Admit It

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Writing Letters

Chapter 24: Admit It


April. It had literally been 7 months since I had last heard from Amelia and for a while I had actually forgotten about her. Things would have been absolutely fine if I wasn't rushing earlier this morning in an attempt to find a shirt and stumbled over the T-shirt from her. Seeing the American flag on it was a huge slap to the face and a horrible spiral back into the reality that involved the girl I had almost admitted true feelings for. Now? Now I hadn't stopped thinking about her since seeing the damned thing and I was on the brink of picking up the phone.

There were so many things I wanted to ask her, mostly consisting of why she had become so distant from me with the letters. How were things with River? Was she enjoying her last year of high school? Did she make up with Katie and Justine? What was she planning to do after graduation? And most of all, did she miss me let alone think of me? I felt like a teenage girl with all of these clingy obsessive questions flooding my mind.

I collapsed into a random chair that was set up in the living room of Zayn's house and gripped onto my water bottle tightly. My eyes were locked onto the glass door leading outside, not minding his little sisters running around in the yard as my thoughts were plaguing me. There was no acknowledgement of Zayn as he walked in my line of vision and laid down on the couch with his head craned to look at me.

We had a small break until tour rehearsals started in a month so I decided to spend a week with Zayn then fly back home for the remainder of my vacation. I thought it would be a good idea to spend time with him because he was one of the boys that I didn't know as much about. Since he's my band mate, it's only right I figure it out.

"You've been silent all day, what's on your mind?" He questioned, eyebrows creasing in concern. His arms moved and tucked underneath his head as he watched me intently with patience as I pursed my lips and took my eyes away from the door.

"Amelia," I sighed quietly. The mention of her name had him stiffening up and turning around to sit up straight and look at me.

"I haven't heard that name in ages," He said in what looked like shock.

"Same here," I shrugged with my lips tightening. There was a hanging tension in the air with a looming question that I knew was next to come. Zayn had always been very perceptive of everyone emotions and thoughts so it was no surprise when he gave me the 'look'.

"What's going on with her?" He asked at last. I let my bottle crinkle a bit as I prepared myself to explain everything that was going on.

"I have no idea because I haven't talked to her for 7 months," I said slowly, eyes diverting to stare at the cobblestone brick lining the fireplace. There was a whistle of shock from Zayn as he lent back into the couch and ran his hand through his hair.

"Didn't you start liking her?" He questioned me almost immediately. I could merely shrug at the mention of my feelings towards Amelia mostly because I still wasn't sure of them. If you asked me 7 months ago I probably would have said yes right off the bat but now... now I felt like I was on a feelings reset.

"Come on mate aren't you the least bit curious what's going on? You two were so close," Zayn pushed on. I pursed my lips, not wanting to accept that what he said was true but it in all honesty was. Damn, my curiosity is always getting in the way of things and I think until I resolve this Amelia situation I'm never going to think straight.

"Of course I am," I said at last.

"Then talk to her! Call her! Do something instead of staring at my fireplace all day. I reassure you it'll still be there when you come back," Zayn smirked, hand waving at the fireplace. I turned my head and gave him a flat look before sighing and leaning my head back.

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