But First, Happy Birthday (Part 1)

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Dedicated to: @EmmieeMichelle because she never minds dropping a comment and I love that :) Go follow her and check out her story, Tattoo!


Writing Letters

Chapter 19: But First, Happy Birthday


It was already around noon and I was a bit surprised that nobody had come in to check on me, especially considering it's my birthday. Maybe I just have high hopes because I'm turning 16 but on the other hand they have never failed to bring me breakfast in bed or sing me awake. That was just how my family rolled ever since I could remember so why the sudden change?

With a heavy sigh I flung my legs over the side of my bed and stared outside my window, watching the wind whisk by while the sun beat down. It was really pretty outside and I smiled to myself that at least mother nature acknowledged the celebration of my birth. My head shook back and forth and I stood with a yawn, hands stretching up to the ceiling along with my shirt. A cold chill hit my stomach and I swiped a hoodie that was slung over my desk chair.

I slowly opened my door and stared down the hallway, half expecting Evan and my mom to come out of a random door with a cake. As I eased myself past each door my theory was proved wrong and I narrowed my eyes with a smug look crossing my face. My toes curled around the stairs while I made my way downstairs and into the kitchen with full intent on having the breakfast of champions.

Yeah that's right, a poptart. Not just any poptart though, birthday cake poptart because I believe the occasion calls for it, right?

After nibbling at the tart for a while I figured I mine as well check the mail so I slid into a pair of my moms heels that were sat by the door. I was just reaching my hand inside of the mailbox when an arm wrapped around me from behind and I jumped. Every single thought in my head at that moment were all leading to me lying in an basement with tattered clothes and food sitting just out of reach. This was it, I was going to be kidnapped on my own birthday. Awesome.

"Chill out, it's just me babe," A husky voice laughed lightly behind me. My tense stance relaxed immediately at the realization of River being the one who scared the shit out of me. I let out a breathe I knew I was holding and shook my head before turning in his now two arms.

"What are you doing here?" I asked with my head cocking to the side. In some ways it was a dumb question but I wanted to know if anyone in this town remembered that today was my birthday.

A teasing smile crept onto his face as he twined his fingers with mine and pulled me away from the mailbox, but not before I grabbed the single letter that rested gently inside. I didn't have to even look at my name neatly written over the envelope to know that this was a letter from Niall. My lips tugged up into a smile at the fact I had at least gotten a letter from him on this oh-so-important day of my life.

"I figured I would be a horrible boyfriend if I didn't come to see my girl on her birthday," He smiled at me. Butterfly's went off in my stomach at the mention of him being my boyfriend now, even if it was true. Every single time I thought about River now I couldn't help but smile that he was mine and I was his. Insanity! That is all it is, complete and total insanity.

"Well that is rather sweet and thoughtful of you. I didn't think that any-"

"Surprise!" Voices screamed as I stepped inside the house. I was gaping at the mass amount of people squished into my little front foyer. Most of it consisted of close family and of course Justine, Lena, and Katie. My mom had my cake in her hands with Evan right by her side.

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