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Writing Letters


"I want you to take out a pencil and a piece of notebook paper and write an introduction about yourself," Mrs. Blanche spoke sternly. Her hands were folded over her as she lent against her desk and looked over the class with her eyes peering through her glasses.

She was generally a nice teacher, strict and formal, but always kind when a student needed her to be and for that I liked her. This was out of the ordinary though, the whole asking us to do something completely random especially because she already knew all of us. Everyone was glancing around as if they could hear my thoughts and the nerves seemed to grow in the room to the point that a girl's hand shot up.

"Yes, Ms. Averlyn?" Mrs. Blanche questioned with furrowed brows.

"You already know us though. Why would you need us to write an introduction?" Rachel hummed with her hand slowly falling back to her side. A smirk twitched on Mrs. Blanche's lips as she began to walk around the room slowly with a heavy sigh.

"I'm glad that someone asked. This year I've recently gotten in contact with a good friend of mine from my days spent studying at University in Dublin, Ireland. We were both looking towards a career as English teachers and we found a pen pal system as a good way to test your writing abilities," She nodded along with her statement. At the mention of a pen pal a few kids groaned while other perked up at the idea, as for me, well I just sat there. 

"In this project you may say anything you want within reason such as you may not use text speech or inappropriate words. This will go on until the end of the year and will count as a 150 point assignment so please stay focused and be sure to write back on the appropriate days. At the end of the year you will present your pen pal to the class. Details will be given when that time comes," Mrs. Blanche ended, leaning back on her desk and looking out at all of us with a grin. 

My pencil began to tap thoughtfully as I contemplated what my pal may be like, if they are nice or just a complete idiot in my perspective. There are a lot of people in the world with a lot of different personalities and honestly I didn't want to get stuck with someone who considered themselves "The Shit". I'm typically a nerd, kind caring, all those wonderful adjectives that most people describe themselves with albeit I might actually be them. 

"So we're writing to people in Ireland?" A boy in the back called out. There was a disapproving glare from the teacher as she let out a heavy sigh and nodded. "Sweet."

A string of laughter was let out from the class at the muffled side comment, even I managed to crack a smirk. Not a single one of my friends was in this class which pretty much left me to find my own entertainment and well, the people in this class did have their amusing moments. Maybe it has something to do with the air headed popular kids that hang by the windows, but I'm not so low as to find that amusing. No, not me.

"Alright that's enough. I want you to introduce yourself and then place your letter into an envelope. The only requirement for every letter is to include something that occurred in your day or weekend," Mrs. Blanche interrupted the small class discussion going on. I caught her lips tug upward into a small smile before I ducked my head to my paper and started.

Maybe this might just be a bit entertaining.

Who knows, maybe I'll make a friend through these things. 

How hard is it to write letters to someone anyway?

Boy was that an understatement.


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