"Because I needed money!" Fuck! That sounded horrible more than it did in my head.

"Money?" Liv furrowed her brows. "For Roger's treatment?"

I nodded with a sigh. "Rylan had to get married according to his grandfather's will. He proposed to get Dad treated by the best possible as payment and he is doing that. His words from that day replayed in my mind.

"And I got to know this after two months of your marriage? You didn't think of speaking to us before signing it?" Dean looked mad. Well, extremely mad.


"What, El? What? I wanted to help with Roger's treatment. You didn't let me! You didn't let Liv!" He accused, anger seeping through his words.

"I didn't want to burden you with that responsibility." Liv scoffed. "Understand it. Rylan here isn't doing me a favor. He is benefitting from this deal too. Dad's treatment is a sort of payment." I spoke in a go, frustration evident in my voice.

"I don't know what to say!" Liv was hurt, it was there in her voice.

"I'm sorry, I—" My eyes welled up at the thought of having hurt the two people who were like my family.

Dean shut his eyes and inhaled, as if he was summoning all the patience he had. "I feel so helpless that you're in this position. I just- I don't know." He dragged his hand down his face. I encircled my hands around his waist and stuffed my face in his chest. He wrapped his hands around me and sighed.

"I don't understand how I should help you." He mumbled.

"It's not that bad. I promise."

"How does Rylan treat you?" I pulled away to look at both of them.

"Good. I swear. He's just a little moody but he is not a bad guy. Trust me on that." I looked back at Liv and stretched my arms, gesturing to her to join in the hug which she did.


"Mr. Parker, someone wishes to speak to you." Steven interrupted, opening the door a little. Just a look at his face irritated the fuck out of me. Why was he still working as my assistant was beyond me.

"I don't wish to speak to anyone right now." I went back to look at the file, extremely occupied by the details of the project.

"I told him but he is very persistent." I clicked my tongue in annoyance and sighed. I didn't remember giving anyone an appointment at this time and Jayce wouldn't have been stopped from coming in directly. Then who the hell was it ?

"Name?" I tapped the pen on the desk.

"Dean Reid." My movements seized before I looked up at him. He flinched like an abused puppy.

"Let him in." He nodded and went out moments before Dean walked in.

"Dean." I put the pen down .

"Rylan." He curtly greeted me, his face showing his clear distaste for me. It had been there since day one. Mutual feelings mate!

"Fancy seeing you here!!" My voice on the contrary held no excitement.

"Or maybe not." I raised a brow at his statement.

"I am here to talk about Elena." I automatically stiffened a bit. I wasn't interested in talking about her, much less to him.

"What about her?"

"I want you to treat her right, give her the respect she deserves." He looked dead into my eyes.

"Are you basically here to lecture me on how I should treat my wife?" I clenched my jaws and glared at him.

"No, I am here to warn you that you don't mistreat my best friend. Just because no one knows of the contract, don't try to take advantage of the situation." I inhaled his words. What more did I expect from that woman, that she will keep her promise? I chuckled humorlessly at him.

"So she cried to you about how evil I am to her?" He smacked his lips in annoyance and looked away. Taking a deep breath, he turned again.

"You're a little more than a stranger to Elena and she hardly sees people for what they are. Make sure you don't hurt her, emotionally or physically or you will have me to deal with." My jaw clenched at his fucking audacity to walk into my office and threaten me. Of course her little friend had weeped about her distress.

"Have a good day." He walked a few steps back and turned to leave. To say I was mad was an understatement. I took a deep breath trying to calm the rising anger in me.

 I took a deep breath trying to calm the rising anger in me

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Something Gained: A Billionaire Romance Where stories live. Discover now