Couldn't Have Imagined

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Writing Letters

Chapter 22: Couldn't Have Imagined


I've decided that it was time to send yet another letter to you and I'm sending this two weeks before that magical time of the year. Yes, the one where a 'jolly' old fat guy squeezes down fireplaces and sneaks into your house to put wrapped gifts under a plastic tree. Christmas. I'm attaching a little present to this because it's just the thrill of the season so please don't laugh or tease me about it, okay?

In celebration of this beautiful holiday I'm going to try and make this as action packed a letter as I possibly can, without writing you a story. That being said, I'll start off with the basic, "Hey! How's life?" but in some ways that's kind of dumb because I know. Considering I'm watching the X-Factor now and it's semi-finals I can call out that you're probably nervous and scared maybe. I'm not sure, I know I would be if I was in the top five to win.

You guys should be coming on soon so I'm getting all antsy, watching you perform and knowing I'm writing you is making this extra hard. It may be cheesy but I look forward to whenever you get a solo because your voice is by far my favorite, Liam coming in a close second. But, sh, I never said anything ;) Alright, so what if I did... I can't help it anymore! All of you have matured and gotten so much better I can start calling favorites. Louis, oh my lord you tell that boy I am so proud of him, okay? I remember watching his audition with the girls and all of us looking at him like he was the cutest thing and then getting upset cause he wasn't that good but now, ugh. He's going to be a heart breaker hands down.

I took the past 5 minutes of my life and stared at the TV while you performed Chasing Cars. Ugh, words cannot describe how many emotions flooded through me when Liam started and then Harry came in. Then they panned in on your face! It was just so beautiful and I know for a fact that you are going to the finals, no doubt in my mind. That smirk of yours had me (and Lena) oogling. Stop being so handsome, okay? No more wearing tuxedo's on stage or else I'll have to fly out and re-style your whole wardrobe :)

Okay I'll stop there with fangirling over you although I don't think you mind. I need to talk about life now and all the crazy stuff going on it because you're like my personal therapist now. That's right Horan, I've claimed you for my own benefit (that sounds dirty...)

Where to start is the big question though. I guess I could talk about how Katie and Justine have begun to get fed up with me not having time for them. It's not my fault though! Sometimes a girl needs to be there for her family and if losing her friends is the price, so be it. If they were my true friends they would understand and with that said, they're arse wagons.

Next up would be Evan. I've been doing a lot more 'undercover' work, following him around some more, snooping around his room again, and talking to his teachers when I get the time to go down there. I think my best bet was the teachers though 'cause they told me Evan would constantly be getting into verbal fights. It was weird at first but when I asked about his friends she shot down Deven and Andy, stating Deven had moved away and Andy never talked to Evan once. What I was able to get out of her was that he hung out a lot with a girl named Cassie. I would like to believe that this girl is the one who came to my party. Correct me if I'm wrong but usually if a little boy hangs out with a little girl he likes her a little, right? Ugh, who would have thought my now 12 year old brother would be such a drama fest.

I'm not too sure that I had ever really talked to you about this but I think it's time I informed you of the whole ordeal going on with my moms boyfriend, James. I think I said before that he was a good guy and he still is but it's all his bad choices that have me neglecting to look at how he treats my mom. I've tried, a lot, to push past it but every time I work up the courage it's like that devil on my shoulder is telling me this is all wrong and I need to fight for what I believe in. Personally I just want to forgive and forget but I can't shake the feeling that he is going to screw up again the minute that I let him back in. I'm childish, I know.

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