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Song: Dear society - Madison Beer


As soon as the match came to an end -Milton's Bears winning, of course- the whole field erupted in cheers and people screaming. The environment was loud, and ecstatic... but I couldn't join them.

Not only I'd been having a hell of a day, but I also had plans this night with my father, Julian and Dove. I had to meet them an hour from now and endure an entire dinner with them. But, well, looking at the bright side, that gave me the perfect excuse not to party with my 'mates'.

This past week had been horrible, and half of them hate me 'cause they thought I betrayed Paris' and stole Adam from her... As if! And not only that, but it also affected the cheer squad. They would glower at me or ignore me. Only Sadie, Janice and a couple other girls would treat me like nothing had changed and that pained me more than I would have ever thought. The match had been tense, I hadn't enjoyed it. Not one bit... and it's been a long while since I hadn't loved doing what I adore the most: dance.

I would much rather call Jessica and spend the weekend at hers, she was apparently the only person who still having my back when everything seemed to crumble; but she had this family event and all the Goosmans were on a trip to the other side of the state.

Not in the mood to interact with anyone, I let Sadie know I was heading out and sneaked in the changing room as everyone outside was too busy celebrating the recent victory. I wasn't even going to shower here nor change, I rather did it at home where I would also doll myself up for the lovely event this night. So I just grabbed my bag and headed towards my car.

I was just unlocking my car and had thrown my things in it when a voice startled me from behind.

"You do have a lot of courage, Steelver."

I sighed, knowing this was bound to happen sooner or later. Carefully I turned around to face a pissed Paris, also in her cheerleader uniform, standing there arms crossed and fierce gaze.

"And to think that I actually trusted you." she snorted. "You were a bitch this whole time!"

"Paris, it's not like that." I gulped, the bruises burning under my clothes. How could I convince here it wasn't really my choice?

"No? Funny, 'cause it totally look like you crawl back here again and stole what other's people own." Own? But she glared harder when I attempted to open my mouth, the tears in her lashes shutting me. "You know I spend almost two years wooing that guy? And for what? For you to come back and whore a little making him forget everything I've done." she sniffled and I felt shittier. "How could you? I know we didn't exactly start with the right foot, but I thought we were starting to become friends-"

My chest quavered. "We are."

"Oh, spare me, you bitch." she spat wiping her tears away with fury. "I was obviously wrong, but you won't fool me twice. Don't talk to me, don't ever come near me again. As for the team, I'm pretty sure you've noticed the girls are also seeing your true self."

I'm not going to lie, her words hurt. I felt my own eyes watering at her murderous gaze. She hated me, and I didn't know what to tell her that could help me out. Paris gaze then shifted to something beyond my shoulder and became stormy.

Suddenly two arms snaked around my waist and I felt my heart dropping when I was pulled into a hard chest. "Mind if I borrow her?" the well known voice made me shudder.

It might sound light, but I know it could change in a heartbeat. These past days I'd learned that in public he wouldn't do anything too rough. At lunchtime, for example, he would make sure I sit by his side, maybe even go a little possessive and lean his arm by my chair. But whether it made my skin crawl, it didn't actually hurt me. It was with no one else around that all that possessiveness shifted into harsh manhandle and aggressiveness. So I came to the conclusion that the more public the safer I was.

𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠 𝐌𝐞 𝐃𝐨𝐰𝐧 (𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏)Where stories live. Discover now