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Song: I'll be there -Jess Glynne


"Well, he sounds like an actual ass to me." Troy scrunched his nose.

"He totally is!" I nodded. "I barely know him, but I can already tell that."

"Well, but he's Hayden Walker." Sadie shrugged her shoulders as if that sentence has to explain everything for itself.

"So?" I rose a brow, but she shared just a confident gaze with Jess, unbothered, before looking back at me and brushed her dark hair to on side.

"He's hot as hell."

Again, like if that had to work as an excuse for him being a jackass.

"So?" I repeated.

"Come on, Ari. Look me straight in the eye and tell me that that sexual beast isn't the most gorgeous male that had ever stepped in Milton High."

I pursed my lips. "It's an old school, I can't take such a guess."

"My Gosh, girl!" she laughed." Your standards must be so high."

"Oh, come on!" I rolled my eyes. "So what if he's hot? Haven't you seen the whole harassing thing? No amount of beauty can upstage that."

"I'm with Arielle in this one." supported me Troy smiling at me. "Actually, It was about time, people. It seemed like that jerk could woo any girl by just breathing. It gives a lot of hell to the rest of us, you know?"

A snort of disbelief escaped my lips, wondering how can female population be so blind sometimes. Well, maybe I'm more sensitive about that harassing issue because of Julian. Maybe if it had never happened I would be like them... And that thought alone made me wanna throw up.

"Well, not this one." I reassured him.

His smile widened and he placed his arm on the back of our bench, so close to my back that I felt my skin tingling. "Glad to see that."

There was a weird tension in the air as I grinned back up at him, something I couldn't exactly pointed from the way he was looking at me and that unsettled something in the pit of my stomach. But before I could ask about it the waitress came with our orders.

Remember that ice-cream Jess had promised me? Well, after our classes ended we went to our cafe, where they'd known us since we were literally babies and got our desserts. I asked for a big chocolate one, her a strawberry and mint -weird, I know, but it's Jess- and Sadie and Troy a piece lemon cake.

Troy Nichols had been my friend since forever 'cause our fathers were each other's best man on their weddings and we had hung out together our whole life. He was sweet and funny, but also had a protective side that came out from time to time and made you wanna hug him like a big teddy bear. He'd been on the baseball team since he was old enough to hold a bat and hate everything that went against the rules. Usually play the 'conscience's part' in out little group.

And he hadn't been happy at all when he knew what happen while he was busy preparing the tryouts. I, on the other hand, had been pissed for a while after my run-in with Big Jerk and Henry thanked us, but looked embarrassed as hell and didn't want to sit with us so instead he disappeared for the rest of the lunch break. Jess told me this was his usual thing to do. Along with Hayden's usual thing was to mess with everyone around.

As she told me, he came to Milton High right after I left, so that's why I'd never met him before. And no one ever considered telling me about the new 'bad boy' in our school 'cause everyone had just assumed that he rules.

𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠 𝐌𝐞 𝐃𝐨𝐰𝐧 (𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏)Where stories live. Discover now