"Will definitely needs to take a look at you." Nick mutters next to her side, eyes concerned." AZ pauses then groans again, facepalming. "What's wrong?"

"He has a gentle face and kind demeanor but I ran all the way here when he told me to stay in the infirmary. I'm toast, seriously." She keeps her head down. "Way to make a good first impression."

"I can't give you any promises. Will is nice but straightforward." Nick comments as they walk behind Davis.

"Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven........" AZ mutters, her head down again. 

She doesn't hear anything from Sel, doesn't even look if he is behind her. Though she was sure she only heard four foot steps at that point. Only hers, Bree, Nick and Lord Davis.

After Sels attack she was attended to in the infirmary room, quickly by a disappointed William. He made note to say that he wouldn't keep up with her impulsive antics, not to be mean of course. But he said she had scared him when she vanished and suddenly got herself in trouble with the Kingsmage. Upset with Sel she ranted about him to the healer who could only sigh and agree with her words.

She wished she could be at the ceremony for Pages, there for Bree, to see how it really worked, but she was playing the role of the Vassal and needed to stay vigilant. After William was finished attending he offered her the green tea he rewarmed for her and she hastily takes a sip but almost chokes when she burns her tongue in the process.

"Ah!" She gagged. "Why do I keep on doing this? First the wine, now some damn tea!" She squints her eyes and William chuckles from beside her. 

"Well, if you're not in a rush all the time." He points out and AZ purses her lips.

"Bree does say I eat too fast." She mutters and the healer tilts her head, inspecting her chin, it there was a slight scar on her jaw, probably from the altercation with Sel.

"I'll get him back." AZ mutters gritting her teeth as her eyes meet the ceiling. "That monster doesn't deserve to roam free." She doesn't notice how William's eyes falter in sadness a little bit, but he doesn't say anything as he heals her chin.

And that's when that scream came to them as she and Will panic, her chest heaving. What could be going on? The cry echoes against the trees outside and AZ all of sudden feels a shriek of pain that creeps up on the back of her neck.

William doesn't have time to process anything when Sel, the Merlin of the hour, kicks open the door forcefully. So forcefully that AZ falls from the bed in shock. Her head luckily not meeting the floor but the end of the sheets. William whirls around to look at her, wide eyed but is distracted by the Merlin again.

He notices a limp Felicity on his arms. "What happened?" The healer asks, frantic.

"She was called." Sel said sternly as the healer goes to check on her. "I brought her back as fast as I could. She needs rest, William." The healer nods and gestures to the bed next to AZs. The girl is still laying on the floor.

"Set her down, I'll check up on her." Without a beat, Sel sets the redhead down on the bed. His footsteps were light and swift, its almost as if he wasn't even in the room. Felicity is mumbling to herself, unconscious.

Sel pauses after he does. And sniffs in the air. AZ freezes, she feels his head turn towards her by the bed, yet he cannot see her. But she felt he could sense her well. William looks cautious. "Sel."

"Something troublesome is behind that bed." The Merlin says menacingly and AZ shivers at the thought of a sadistic smirk on his face. She knew he wanted her gone.

𝙍𝙀𝘽𝙊𝙍𝙉, the legendborn cycle (1)Where stories live. Discover now