BONUS PART | 15 Years Later

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Song: Thinking out loud - Ed Sheeran


Carefully and after having waited 'patiently' the proper time, I restrained the mold from the oven and immediately the sweet scent of the dessert got my mouth watering. Not bad for being made out of following Google's instructions.

I spun slow and warily, holding it tightly with the oven glove. "Careful now, Cece."

And the girl immediately jumped out the way, allowing me to let it on the courner where, very carefully, I removed the mold from the fuming cake. It smelled deliciously yummy and I mentally patted my back, proud. I knew I could make it. Cece clung on the edge of the counter, this past months she'd grown a couple inches and now her eye-line could reached that level.

"Whoaa." her mouth was parted in awe at what we just made. My heart melted at her amazement. I love that expresion on her. I would paint it there dayly if it was up to me.

"We made it pretty good, uh?"

She absently nodded, her stare remaining on our creation. Then turned to look up at me with a bright grin, her missing tooth evident as ever. "It looks deliciosly yummy."

I laughed at how similar our thoughts were. Apple don't fall far from the tree, they said. "It does." pulling out the uncomfortable glove I brushed away the soft locks that's slid from her ponytail. Despites August's suffocating heat they still yet to entirelly dry from this morning trip to the beach.

This couple weeks Hayden and I matched hollydays we'd decided to rent a recreational vehicle and camp on the camping barely feet away from the golden sand. It also had a pool and other families so the kids are distracted. Well, at least Cece and Theo. Wyatt was more of a quiet boy and didn't necesaily like interactions with strangers, they made him rather uncomfotable.

Cece looked up from the dessert once more. "You think Daddy would like it?"

"Oh, I bet." I kissed the top of her head. "He'll like it double when you tell him you help in doing it." Her grin doubled and returned to the cake before us. "Well," I took out the few things we bought earlier. "Shall we decorate it, now?"

Earlier when I was at the marked owed by the camping itself, I realized there weren't much of choices in the desert section. A couple muffins and a lima-pie that had a none-too-appealing green color. So despites my lack of skills in the cooking section, I decided I would made a cake by myself. Since it was a surprise -so I always could throw it and buy the lima-mound in case I messed up- once Hayden and the twins were set to their dayly nap after lunch I began my creation. Cece refused to take naps since she turned six over a year ago, so when she noticed my whereabouts joined eagerly.

For the next half an hour we filled it with cherry jam, Hayden's favourite; and then recovered it all with melted chocolate, Cece's favourite.

By the time we were done it looked pretty decent, may I say, and a pang of pride crossed my chest. Cece squealled joyful and it only rose my mood. Hope he'll like it, and clicked my tongue when I glanced at the clock on the wall. "Cece, love, can you take go get the presents for me, please? They're behind Theo's case." She jumped to her feet, eager to help as I finished the corners of the cake just so it looked as perfect as it could and then took out the candles.

"Where do I drop them?" I heard her behind me and turned wiping my hands on the nearest rag I found.

"Here, I'll take them." I took the bag from her and place the packets on the plastic table in the middle of the RV, between the kitchen and the rooms. Cece came to hug my leg as I placed them nicely around and the amateur cake in the center of it. Mh, yeah that would make it.

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