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Song: Unkiss me - Maroon 5


As soon as I pulled on the first free spot available the music's vibration reached us from the bar on the other side of the parking lot. The neon lights were like a claim in the middle of the night, calling the passers-by to enter and evade their suck up lives... Just what I needed right now.

"Okay." Sadie fixed one last time her make up and readjusted her cleavage, then turned to me, her puffy eyes from an hour ago weren't even noticeable. "I'm hot. You're hot. We're ready."

She and Dan had gotten into another fight, this time worst, and Sadie had called me to get her head out problems. Supposedly, I was grounded for yesterday's behavior, but my room happens to have a window; and we both needed a night off so here we were.

"Are you sure this is the place?" I asked, eying the building carefully. "'Cause this bar resembles a lot to a-"

"-strip club?" she finished for me. I nodded and Sadie laughed. "Don't worry, Ari. I'm mad, but not that much. Can't blame you, tho, my first time I was reluctant as well, but inside it's cool."

We approached the local, passing the line of people waiting for the guard to let them in and went straight ahead. The giant in a suit by the entrance eyed us over when we stop there, all confident, and five seconds later opened the door with a slight nod. We smiled him and I intertwined my arm with Sadie's as we entered.

"I told you," she grinned. "We look hot."

Once inside she was right, the club seemed pretty cool. The lights were low with some neon in as well and the dance floor was huge and full. There were white leather couches at the back and a large bar to the side. Sadie went straight to that one and climbed up one free stool. I follow her still ogling the place.

"Okay," she straightened her back and tried to get the attention of the barman. "I'm ready to drink now. You?"

I nodded and cautiously sat beside her. "I guess..."

"It's all said then." she finally got the barman's attention and ordered two rums with coke before I could say anything.

I gasped. "Sadie! I have to drive, remember? Something lighter." I hissed leaning closer so she could hear me over the music just as the man behind the bar put two cups in front of us and she smiled, grabbing hers and drinking a generous slip before turning to me with a raised brow.

"Oh, but you're planning on driving back?"

My scowl furrowed. "Who else?"

She smirked and took another slip letting her eyes wander around the local. "What about that blond down there? Or the black pearl on the second couch?" she sighed. "Ah, decisions, decisions..." then she saw my baffled gaze and giggled. "Come on Ari. Let's have some fun."

"I thought we were going to have fun."

"Oh, and we will." she nodded and scrunched her nose briefly before winking the 'blond' previously mentioned. "But you know, a threesome It's not my kind of thing."

I shook my head still more shocked than I should be, I mean, she was Sadie. It was not like her to go out in a friendly manner.

"Weren't you trying to get over Dan?"

Her jaw clenched at his name and I inwardly cursed myself, but it was gone as soon as it came. "Yep, and this would certainly get him outta my mind, I guarantee you."

I rolled my eyes; half amused, half disapointed. "Sure. And what am I supposed to do while?"

"Come on, Ari. There's plenty guys here for you to choose. Several of them passable."

𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠 𝐌𝐞 𝐃𝐨𝐰𝐧 (𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏)Where stories live. Discover now