sat there for a good 15 minutes with my eyes closed and yet there was not a single feeling that sleep would be coming to me anytime soon. With a frown I tossed my covers from on me and stretched out my legs, flinging them over the side of my bed and standing up slowly.

I carried myself the few steps towards my desk and powered on my laptop, the glow instantly illuminating my room and casting a bright glow on my dilated eyes. My eyes turned to slits as I slouched into my chair, fingers moving on their own accord and opening up the Internet. I'm pretty sure that it was my thoughts taking over by this point when I began to type in the band name "One Direction".

Multiple articles popped up and I found myself scrolling along carelessly, reading random articles and smirking at the quirky new information. Perhaps my sense of sleepiness was kicking in but when I came across an article detailing how Louis got pulled over for driving too slow I burst into fits of laughter. How in the world do you manage that? Aren't teenage boys all about the 'need for speed' or something like that?

With my head shaking I went back to google and continued along until I passed by an older article that was all bolded with "Big Time Rush" printed at the top. Out of sheer curiosity I clicked on the link and glanced over the article but froze when I read a single line that had me crashing my back into my chair. I stared at it blankly with shock and a sense of complete numbness falling over me at the single statement.

"One Direction will be joining BTR as show openers on their debut tour around North America!"

There was more gibberish scattered around but I could careless as I read and re-read the sentence about 12 times, absorbing 6 words:

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