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Song: Anchor - Skillet


Warning: this chapter contend explicit violence, read at your own risk

I was jolted awake, back to the dim reality at the sound of the door opening. A sudden pang of fear shot through my veins and whether I couldn't remember why, I knew I was in danger; violently flinching when a strong calloused hand grabbed my upper arm. Without even giving me time to fully rouse I was forced upwards and dragged somewhere.

Unable to focus on anything as black dots filled my vision and my legs refused to work I whimpered at the merciless pang of soreness from being in the same uncomfortable position for God knows how long. The sudden light from upstairs blinded me, but it never stopped whoever was dragging me around.

I was mentally and physically exhausted. I couldn't point out when the last time I eat has been. My mouth and throat was dry from dehydration and everything hurts. The wound in my collar bone had stopped bleeding before I'd fallen sleep, but judging on the burning sensation I would swear that it'd become infected. I was just too tired and everything hurts too much. I just wanted this hell to end.

Loud voices were drumming across that creepy room where I was brought the other time and my guts clenched at the known timber on them. I knew who they were. Too engrossed in their discussion they didn't notice our entrance. Blinking furiously the dark dots away and still struggling to get my feet well stepped with my jelly limbs, we got in.

"-given you the fucking money, you coward." Hayden spat venomously to an apparently chill Elijah. I almost cried just from seeing him.

He was there. With his back to me. On that nightmare of a place.

The relief I felt from seeing him was quickly overpowered by the violent churning of my guts as I finally started making sense of the situation. My gaze darted briefly around. The first thing I noticed was that Chase wasn't here. I didn't know why I looked for him... maybe because he was the only one that's shown some kind of mercy. But now I couldn't even 'count' on him or whatever. Besides the man holding me, there was another one arms crossed, ready to jump, and a couple more bent over the desk counting bills from a black briefcase.

The money, I remembered the reason I was here in the first place. To get the League's money from Hayden.

My eyes instantly welled up, my heart thawing with every harsh pound. He had come for me.

"I've done what you asked for." my head was spinning when he roared again, more enraged than I'd ever seen him. Like if been outnumbered wasn't at all a disadvantage. "Now fulfill your part." with his back facing me he still oblivious at our arrival. I wanted to call for him so desperately... my lips parted, but nothing came out. "Either way, what kind of a man blackmails another with this shit?"

"A busy one." he deadpanned with a small shrug. But then something none so indifferent swirled under his emotionless eyes as he lightly shrugged one shoulder. "Consider this a little payback."

Hayden snorted. "Whatever happen on the ring was none other than the consequences of your lack of preparation."

"Not in the League, you dumbass."

"Then what?"

Elijah sighed and I recognized the flame in his eyes, other than cold impassivity I'd only seen this emotion in his eyes. Only one time. When I accused him of killing Payton. "You think I don't know you brainwashed her against me?"

𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠 𝐌𝐞 𝐃𝐨𝐰𝐧 (𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏)Where stories live. Discover now