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Song: What's left of me - Nick Lachey


The silence was unbearable.

Yep; you added me, Hayden, a car and a lot of unanswered questions... and the best I could do was count how many seconds could I endure the growing tension before it became too much. So far, I'd counted 'till eighty-six. That and the purring of the engine was all that filled the air as we leave the Bricks behind.



I could tell he was uncomfortable as well for the way he tapped his fingers on his tight and how tensed his muscles were. Something was telling it wasn't only 'cause of his pained ribs.

Ninety- nine.

One hundred.

One hundred one...

Okay, enough.

"So-" I started at the exact same time Hayden said: "Well-" and then we both: "You first."

My gosh! We barely had started this conversation and it hardly could get any more cliche. His lips tugged upwards in a hint of what could be considered a smile and I cleared my throat.

"How are you feeling?"

He lightly moved one shoulder up, like a shrugged, but limited by his ache. "I'm fine." I didn't trust him for a second but well. "How are you?"

"Me?" I frowned. I was perfectly fine.

"After your first race." he clarified and I couldn't help a little grin when the rush from before came back to me at the reminder. "I don't know how you even manage to convince Gavin."

"Well, I got a little help from Emily. He didn't want me to come with in the beginning." slight apprehension filled the air again and I squeezed my brains to keep the smooth chat going. Anything was better than to fall into an uncomfortable silence once more. "He was worried it might be a bad idea."

Hayden scoffed and caused me to knit my brows together. "Yeah, he seemed to be always so protective over you."

I didn't get his tone. Was that a bad thing? Did Hayden not like that his friend liked me when he clearly thinks otherwise? Not sure how to approach such a difficult topic, I carefully mumbled: "That's really sweet of him."

"Sweet?" he chuckled dryly and shook his head in disbelief. I immediately realized that wasn't the best remark. "Yeah. If I hadn't known for a fact that he swing for the other team, I would seriously think he might have a crush on you."

My lips parted in shock. "You know Jonah?"

"He's my best friend," Hayden sent me a weird look. "Why wouldn't I know his long time boyfriend?"

Of course he did, that made sense. I cursed under my breath. "I've been trying to get him to introduce me ever since I've found out but he just won't!"

"Don't beat yourself over it. Gave didn't let people in easily." Yeah, I know. "But hey, you're his lucky charm, aren't you?" he mumbled and I glanced his way just in time to catch an eyes roll. "So sweet."

I blushed a bit, but managed to keep my cool. "Well, that is more like a money thing, you know? They bet in these tracks." I explained, but was cut by his snort:

"Sure they bet." my hands clenched the steering wheel at his duh-tone. "That's basically the main attraction of this whole thing. That and the rush."

"Oh," I felt my cheeks tickling more and cleared my throat again. "Well, I didn't know. Nobody told me."

𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠 𝐌𝐞 𝐃𝐨𝐰𝐧 (𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏)Where stories live. Discover now