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Song: It's my life - Bon Jovi


Some hours later I was sneaking out my house before my father suggested to have a lovely dinner with that nurse. Again. Like he'd been hinting to do a lot this past week.

He got that idea he had to introduce her to the family, but I gotta say it didn't fit me well. Don't get me wrong, I was more than glad that my dad had found someone who apparently make him happy. But did it really had to be with someone who would easily pass as his eldest daughter?

Julian wasn't a big fan either and we somehow had managed to avoid the topic whenever we sensed he wanted to approach it.

We knew our avoiding wouldn't last long, but as far as I could delay having to sit with a girl only six years older than me, whom I knew was screwing my father; the merrier.

I jumped into the driver seat of my car and pulled out to pick Sadie, Janice and Tessa from the last's house. They had gone to take that ice-cream they mentioned before, but after what happened with Hayden, I really wasn't in the mood for hanging out. I needed to recover a bit and processed everything. Now what I needed was to have some fun so my mind could get out those messes -by that meaning Dove, Adam, my mother not supporting my future... All that shit.

Jess didn't want to come, just like the last time, and Troy said tomorrow he had to wake up early so he couldn't hang up tonight. Shame. But well, the girls were fine last time; and there we'd met Gavin, Emily and provably Dan, so it'd be great.

Not even ten minutes later Sadie was in the passenger seat, gossiping cheerfully as we followed Janice's black Volkswagen down the road. This way, we won't be bound to one another and could leave whenever we want. Great for me since I know Sadie would more than provably be staying with Dan, I was free to do as I please.

"By the way," I remembered after laughing for some joke my friend made about Marcy, one of the girls from our squad. "Have you found out what happened to Paris?"

"No, girl." she clicked her tongue and a wave of disappointment washed over me. "She never answered our messages."

"Yeah, mine neither."

"But we came up with this theory." she jerked closer with that eager look. "Haven't you heard about the locker's problem?"

"The what?" I frowned.

"Someone have given Adam a black eye this afternoon while he was in the locker room after the football trainmen."

My heart literally stopped for a second and my hands gripped the steering wheel tighter. "Oh." was all I managed to say and cleared my throat casually before she get suspicious at my reaction. "Really?"

"Apparently." she nodded. "And since Paris is his... fuck buddy or whatever, we thought maybe she went with him to the nurse?"

"Mm, but if that happen after the trainmen, then it also happened after Paris canceled everything."

"Damn it." her eyes widened. "You're right. Okay, screw the theory we need more information."

I giggled but inside I felt something cold rushing my veins. Someone'd hit Adam? Who? Why? He was the golden boy, everyone kiss the floor he step. It made no sense.

Just like the last time, we were greeted by the music and the sparkly ambient when we parked in the 'line' of cars once we passed the bridge. There were groups of people splashed around the ruins and some couples making out as the beat of the music from some car made my bones vibrate.

𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠 𝐌𝐞 𝐃𝐨𝐰𝐧 (𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏)Where stories live. Discover now