104 7 0

Song: Heart attack - Demi Lovato


"That was so great." smiled Jess when the final music's beat echoed and she finally stopped recording, lowering the camera.

"You said that the last five times." huffed Paris as we both stood regaining our breath.

Earlier this week we'd decided that since we both were going to apply to the same college, we could impress them further with a choreography for two. It would be more spectacular than a solo and even tho we knew we kinda were 'rivals' for the same place, we also agreed it would improve greatly both of our chances. Also demonstrating we have team skills.

So we've been coming to her house every afternoon after the cheer practice, since she had a huge mirror room with parquet flooring; and created our own dance mixing what we both have. She was as exigent as I was and even more of a perfectionist, but damn talented. Let me tell you, it looked quite awesome. So today we'd invited Jess to record it for our application to California University.

"Well," Jess shrugged. "The last five times you were amazing as well."

"You're not exactly being useful, you know?" Paris rolled her eyes as we do the proper stretching, but I could see the a phantom smile tugging the corner of her mouth.

"Oh, come on." Jess got up from the floor and approached us toying with the camera's buttons. "I personally like the third most, 'cause you made that effect with your leg at the end, but all of them are great."

She handed the camera back to the blond and as she inspected the recorded material I opened my arms, engulfing my friend in.

"Aaah, I love you so much, have I ever told you?"

"Can't breath."

"Oops." I released her still grinning and bent to pick up my water bottle, throwing Paris hers.

"What's up with you today?" she wondered briefly glancing up to catch the water, but quickly going back to inspect our video. "You're like hyper excited about everything."

"Oh, yes." Jess sat back to her spot with a small giggle. "She has a date."

My eyes widened, choking on the drink as Paris chuckled after a slip from her bottle. "Oh, does she?"

I coughed quickly wiping my chin. "Jess!"

"It's true!" she shrugged. "All the week waiting and now finally..."

The video ended and Paris' nodded, satisfied, before sliding the small camera in its case and frowned at me. "With who?"

I was a little taken aback by such a question. "Mm, Hayden..."

"Oh, aren't you two already dating?"

I would have choked again, but luckily this time I wasn't drinking. "What? No!"

"Well," she drank some more, a small purse on her brows. "Technically, if he asked you for a date, and today you're actually having this date... You are dating."

I opened my mouth, ready to refuse such accusation, my guts tightened, but nothing came out. I know it didn't seem such a big deal, but as someone afraid of relationships... I'd been super excited when Hayden asked that night, but whenever I thought of it on my own I freak out. I need to do baby steps. One at time.

"She had a point, you know." Jess shrugged, enjoying me being the one unsure with guy's problems for once. I bet she'd been praying for this to happen ever since she got that massive crush on Ethan Bale in seventh grade. I narrowed my eyes at her.

𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠 𝐌𝐞 𝐃𝐨𝐰𝐧 (𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏)Where stories live. Discover now