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Song: So far away - RED



I stared at the angry red scrapped letters over the silver locker for a couple more seconds, ignoring the snickers and mocking words around me. No matter what, they won't see me crumble. Whoever thought it was funny to write such an awful thing across my locker must have done to get a reaction from me. Well, I won't let them win.

People around the hallway is getting closer to get a glimpse of what was everybody snickering about. Not having it in me to endure their crap and go on with this show, I fake boredom and walked by, rolling my eyes. But as soon as I was hiding in the bathroom and into the stall, I did allow myself to show anxiety.

Why me? Gosh, what had I ever done to deserve being socially outcasted like that?

After the post of that bloody picture, everything'd run out of hand fast. People wouldn't stop commenting similar things to what was now painting my locker on Sadie's post or my own account. It's agonizing to see how such an amount of people turned against you with you haven't done anything. I mean, everyone took that as if I was cheating on Adam, but I don't remember them going that protective when he cheated on me three years ago... or even with Paris. He didn't have to endure a quarter of the crap I have to, when in reality neither were we together nor I'd cheated on anybody.

But that didn't matter. I was suddenly a whore.

Sadie and I had this major argue 'cause she refused to take down the pic, claiming it was only some haters and nothing more, not seeing the harassment until it was already too late. So now she got the repercussion she was aiming for but upon my reputation.

Worse, she didn't even get why I even got mad when she'd actually taken it down... Well, maybe I was mad because she promised me not to publish it in the first place, because it made everyone had more solid reasons to hate me and because by the time she finally decided to take it down our whole student body had already seen it.

The fact that Adam was MIA on the social media only increased the sympathy towards him, and some sassy double-meaning twits courtesy from Paris an another popular cheerleader helped people chose sides. I was suddenly the ungrateful bitch who stole the golden boy from our it girl just to crush his heart and messed everything. Hell, even I would hate me from their perspective.

And now their anger towards me had morphed into actual harassment printed all over my locker.

Taking a couple deep breaths and once I was sure there were no chance of me breaking down or something equally humiliating, I got out the bathroom. The bell was about to ring and there were only several students out the classes right now, some of them still amused at the writing but not as bad as when I first appeared.

Their stares burned in my back but I ignored them, absently passing my fingertips across the word. Yep, it's permanent. I sighed, holding my tears at the back of my throat so they won't see me crying, and forced my face to remain mostly blank, uninterested. Hoping these stupid jerks would lose interest when I was clearly ignoring them, I just calmly took my books and scurried away from there.

As I neared the homeroom, not looking up from the floor and ignoring my surroundings, a sudden force bumped against my shoulder and almost caused me to fall. All my belongings spread at my feet and I heard laughing.

"Watch where you're going, slut." spat the girl who just 'accidentally' bumped into me.

I gawked at her, fists clenching in growing fury. "Excuse me?"

𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠 𝐌𝐞 𝐃𝐨𝐰𝐧 (𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏)Where stories live. Discover now